
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
东北阿northeastern uplands
东部湖泊査计划美国环境保护局国家地表水普查计划Eastern Lake Survey USEPA National Surface Water Survey
拉特自然资源区Central Platte Natural Resource District
萨拉大学地质研究所通报瑞典Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Uppsala
二重拉拉斯-同类近似法Double Laplace-like Approximation
人口population censuses
埃拉斯花岗岩套巴西Ipueiras granitic suite
伯纳德赖思地球物理研究所南非Bernard Price Institute of Geophysical Research
光电调制反馈激光多勒风速风向测量Optical Electric Modulation Feedback-Laser Doppler Anemometry
光纤激光多勒测速仪Fiber-optic Laser Doppler Anemometer
光纤激光多勒风速风向测定仪Fibre-Optic Laser Doppler Anemometer
农业查资料agricultural census data
前寒武纪通角闪石变闪长岩Precambrian hornblende metadiorite
加压重水及通水冷反应堆pressurized heavy and light water reactor
北美菲利公司North America Philips Corp.
双曲线多勒测速与定位系统hyperbolic dovap
双频率多勒光雷达Dual-Frequency Doppler-Lidar
合成双多勒系统Synthetic Dual-Doppler
吉奥麦一种地质制图中存储和处理数据的系统索引系统geomap index system
同位素比值监测气相色-质谱法联用isotope ratio-monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
特法induced pulse transient
特系统induced pulse transient system
特航空电磁系统induced pulse transient airborne electromagnetic system
土地land inventory
土壤general detailed soil survey
地面多段遥感ground multispectrum remote sensing
垂向入射多勒雷达vertical incidence Doppler Radar
墨西西比欧申斯林斯湾海岸研究实验室Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi
声光扫描激光多勒测风法Acousto-Optic Scanning Laser Doppler Anemometry
声多勒仪Acoustic Doppler
声多勒流速剖面仪Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler
声学多勒供电剖面测量仪Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers Meter
声波多勒供电剖面测量系统Acoustic Doppler current profiler
复式多勒雷达分析系统Multiple Doppler Radar Analysis System
勒声呐测速仪Doppler Sonar Velocity Log
勒声学流速廓线仪Doppler Acoustic Current Profiler
勒声波廓线流速仪Doppler Acoustic Profiling Current Meter
勒定位与测距系统Doppler location and range system
勒成像系统Doppler Imaging System
勒极地监测服务Doppler Polar Monitoring Service
勒波束频率瞬变束单频率Doppler Beam-Swinging
勒测向仪Doppler Direction-Finding Equipment
勒测定系统Doppler Measurement System
勒测距与导航装置Doppler range and navigation
勒测距和信息系统Doppler Ranging and Information System
勒测距系统Doppler ranging system
勒测速与定位系统Doppler Velocity and Position System
勒相位同步跟踪系统Doppler phase lock
勒观测地球运动计划Motion of the Earth by Doppler Observation Campaign
勒雷达系统Doppler Radar System
勒雷达自动导航仪radar Doppler automatic navigator
勒频谱分析仪Doppler spectrum analyzer
勒频谱处理器Doppler Spectrum Processor
多道分析多勒系统Multiple Analytical Doppler
安蒂洛antelope island
实时声学多勒系统Real-time Acoustic Doppler System
实时模拟多勒处理机Real-time Analog Doppler Processor
差动式多勒效应Differential Doppler Effect
布朗-夏线brown and sharpe wire gauge
布朗-夏线B&S wire gage
布朗-夏线B&S wire gauge
布朗-夏线brown and sharpe wire gage
平衡通球粒陨石equilibrated ordinary chondrites
敦大学海洋研究所南非Institute of Oceanography, University of Cape Town
彭曼和里斯特利-泰勒方程估算可能蒸散发Penman and Priestley-Taylor Equations
快速查磁激发极化rapid reconnaissance magnetic induced polarization
成像多勒干涉仪Imaging Doppler Interferometer
兰麻粒岩带北欧Lapland Granulite Belt
拉斯变换函数Laplace-Transform Function
拉斯变换有限差分法Laplace Transform Finite Difference Method
拉斯变换盖勒金法Laplace Transform Galerkin Technique
拉斯潮汐方程Laplace's Tidal Equations
拉斯-高斯算子Laplacian-of-a-Gaussian Operator
数字多勒系统Digital Doppler System
斯克里斯海洋研究所Scripps Institution of Oceanography
斯坦福大学霍金斯海洋站Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University
罗维登斯岛大西洋new providence
旁遮邦电力局印度Punjab State Electricity Board India
旁遮邦矿产开发公司印度Punjab Mineral Development Corp.
