
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
不传病毒inactive insect
不孕sterile insect
传病insect vector
传病媒介disease carrying insect
传病媒介vector insect
传病毒active insect
传粉insect pollinator
全变态holometabolan (holometabolanus)
六足hexapod (hexadpoa)
兽医虫学veterinary entomology
农业虫学agricultural entomology (agroentomologia)
半变态hemimetabolic insect (hemimetabola)
单食性monophagous insect (insectam monophagum)
原始primary insect
同动态homodynamic insect
同翅homopteran (homopterus)
吮吸口器sucking insect
咀嚼口器biting insect
咀嚼式cutting insect
天敌natural enemy insect
媒介transmitting insect
媒介insect vector
实验虫学experimental entomology
寄生于虫体内,外entomogenous (entomogenus)
寄生性parasitic insect
寡食性oligophagous insect
屑食性detritophage (detritophagus)
捕食性predaceous insects
无类菌体bacteroid-free insect
士兰克罗勒甘蔗热带原种Queensland Creole
白式巢框Quinby frame
白式蜂箱Quinby hive
有毒noxious insect
insect (insectum)
虫不育剂insect sterilant
虫不育防治sterile-insect control
虫传播insect transmission
虫传染insect infection
虫传染病insect-borne disease
虫传染病毒insect-borne virus
虫体寄生entomoparasitism (entomoparasitismus)
虫侵袭insect infestation
虫侵袭insect depredation
虫共生物insect symbiont
虫分布insect distribution
虫分泌泡沫frog spittle
虫化学绝育剂insect chemosterilants
虫学insectology (insectologia)
虫学entomology (entomologia)
虫学家entomologist (entomologistus)
虫学的entomological (entomologicus)
虫寄生菌entomogenous fungi (fungi entomogenae)
虫幼虫生物反应器insect larva bioreactor
虫引诱剂insect attractants
虫抗药性resistance to insecticides
虫抗药性指对杀虫剂的抗性insecticide resistance
虫抗药性insect resistance
虫拟细菌体insect bacteroid
虫标本example of insect
虫标本制存法entomotaxy (entomotaxia)
虫标本盒entomological store-box
虫死亡率rate of insect mortality
虫流行病学insect epidemiology
虫激素insect hormone
虫电杀器insect electrocutor
虫电杀器electrocuter trap
虫病原体entomopathogen (entomopathogene)
虫真菌insect fungi
虫神经激素insect neurohormone
虫种insect species
虫纲insect (复, Insecta, Hexapoda)
虫细胞培养insect cell culture
虫细胞表达系统insect cell expression system
虫群体insect population
虫群体控制insect population control
虫解剖学entomotomy (entomotomia)
虫食性food habits of insect
虫饲料diet of insect
虫驱避剂insect repellents
有翅pterygote (pterygotus)
有颚mandibulate insect
森林虫学forest entomology
直翅目orthopterous insect
社会性social insect
经济虫学economic entomology
群居social insect
肉食carnivorous insect (insecta carnivora)
膜翅目hymenopteran (hymenopterus)
自身autogenous insect
记述虫学descriptive entomology
访花指蜜蜂等flower visiting insect
重寄生性secondary parasite
雄性不孕sterile male insect
雄性不育虫释放技术sterile-male release technique
食叶leaf eating insect
食木lignivorous insects
食植性phytophagous insect
食花粉pollenophagous insect
食虫insectivorous insect (insectum insectivorum)
食虫entomophagous insect