
Terms containing 无要求 | all forms | in specified order only
textile, jap.原产国标签要求预防无理涨价及误导说明方案Country of Origin Labelling Requirements of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representation
commer.在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
gen.我订的是无烟房间,房间内有烟味,浴室没有热水,电脑有故障,而且上不了网,所以我要求调换房间I booked the non-smoking room, but there is smell of cigarette in the room. There is no hot water in the bathroom. The computer is malfunctioning, and I can't get access to the Internet, so I request to change for another room
gen.或要求宣布对方的胜利无效claim afoul
fin.无人提出权利要求的汇票bill free from claims
avia.无发放要求no release required
avia.无强调签字要求no stress signature required
avia.无成本要求no required cost
econ.无担保要求uncovered requirements
avia.无指令要求no order required
interntl.trade.无效要求invalid claim
busin.无权利要求或异议的汇票bill free from claims of defences
oil无权要求ex new
econ.无权要求新股ex new
econ.无权要求新股ex new x.n.
securit.无根据的索赔要求unjustified claim
auto.无法满足规定要求failure to satisfy requirements
securit.无理由的索赔要求unjustified claim
gen.无理的要求tall order
market.无益要求unwholesome demand
avia.无程序转弯要求no procedure turn required
avia.无维修要求no maintenance required
interntl.trade.无股息无分红无还本也无要求摊派新股的权利ex all
textile无要求no requirement (NR)
tech.无要求no requirement
interntl.trade.无要求参与新股的权利ex new
telecom.无要求时间non-required time
reliabil.无要求的时间non-required time
avia.无计划要求no schedule required
securit.无认股要求权ex claim
avia.无车间订货要求no shop order required
space无进一步要求no further requirement
tech.要求宣判契约无效的诉讼action of restitution
textile要求宣告合同无效的诉讼action of nullity
commer.要求宣告契约无效的诉讼action for annulment of contract
commer.要求宣告契约无效的诉讼action of nullity
textile要求宣告无效action of nullity