
Terms for subject Transport containing | all forms
可忍而反抗bow up
人驾驶飞机robot plane
分电盘点火系distributorless ignition system
利可图里数因子unremunerative mileage factor
飞机动力熄火着陆dead-stick landing
台阶no step
"声警察"silent cop
担保运输uncovered transport
故障船货提单clean bill of lading
法交货通知notice of circumstances preventing delivery
法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport
船员的疫证明书clean bill of health
线电信标天线marker antenna
线电探测器radio locator
线电设备radio aid
节疤的木料clear timber
空机重量empty weight
临界point of no return
汽车线电设备motorcar set