
Terms for subject Securities containing 曲线 | all forms | in specified order only
上升曲线incremental curve
上升下降曲线advance-decline line
个性曲线characteristic line
个股曲线技术分析characteristic line
曲线利率合约midcurve interest rate contracts
价差曲线spread curve
偏态频率曲线技术分析skew frequency curve
利率曲线不平行变化non-parallel shift in the yield curve
利率市场中的收益率曲线yield curve in interest rate market
即期利率曲线spot rate curve
反向收益曲线inverted yield curve
向上倒锤形曲线已无上升动力,随时可能回落up inverted hammer (技术分析)
向上收益曲线ascending yield curve
头肩形曲线head and shoulders
带形曲线技术分析band curve chart
心理曲线psychology curve
投资的情绪曲线emotional curve of investing
投资需求曲线investment demand schedule
折弯需求曲线kinked demand curve
收益曲线坡度变陡长短期国库券之间收益利差增加steepening of the yield curve
收益曲线套利yield curve arbitrage
收益曲线平行移动parallel shift in the yield curve
收益曲线期权定价模型yield curve option pricing model
收益曲线本票yield curve notes
收益曲线票据yield curve notes
收益曲线策略yield curve strategy
收益曲线趋于平缓flattening of the yield curve
收益曲线风险yield curve risk
收益率曲线期权yield curve option
收益率基准曲线benchmark yield curve
曲线总体峰态population kurtosis
根据收益曲线运动变化riding the yield curve
止损曲线stopping curve
止损曲线退款比率stopping curve refunding rate
正常收益曲线normal yield curve
正收益曲线positive yield curve
死亡谷曲线death valley curve
残段生存曲线stub survivor curve
水平收益率曲线flat yield curve
牛市曲线拉平收益曲线变为平缓bull flattening
牛市曲线陡峭短期利率上升速度快于长期利率导致收益曲线陡峭bull steepener
理论现货价曲线theoretical spot rate curve
综合曲线composite curve chart
考波克指标曲线 用于研究大盘指数技术分析Coppock curve
股票价格曲线stock prices curve
股票价格变化曲线line chart
股票心理曲线stock psychological curve
贝尔曲线Bell curve
负收益曲线negative yield curve
趋降的利息费用曲线downward sloped interest expense line
远期利率曲线forward curve
逆向供给曲线regressive supply curve
错误曲线error curve
零息曲线zero rate curve
零息收益曲线zero coupon yield curve
非正常收益曲线abnormal yield curve
风险收益曲线risk return curve