
Terms containing 时钟 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三分钟定时器three-minute glass
mil., air.def.三相时钟三相节拍脉冲three phase clock pulse
el.下级寄存器输人时钟脉冲next-register-input clock (pulse)
el.时钟脉冲前沿同步synchronous with the rising edge of clock
textile世界时钟world time clock
el.中央时钟center clock
telecom.中央时钟接口centralized-clock interface
el.中央时钟脉冲发生器central clock generator
el.中断时钟控制器复位reset interrupt clock controller
multimed.串行时钟serial clock
el.串行时钟发送serial clock transmit
el.串行时钟接收serial clock receive
el.串行时钟线serial clock line
met.时钟master timer
el.时钟main clock board
tech.时钟master synchronizer
tech.时钟primary clock
el.时钟master timer
el.时钟脉冲发生器primary clock pulse generator
el.时钟脉冲发生器master clock generator
avia.时钟装置master clock unit
telecom.主参考时钟primary reference clock
tech.事务用计算机时钟business machine clocking
el.二相时钟two-phase clock
tech.互补时钟complementary clock
gen.什么时候可以找到他?两点钟合适吗?When is it a good time to catch him? Would two o'clock be acceptable?
tech.从动时钟发生器slave clock generator
telecom.从属时钟slave clock
busin.以分钟计的时间长度time length in minutes
tech.仪表板时钟instrument-board clock
el.传送节点时钟transport node clock
el.时钟控制字bit clock control word
gen.голуб.гонк. 信鸽时钟pigeon timing
pigeon.race.信鸽时钟timing clock
gen.голуб.гонк. 信鸽时钟pigeon clock
el.停止时钟状态stop clock state
comp., net.时钟分布网络optical clock distribution network
tech.全局时钟global clock
el.共用时钟信号common clock signal
tech.时钟internal clock
tech.时钟发生器internal clock generator
telecom.内部时钟internal clock
el.内部时钟控制internal clock control
tech.内部时钟internal clock source
tech.内部时钟脉冲internal clock pulse
tech.内部时钟脉冲信号internal clock pulse signal
telecom.内部基准时钟信号internal reference source
el.内部处理器时钟internal processor clock
tech.再启动时钟delta clock
el.时钟clock write
el.时钟脉冲write clock
tech.冷却记时钟cooling time clock
tech.分离时钟separated clock
el.前级寄存器输出时钟脉冲previous-register-output clock (pulse)
tech.时钟脉冲周期half clock period
tech.单一时钟脉冲single clock
el.单片时钟脉冲发生器monolithic clock generator
el.压控时钟voltage-controlled clock
telecom.原始基准时钟primary reference clock
el.原始节目时钟基准original program clock reference
tech.参考时钟reference clock
el.参考时钟单元clock reference unit
el.参考时钟模块reference clock module
mil., air.def.时钟double clocking
mil., air.def.双相时钟脉冲two phase clock pulse
golf.时钟旋转anti-clockwise spin
el.发射机时钟脉冲transmitter clock pulse
el.发送时钟transmit clock
tech.发送时钟transmitter clock
el.发送时钟信息真值信号transmit clock information true
avia.只读存储器时钟read only memory clock
tech.可变定速时钟variable pacer clock
el.可变频率时钟variable frequency clock
tech.可清除时钟模块resettable clock module
tech.可编程序时钟programmable clock
el.合闸时钟脉冲closing clock
met.同步时钟synchronous clock
tech.同步时钟synchronizing clock
el.同步时钟发射机synchronous clock transmitter
el.同步时钟接收机synchronous clock receiver
el.同步时钟插人单元synchronous clock insertion unit
el.同步外部时钟synchronous external clock
el.同步数字系列设备时钟SDH equipment clock
avia.同步网络时钟synchronous network clock
el.同步设备时钟synchronous equipment clock
