
Terms for subject Electronics containing 曝光 | all forms | in specified order only
一次曝光两次显影single expose double develop
三维体曝光光学光刻模拟程序simulator for optical lithography three-dimensional volume exposure
专用曝光开关快门X射线光刻special exposure shutter
曝光窗口primary exposure window
二维曝光光强图形模拟程序simulator for two-dimensional intensity pattern in aligner
光电阴极电子投影曝光photocathode electron projector
全圆片同时曝光full wafer exposure
全息曝光指数holographic exposure index
全视场曝光系统full field exposure system
分步投影曝光stepping-projection mask aligner
曝光工艺double exposure process
曝光全息照相术double exposure holography
曝光double exposure method
曝光终点检测技术double-exposure end-point detection (technique)
双面曝光水冷壁division wall
发光二极管间接曝光技术LED indirect exposure
可变轴线浸没透镜投影曝光projection exposure with variable axis immersion lenses
可移动软接触掩蔽曝光portable conformable masking method
同时曝光与显影simultaneous exposure and development
同时曝光与显影技术simultaneous exposure and development technique
国际商业机器公司自动聚焦对准投影曝光IBM auto focus align
圆片电子束曝光wafer electron beam printer
圆片直接曝光direct wafer exposure
圆片载带曝光系统wafer tape exposure system
多重电子束曝光系统multiple electron beams exposure system
曝光间隙光学系统large exposure gap optics
X射线曝光X-ray exposure
尼康分步重复曝光系统Nikon step-and-repeat exposure system
局部曝光剂量控制local exposure dose control
局部额外曝光burn in
归一化曝光剂量normalized exposure dosage
扩大调焦范围曝光技术focus latitude enhancement exposure
扫描投影曝光scanning-projection mask aligner
抗蚀剂曝光邻近效应自洽校正技术self-consistent proximity effect correction technique for resist exposure
整片曝光full wafer exposure
曝光不足光致抗蚀剂underexposed photoresist
曝光light value
曝光光致抗蚀剂exposed photoresist
曝光剂量分布模型exposure dose distribution model
曝光剂量范围容度exposure dose latitude
曝光后放置时间post exposure delay time
曝光后焙烘post-exposure baking
曝光工位exposure station
曝光工段exposure station
曝光引生潜像exposure induced latent image
曝光强度分布函数exposure intensity distribution function
曝光强度变差法exposure intensity variation method
曝光控制技术exposure control technique
曝光mask aligner
曝光比率计exposure rate meter
曝光潜像exposure induced latent image
曝光exposure rate
曝光-离焦树exposure-defocus tree
曝光photo meter
曝光exposure meter
曝光过久over exposure
曝光illumination quantity
曝光量下限lower exposure limit
曝光量-接近间隙关系曲线gap-exposure diagram
曝光量-离焦量关系曲线exposure-defocus diagram
曝光量-离焦量树exposure-defocus tree
曝光量范围exposure latitude
曝光量范围参数exposure latitude parameter
曝光量阈值exposure threshold
曝光量限制exposure limit
束斑扫描曝光模拟程序simulator for spot scanning exposure
激光引曝laser-supported detonation
曝光剂量分布函数point exposure distribution function
特征尺寸-曝光剂量依从关系feature size depending dose
生产级电子束曝光系统manufacturing electron beam exposure system
电子曝光electronic exposure
电子束曝光用化学放大式甲硅烷基抗蚀剂silylating resist using chemical amplification for electron beam
直写式分步重复电子束曝光direct writing step-and-repeat electron-beam exposure
直接曝光direct exposure film
直接分步曝光direct stepping exposure
相干截止曝光线宽linewidth at the coherent cutoff
矢量扫描电子束曝光vector scan electron beam machine
磁锥焦管光电阴极电子投影曝光magnetic funnel photocathode electron projector
离子束投影曝光ion beam projector
离子束接近曝光ion beam proximity printer
移相掩模边缘增强曝光对准补偿法PSM exposure alignment compensation method for edge enhancement
自动曝光控制automatic exposure control
自动曝光控制技术automatic exposure control technique
自动曝光automatic exposure meter
计算机控制电子束曝光系统computer-controlled electron beam exposure system
曝光量抗蚀剂resist for a light exposure
连续多重扫描曝光continuous multiple scanning exposure
迭加曝光量法repeated exposures method
透射比-曝光量关系曲线transmittance-exposure curve
邻区曝光proximity exposure
邻区曝光量补偿proximity exposure compensation
邻近曝光效应proximity exposure
邻近曝光效应校正proximity exposure compensation
重复曝光repeated exposures method
间歇多重扫描曝光intermittent multiple scanning exposure (SRXL)
限制实际曝光时间limiting actual exposure time
高压电子束曝光系统high voltage electron beam exposure system