
Terms for subject Refrigeration containing | all forms
上行下给式蒸汽重力供系统steam heating down-feed gravity system
下吹式风机downward discharge unit heater
下给式供系统drop system
下给重力式供系统downfeed gravity heating system
下行上给式供系统upfeed heating system
下行上给式蒸汽供系统steam heating up-feed system
中心式供central heating
中温水供系统medium temperature water heating system
主供系统main heating system
主动式太阳能供active solar heating
低压蒸汽供atmospheric steam heating
低温热水供系统low temperature water heating system
低温辐射供radiant heating of low temperature
住宅集中供系统residential central heating system
地沟heating channel
实验heating experiment
室外计算温度outside air temperature for heating
房间heating room
控制heating control
效果heating effect
散热器heating radiator
方法heating method
时间heating hour
时间表heating schedule
heating period
期室外平均温度outside mean temperature of heating period
期室外平均温度outdoor mean temperature during heating period
期总天数days of heating period
机组控制heating unit control
标准heating standard
温度heating temperature
理论heating theory
用炉墙oven wall
用热交换器heating calorifier
用煤fire coal
电炉electric heating furnace
空间heating space
立管heating riser
管沟heating trench
管道heating pipe line
系统的下给立管drop riser
耗汽量heating steam consumption
蒸汽heating steam
蒸汽压力heating steam pressure
蒸汽管heating steam pipe
计划heating plan
计算室外温度calculating outdoor temperature for heating
运行heating operation
通风两用机组heating ventilating assembly
通风设备明细表detailed list of heating and ventilating equipment
需热量energy requirement for heating
值班供standby heating
全球变潜值global warming potential
全面采all-sided heating
分体式供系统split heating system
办公楼供office building heating
区域供area heating
区域供冷和供district cooling and heating
医院供hospital heating
半间接供semi-indirect heating
单侧供辐射板single sided heating panel
双管上行下给式热水供系统two-pipe hot water down feed system
双管供系统double-pipe heating system
影响总当量Total Equivalent Warming Impact
吸人穿流式供机组draw-through heater
周边供变风量整体式系统perimeter-heating VAV packaged system
周边供变风量系统perimeter heating VAV system
周边供变风量集中式系统perimeter-heating VAV central system
地板辐射供floor panel heating
地板辐射热水采系统radiant floor panel heating system
墙壁辐射供wall panel heating
多区地板辐射采系统的控制和运行control and operation of multizone hydronic radiant floor-panel heating system
大厅供hall heating
太阳能热水采系统solar water heating system
对流式供convection heating
小型供space heater
小室供cabinet heating
局部供spot heating
局部供local heating
局部辐射供partial panel heating
局部辐射供系统local radiant heating system
带式辐射供strip heating
强制循环热水供forced hot water heating
微压式供系统differential system
快装式供锅炉packaged heating boiler
房间供space heating
散热器采radiator heating
旅馆供hotel heating
hot wall
脚器foot warmer
通空调工程师HVAC&R engineer
通空调的调试费用cost of HVAC&R commissioning
通空调系统中的玻璃纤维fiberglass in HVAC&R systems
通空调系统特性HVAC&R system characteristics
通空调行业HVAC&R industry
通空调试运行HVAC&R commissioning
风系统warm air system
风除霜warm air defrost
末端再热供及冷却诱导机组terminal reheat induction heating and cooling units
机械式火炉供mechanical furnace heating
机械循环热水供系统mechanical hot water heating system
机械循环热风供forced warm air heating
机械热风炉供mechanical warm air furnace heating
标准供度日normal heating degree-days
核热能供nuclear heating
气候变直接影响direct warming impact
气候变间接影响indirect warming impact
汽车库供garage heating
混合式供系统mixing system of heating
湿式回水蒸汽供系统steam heating system with wet return
热水供散热器hot water heating radiator
热水供时间表hot water heating schedule
热水供hot water heating pump
热水供温度hot water heating temperature
热水供立管hot water heating riser
热水供hot water heating pipe
热水供装置hot water heating installation
热水供设备hot water heating equipment
热水供负荷hot water heating load
热水供运行hot water heating operation
热泵式供heat pump heating
热风供hot air heating
热风供fan heating
热风供hot-blast heater
热风供系统fan furnace system
热风供系统hot air system
热风供系统plenum heating system
热风供系统air-heating system
热风式地面供系统hot air floor heating system
煤气供space gas heater
燃气供gas heating
燃气供机组gas-fired unit heater
燃气取gas fire
燃气红外线供系统gas type infrared heating system
燃气红外线辐射采gas-fired infrared heating
环形供系统ring heating-system
风机electric unit heater
电热供thermoelectric heating
电热供electric heating
电热供系统electric heating system
电热供装置electric heating unit
电热热水供electric hot water heating
电热辐射供electric panel heating
电热辐射供系统electric radiant heating system
直接式供direct heating
直接式供系统direct heating system
直接式热水供direct hot water heating
直接式蒸汽供direct steam heating
直接燃烧式风机direct fired unit heater
直接-间接式供direct-indirect heating
真空式供系统vacuum heating system
真空采vacuum heating
窗台下的供sill heating
立式free-standing heater
立管热风供hot air heating standpipe method
红外线供infrared rays heating
红外线供infrared heating
红外线供infrared heater
美国供冷冻空调协会技术顾问委员会建议采用的供暖室外设计温度temperature of Technical Advisory Committee
美国供冷冻空调协会技术顾问委员会建议采用的供暖室外设计温度temperature of TAC
自然对流式热风供natural convectional furnace heating
蒸汽风器steam-heated air heater
蒸汽风器steam air heater
蒸汽供系统vapor heating system
蒸汽供系统steam heating system
蒸汽供锅炉steam heating boiler
蒸汽压力式串联供方式steam pressure type cascade heating system
蒸汽辐射供steam radiant heating
被动式太阳能供passive solar heating
褥形供quilt heater
踏脚板供baseboard heater
踏脚板供装置baseboard heating unit
车间供plant heating
辐射供panel heating
辐射供beam heating
辐射供系统panel heating system
辐射式热水供系统hot water radiant heating system
辐射式热风供系统hot air radiant heating system
辐射采和制冷panel heating and cooling
过量供excess heating
送风式供系统all-blast heating system
季节性能系数heating seasonal performance factor
年耗电量annual heating
度-日heating degree-day
期室外平均温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period
期度日数number of degree-day of heating period
期度日数degree-days of heating period
设计热负荷指标index of design heating load of building
重力风炉gravity warm air furnace
重力式低压蒸汽供gravity low pressure steam heating
重力式供gravity heating
重力式热水供系统gravity hot water heating system
重力式热风供系统gravity warm air heating system
重力式热风炉供gravity furnace heating
重力循环热水供系统gravity circulation hot water heating system
金属辐射板采metal radiant panel heating
闭式热水供系统closed hot water heating system
防爆风机anti explosion unit heater
防爆新风风机anti explosion and out air used unit heater
集中供总站central heating plant
集中送风采localized air supply for air-heating
非供房间room without heating
非采地区region without heating
非采房间unheated space
顶棚辐射供radiant ceiling heating
顶棚辐射供ceiling panel heating
高压热风供系统hot-blast fan high pressure system
高峰负荷供锅炉peak load heating boiler
高温热水供系统high temperature water heating system
高温辐射供radiant heating of high temperature
高温辐射供系统high temperature radiant heating system