el.mach.固定频率时钟控制fixed frequency clocking
tech.时钟equation clock
tech.塔式时钟tower clock
tech.处理机时钟processor clock
el.外围时钟脉冲发生器peripheral clock generator
el.外围设备时钟peripheral clock
el.外部时钟中断external clock interrupt
mil., air.def.外部时钟信号external clock signal
el.外部时钟启动external clock enable
tech.外部时钟脉冲信号external clock signal
el.外部时钟选择external clock select
el.外部发送时钟external transmit clock
el.外部基准时钟信号源external reference source
el.外部接收时钟external receive clock
el.外部逆减计数时钟external countdown clock
el.多相同步时钟multiphase clock
tech.多速时钟特点multispeed clock feature
tech.多速率时钟特性multispeed clock feature
tech.大夏时钟building clock
busin.天文钟时间chronometer time
tech.太阳时钟sun time clock
proj.manag.如果用户电脑上的系统时钟快于含有它的用户配置文件的服务器的系统时钟、服务器的配置文件不被调用If the system clock on the users computer is ahead of the system clock on the server that contains her user profile, the server profile may not load
multimed.时钟word clock
el.存储器时钟store clock
el.存储器时钟脉冲放大器memory clock pulse amplifier
el.存储器虚拟时钟store virtual clock
proj.manag.它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open
busin.时钟fixed clock time
tech.时钟timing clock
met.定时器时钟time clock
tech.定时器时钟timer clock
tech.定速时钟pacer clock
tech.定间隔时钟控制方式fixed clock time control
tech.real-time clock
agric.时钟real-time clock
gen.时钟real-time clock
met.实时时钟real time clock
tech.实时时钟中断real-time clock interrupt
tech.实时时钟分时real-time clock time-sharing
tech.实时时钟模件real-time clock module
el.实时时钟计数器real time clock counter
tech.实时时钟计数字real-time clock count word
telecom.实时时钟记录real-time clock log
tech.实时时钟诊断程序real-time clock diagnostics
el.实际时钟real-time clock
busin.小时与分钟hours and minutes
tech.工时记录钟time clock
el.左-右通道时钟left-right channel clock
expl.带有时钟装置的起爆器clockwork-trigger charge
agric.干燥记时钟dry time clock
tech.干燥记时钟drying time clock
tech.时钟mean time clock
agric.年历时钟time of year clock
proj.manag.广播时钟radio clock
tech.延迟线时钟delay line clock
el.开关时钟switch clock
sport.当参赛运动员人数众多时、应在出发前5分钟给予时间提示In races which include a large number of competitors, a five-minute warning before the start of the race should be given
tech.微处理机主时钟microprocessor master clock
el.总线时钟bus clock
tech.时钟sidereal clock
tech.房屋上的时钟house clock
el.手控时钟manual clock
el.扫描和时钟资源scan-and-clock resource
gen.时钟指针往前拨set the clock ahead
gen.把钟拨快一小时advance the clock one hour
sport, bask.投篮时限钟shot clock
tech.时钟time signal clock
tech.时钟time bell
tech.时钟watch bell
el.振荡器时钟部件oscillator clock unit
el.接收时钟/发送时钟receive clock/transmit clock
el.接收时钟脉冲receive clock pulse
el.接收机寄存器时钟receiver register clock
auto.接触式自动计时钟auto timer
gen.故障计时钟cue clock
el.数字时钟digital clock
el.数字时钟脉冲发生器digital clock generator
el.数字时钟脉冲digital clock pulse
el.数字时钟脉冲发生器digital clock pulse generator
el.数字卡式时钟振荡器digital card clock oscillator
el.数字块从属时钟digital block slave clock
el.数字字组时钟脉冲振荡器digital block clock oscillator
el.数据输人时钟脉冲data input clock pulse
el.数据输出时钟脉冲data output clock pulse
tech.敲钟报时strike a bell
auto.无线电时钟radio dock
multimed.无线电时钟radio clock