时空域内的通指示克里格ordinary indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域的传统通协同克里格法traditional ordinary cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
吉特海峡疏浚物质处理分析计划Puget Sound Dredged Material Disposal Analysis Program
惠制单据generalized system of preferences documents
拉森西亚断层西班牙plasencia fault
林斯顿仪器公司Princeton Instruments Inc.
林斯顿动态分析海洋Dynalysis of Princeton
林斯顿大学Princeton University
林斯顿应用研究公司Princeton Applied Research, Co.
查和测量reconnaissance and survey
查许可证reconnaissance licence
通动态预报法ordinary dynamic forecast
通卡尔曼滤波器ordinary kalman filter
通大潮高潮high water of ordinary spring tides
通大潮高潮high water, ordinary spring
通大潮高潮痕迹high-water mark ordinary spring tide
通大潮高潮线high-water mark ordinary spring tide
通小潮高潮high water of ordinary neap tides
通小潮高潮痕迹high-water mark ordinary neap tide
通小潮高潮线high-water mark ordinary neap tide
通微生物学会Society for General Microbiology
通波ordinary wave
通潮ordinary tide
通爆炸点common shotpoints
通碳质球粒陨石average carbonaceous chondrite
通角闪石流纹岩hornblende rhyolite
里斯特利-泰勒方程计算蒸散发Priestley-Taylor Equation
机动多勒跟踪系统Mobile Doppler Tracking System
机载多勒光达系统Airborne Doppler Lidar System
机载雷达和多勒定位系统Airborne Radar and Doppler Position System
格拉斯伯杰-罗卡恰算法计算二阶流域的径流时序grassberger-procaccia algorithm
欧洲多勒卫星观测周期European Doppler Observation Campaign
沃伦斯林实验室'Warren Spring Laboratory
沃勒斯岛Wallops Island
沃洛斯岛wollops island
沃洛斯飞行中心Wallops Flight Center
海洋general ocean research
激光多勒地下水测速仪Groundwater Laser Doppler Velocimeter
激光多勒流量仪Laser Doppler Flowmeter
激光多勒测速法Laser-Doppler Velocimetry
相位多勒颗粒分析仪Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer
钠盐sodium nitroprusside
科学技术及协会joint scientific and technical publishing house
约翰 • 霍金斯大学应用物理实验室John Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
约翰 • 霍金斯海洋研究所John Hopkins Oceanographic Studies
约翰内斯堡伯纳德赖思地球物理研究所南非Bernard Price Institute of Geophysical Research, Johannesburg
约翰霍金斯大学Johns Hopkins University
耶洛斯林斯仪器公司Yellow Springs Instrument Company
联合多雷达业务观测计划Joint Doppler Operational Project
自动动态多勒试验器Automatic Dynamic Doppler Tester
船用多勒雷达导航系统Ship Doppler
菲利斯皇家石油公司Phillips Imperial Petroleum Ltd.
菲利斯石油公司Phillips Petroleum Co.
菲利环境保护公司philips environmental protection
菲利石油公司Phillips Petroleum Co.
西阿尔特兰诺模型western altiplano model
超高频多勒测速测位仪UHF dovap
超高频多勒系统ultra-high-frequency Doppler System
轻便式声学多勒探测器Portable Acoustic Doppler Detector
发拉格条件在直接投影体系中物体透镜像平面必须是共线的,才能得到清晰的焦点Scheimpflug condition
阿波卡湖恢复委员会Lake Apopka Restoration Council
陆地与海洋Earth and Ocean Survey
生单位dobson unit
雷达多勒效应radar Doppler
非平衡通球粒陨石unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
马克斯-朗克研究所法废水处理法Max Planck Institute Process
高分辨率多勒成像干涉high resolution Doppler imager