
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
限弹性体semi-infinite elastic body
限弹性地基semi-infinite elastic subgrade
限板semi-infinite plate
限梁semi-infinite beam
限空间semi-infinite space
发散穷级数divergent infinite series
各向同性半限体isotropic semiinfinite solid
均质半限理想弹性体homogeneous semiinfinite ideal elastic body
实体铰拱桥hingeless solid arch bridge
实体铰拱桥solid hingeless arch bridge
弹性半限体elastic halfspace
弹性半限地基elastic semi-infinite foundation-soil
抛物线铰拱parabolic hingeless arch
人区no man's area
人区no man's zone
侧移构架non-sway frame
侧限抗剪强度unconfined shear strength
侧限抗压强度unconfined compression strength
侧限抗压强度unconfined compressive strength
侧限抗压强度试验unconfined compressive strength test
侧限试件unconfined specimen
侧限试验unconfined test
侵蚀性土uncorroded soil
分叉水流unbranched stream
加劲梁girder without stiffener
加劲梁unstiffened girder
加劲腹板unstiffened web
压力涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert
压力涵洞non-pressure culvert
压地下水free ground-water
压水non-confined water
压涵洞free flow culvert
压涵洞free flow surface culvert
压涵洞nonpressure culvert
压涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert
噪声打桩noiseless pile driving
因次的值dimensionless value
因次的数dimensionless number
因次量dimensionless quantity
基涵洞non-foundation culvert
塑性土non-plastic soil
声打桩机silent pile driver
害坡度harmless grade
应力杆件unstressed number
扭截面section without torsion
摩擦铰non-friction hinge
支承横向边缘unsupported transverse edge
支承长度unsupported length
支撑开挖excavation without bracing
支撑开挖unsupported excavation
支撑开挖excavation without timbering
支撑框架unbraced frame
支撑长度unbraced length
支架安装erection without scaffolding
支架施工unbraced construction
支架施工non-braced construction
支架施工法construction without scaffolding
效杆件inefficient member
数符号numberless symbol
旋涡水流vortex-free discharge
旋运动irrotational motion
机化合物mineral compound
机土inorganic soil
机黏土inorganic clay
梁板mushroom construction
沉陷地基unyielding foundation
法兰盘接合桩junction pile without flange
流筏桥孔non-drift raft span of bridge
淤泥地区non-silting region
碴无枕桥bridge without ballast and tie
碴无枕桥bridge without ballast and sleeper
碴无枕桥面deck without ballast and tie
碴无枕桥面bridge floor without ballast and sleeper
碴无枕梁girder without ballast and tie
碴无枕梁girder beam without ballast and tie
碴无枕梁girder without ballast and sleeper
碴无枕箱梁box beam without ballast and sleeper
碴桥梁unballasted bridge
碴桥梁bridge without ballast
碴桥梁ballastless bridge
碴桥面unballasted bridge floor
碴桥面deck without ballast
碴桥面ballastless deck
碴梁girder without ballast
碴梁beam without ballast
碴轨道unballasted track
碴轨道track without ballast
碴轨道unballasted permanent way
穷值infinite value
穷大indefinitely great
穷大振幅infinite amplitude
穷大数infinite number
穷大的刚度infinite stiffness
穷小indefinitely small
穷小infinitely small
穷小值infinitesimal value
穷小数infinite decimal
穷序列infinite sequence
穷级数infinite series
筋混凝土unreinforced concrete
筋混凝土non-reinforced concrete
筋混凝土沉井nonreinforced concrete open caisson
箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力allowable principal tension stress of concrete without stirrup and diagonal bar
约束的杆unrestrained member
纵向加劲的梁girder not stiffened longitudinally
纵向加劲的梁girder without longitudinal stiffener
纹钢筋plain reinforcement
缝杆件jointless member
缝梁seamless beam
缝管seamless tube
缝线路continuous welded rail track
缝线路gapless track
缝线路continuously welded rail track
缝线路jointless track
缝钢管seamless steel pipe
翼桥台straight abutment
腹筋梁beam without web reinforcement
裂缝截面uncracked section
裂缝状态uncracked state
裂隙岩石non-fissured rock
规则噪声random noise
误差error free
轨电车trolley coach
轨电车trackless trolley
轨电车trolley bus
量纲dimensionless measure
量纲值non-dimensional value
量纲分析non-dimensional analysis
量纲形式nondimensional form
量纲数dimensionless number
量纲数non-dimensional number
钢筋桥墩unreinforced pier
铰双曲拱桥hingeless double curved arch bridge
铰拱arch without articulation
铰拱rigid arch
铰拱fixed end arch
铰拱non-hinged arch
铰拱桥hingeless arch bridge
锚板桩unanchored sheet pile
阻尼固有振动undamped natural vibration
阻尼固有频率unclamped natural frequency
阻尼强迫振动undamped forced vibration
阻尼振动undamped vibration
阻尼自由振动undamped free vibration
限刚性infinitely rigid
限刚性桩infinitely rigid pile
需养护maintenance free
震区aseismatic region
震区peneseismic region
震区aseismic region
calm (0级风)
黏性土noncohesive soil
黏性土的抗剪强度shear strength of cohesionless soil
黏性填土cohesionless backfill
桥梁支架架设bridge erection without scaffolding
浸水侧限抗压试验immersion unconfined compression test