el.无线电控制时钟集成电路radio control clock IC
telecom.时钟time-of-day clock
agric.时钟time of day clock (TOD clock)
el.日历时钟time of day clock
agric.日历时钟calendar clock
gen.日钟时间time of day clock
construct.8再启动时钟delta clock
telecom.δ 时钟delta clock
tech.时钟timing clock
agric.时钟delta clock
tech.时钟time clock
el.时钟与数据恢复clock and data recovery
el.时钟与音调模块clock and tone module
tech.时钟中断timer interrupt
el.时钟优先级clock priority
tech.时钟clock bit
tech.时钟佯谬twin paradox
tech.时钟佯谬clock paradox
tech.时钟信号测试clock test
tech.时钟信号频率clock signal frequency
avia.时钟偏压clock bias
telecom.时钟偏差clock jitter
telecom.时钟偏移clock skew
el.时钟分配单元clock distribution unit
el.时钟分配器件clock distribution device
el.时钟分配系统clock distribution system
el.时钟切换clock switch
tech.时钟功能time clock feature
el.时钟单元clock unit
auto.ctrl.时钟发生器clock generator
tech.时钟脉冲发生器clock generator
tech.时钟发生驱动器clock generator and driver
railw.时钟同步信号clock synchronous signal
tech.时钟同步器clock synchronizer
railw.时钟同步网clock synchronization network
el.时钟启动命令clock start command
telecom.时钟周期clock tick
el.时钟周期启动clock cycle start
el.时钟周期应答交控信号交换clock cycle acknowledge handshaking
el.时钟周期时间clock cycle time
tech.建筑物上部的时钟clock tower
el.时钟子系统clock subsystem
tech.时钟字盘hour plate
tech.时钟对比clock comparison
tech.时钟式自记潮位计tidal clock
golf.时钟式高尔夫球在直径为20〜25英尺的圆圈外侧作12穴,依次击球clock golf
el.时钟引导信号clock run-in
auto.安全气囊时钟弹簧clock spring
el.时钟恢复单元clock recovery unit
el.时钟恢复电路clock recovery circuit
avia.时钟恢复设备clock recovery device
tech.时钟振荡器clock oscillator
tech.时钟控制clock control
tech.时钟控制timer control
auto.ctrl.时钟控制clocked control
telecom.时钟控制信号clock control signal
tech.时钟控制系统time-controlled system
tech.时钟控制系统clock control system
el.mach.时钟操作时间表clock operating time meter
tech.时钟收音机clock radio
tech.时钟放大器clock amplifier
multimed.时钟日历clock calendar
tech.时钟日差clock rate
agric.时钟时序电路clocked sequential circuit
auto.时钟/时间码clock/time code
telecom.时钟暂闭clock throttling (PC 机节能技术)
tech.时钟更新clock transaction
tech.时钟机构clock mechanism
railw.时钟clock board
tech.时钟校准clock error
tech.时钟校准clock set
tech.时钟校准clock correction
telecom.时钟步进clock step
railw.时钟牵引范围pull-in range
tech.时钟生成器clock generator
el.时钟电源模块clock supply module
agric.时钟电路clock circuit
auto.电子学时钟电路clocked circuit
tech.时钟脉冲电路clock circuit
auto.计算机技术时钟破坏clock damage
tech.时钟移位寄存器clock shift register
tech.时钟笔头clock pen
el.时钟簧形芯clockspring core
tech.时钟系统时钟脉冲系统clock system
tech.时钟组件clock module
avia.时钟脉冲timing pulse
automat.时钟同步脉冲clock pulse
el.时钟时标,定时,计时,节拍,同步(信号)脉冲clock pulse
tech.时钟脉冲sprocket pulse
telecom.时钟脉冲master clock
avia.时钟脉冲clock signal
auto.电子学时钟脉冲clock pulse
tech.时钟脉冲产生器time pulse generator
tech.时钟脉冲产生器gate generator
telecom.时钟脉冲发生器clock generator
telecom.时钟脉冲发生器restorer pulse generator
met.时钟脉冲发生器gate generator
met.时钟脉冲发生器time-pulse generator
mil., air.def.时钟脉冲发生器time pulse generator
auto.电子学时钟脉冲发生器clock generator
auto.电子学时钟脉冲发生器clock pulse generator
tech.时钟脉冲发生器sprocket pulse generator
tech.时钟脉冲发生器restore-pulse generator
el.时钟脉冲发生器模块clock generator module
tech.时钟脉冲周期clock period
tech.时钟脉冲周期clock cycle
tech.时钟脉冲宽度clock-pulse width
el.时钟脉冲成形器clock pulse shaper
met.时钟脉冲振荡器clock pulse oscillator
tech.时钟脉冲放大器clock amplifier
avia.时钟脉冲整形器timing pulse shaper
tech.时钟脉冲源clock source
el.时钟脉冲电路clocked circuit
el.时钟脉冲电路clock circuit
tech.时钟脉冲相位差clock skew
el.时钟脉冲、程序设计和定时clock, programming and timing
mil., air.def.时钟脉冲系统clock system
construct.时钟同步脉冲系统clock system
tech.时钟脉冲终端clock terminal
mil., air.def.时钟脉冲输人端clock terminal
tech.时钟脉冲输入clock in
tech.时钟脉冲边沿clock edge
tech.时钟脉冲进入顺序clock run-in sequence
telecom.时钟脉冲道clock track
mil., air.def.时钟脉冲重复率clock rate
tech.时钟脉冲重复频率clock repetition rate
construct.时钟同步脉冲门clock gate
tech.时钟脉冲门clock gate
el.时钟脉冲间隔clock pulse interval
tech.时钟脉冲限制器clock qualifier
el.mach.时钟脉冲频率elementary frequency
el.mach.时钟脉冲频率clocking frequency
auto.电子学时钟脉冲频率clock-pulse rate
auto.时钟脉冲频率clock-pulse rate
tech.时钟脉冲频率clock pulse frequency
el.时钟脉冲驱动器clock driver
el.时钟脉冲驱动器clock pulse driver
tech.时钟脉动clock pulse
el.时钟脉控的触发器clocked flip-flop
telecom.时钟节拍传送单元clocking cell (ATM)
el.时钟节拍输入clock pulse input
tech.时钟节拍频率clock frequency
telecom.时钟节流clock throttling
tech.时钟花坛flower clock
lat.时钟花属Turnera (时钟花科,也叫有叶花科、榆叶葵科、穗柱榆科,甚至音译为特纳草科)
tech.时钟装置clock installation
tech.时钟读数clock indication
tech.时钟调度clock-time scheduling
econ.时钟路线clock circuit
mil., air.def.时钟输人端clock input
tech.时钟脉冲输入clock input
proj.manag.时钟速率clock speed
tech.时钟速率clock rate
met.时钟逻辑驱动器clock logic driver
tech.时钟脉冲clock track
tech.时钟clock chain
el.时钟队列clock queue
auto.电子学时钟频率clock frequency
comp.games.时钟频率clock speed
el.时钟脉冲频率clock frequence
telecom.时钟频率Hertz time
agric.时钟节拍频率clock frequency
tech.时钟脉冲频率clock frequency
railw.时钟频率准确度clock frequency accuracy
el.时钟频率选择clock frequency select
telecom.时钟颤动clock jitter
tech.时钟驱动信号控制机time clock actuated controller
gen.时钟驱动器clock driver
chem.昼夜节律时钟circadian clock
tech.显示时钟read clock
el.晶体控制时钟脉冲发生器crystal-controlled clock generator
el.最小时钟漂移minimum clock swing
tech.最小时钟脉冲持续时间minimum clock-pulse duration
tech.最小时钟频率minimum clock frequency
el.本地时钟分配local clock distribution
el.本地时钟发生器local clock generator
el.本地节点时钟local node clock
tech.模拟时钟simulation clock
tech.模拟时钟simulated clock
auto.模拟式时钟analog clock
tech.模拟昼夜时钟simulated clock
tech.时钟脉冲positive clock
tech.正边沿触发时钟脉冲positive edge clock
tech.时钟脉冲pace clock
el.时钟master clock
tech.时钟mother clock
el.时钟周期执行指令条数instructions per cycle
gen.每小时一列,整点发车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes
el.每指令时钟脉冲数clocks per instruction
el.每次转换对应时钟周期数clock cycles per conversion
proj.manag.每次重置 GSP 或者关闭 GSP 时、它必须从系统主板获取实时时钟信息Each time the GSP is reset or powered down, it must get the real time clock information from the system board
sport, bask.比赛计时钟game clock
sport, bask.比赛计时钟信号game-clock signal
tech.水平复位时钟horizontal reset clock
auto.汽车时钟automotive clock
auto.汽车用时钟automobile watch
multimed.测试时钟test clock
multimed.时钟dot clock
telecom.独立时钟independent clock
el.环路时钟ring clock
avia.生理时钟metabolic clock
auto.时钟控制切断或断路time cut-out
tech.由钟表示的时间time of day
el.电动上发条的时钟self-winding electric clock
el.电压控制时钟脉冲voltage-controlled impulse generator
el.电子数字时钟electronic digital clock
tech.电接触时钟electrical contact clock
tech.电接触时钟electric contact clock
el.电表转换时钟meter changeover clock
tech.监控时钟watchdog timer
met.监视时钟watch-dog timer
el.直接配有 Rambus 总线通道的时钟脉冲发生器direct Rambus clock generator
tech.石英晶体时钟quartz crystal clock
tech.程序时钟programme clock
avia.程序时钟program clock
tech.程序控制实时时钟programme control real-time clock
tech.程序控制实时时钟program control real-time clock
el.端接器引导时钟terminator bootstrap clock
proj.manag.系统时钟system timer
multimed.系统时钟system clock
tech.系统时钟控制system clock control
tech.系统时钟控制信号system clock control signal
el.线路跟踪器时钟line tracker clock
gen.运动员终点计时钟time-to-go clock
el.统一循环时钟uniform loop clock
comp., net.网络时钟network clock
el.网络时钟单元network clock unit
el.网络独立时钟network independent clock
tech.置位时钟set clock
tech.脉冲时钟发生器pulse clock generator
el.脉冲驱动时钟impulse-driven clock
commer.自动计时钟time clock
el.自旋同步时钟spin synchronous clock
tech.航空时钟aviation clock
tech.船上报时铜钟ship bell
tech.船用时钟ship's clock
el.节目时钟基准program clock reference
el.时钟row clock
tech.观测钟面时observed clock time
el.触发式时钟triggered time clock
el.触点闭合时钟脉冲contact-making clock
agric.时钟calendar clock
sport, bask.时钟运行期间clock-running phase
el.计数器时钟单元counter-clock unit
manag.时钟time clock
mining.设置时钟set clock
tech.时钟信号negative clock
tech.仪表的转接时钟change-over clock
agric.软件定时钟software timer
el.软磁盘时钟flexible disk clock
tech.输入时钟input clock
el.输出数据时钟output data clock
el.过程寄存器时钟process register clock
el.mach.远方时钟同步remote clock synchronization
el.远程时钟组件remote clock module
el.适配器时钟adapter clock
gen.时钟方向,旋转contraclockwise (的)
el.选择时钟模式select clock mode
tech.选通时钟gated clock
el.递减逆序计数时钟countdown clock
el.通信时钟communication clock
el.通信控制器时钟CCU clock
el.通用发射机时钟universal transmitter clock
el.通用接收机时钟universal receiver clock
tech.逻辑时钟logical timer
tech.逻辑时钟logic timer
el.逻辑时钟脉冲发生器logic clock pulse generator
tech.逻辑零时钟logical zero clock
tech.逻辑零时钟logic zero clock
expl.遥控计时钟telechron clock
tech.遥控记时钟telechron clock
phys.钟时standard time of day
phys.钟时clock time
tech.钟时序数clock-hour figure
tech.钟盘时间等分temporal hour
el.mach.钟表定时器clockwork timer
avia.钟表延时clock work time delay
tech.钟表式计时器clock recorder
tech.钟表式计时器clock meter
tech.钟面时clock time
construct.长途台计时钟position clock
el.闭合时钟closing clock
telecom.间接时钟控制indirect clock control
telecom.间隔时钟interval timer
tech.间隔时钟interval clock
refrig.除霜控制时钟defrost control clock
telecom.集中的时钟接口centralized-clock interface
auto.ctrl.时钟控制non-clocked control
tech.非数传机时钟non-data-set clocking
el.非线性环路时钟发生器nonlinear loop clock generator
el.时钟方向clock wise
tech.时钟方向clockwise sense
tech.驾驶室报时钟pilot house bell
telecom.高稳定度时钟high stability clock
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