
Terms for subject Technology containing 施工 | all forms | in specified order only
一次性浇注式施工single-lift construction
一次浇注施工single-lift construction (混凝土)
上半断面超前施工upper half method
上半断面超前施工top-heading method
上部半断面超前台阶施工heading and benching
不开槽施工trenchless construction
不连续施工uncontinuous construction (法)
不透水施工water-tight construction joint
专业施工specialized team (伍)
专用施工机械single-purpose construction machine
两面立模浇灌混凝土施工side form paving
中央导坑式隧道施工core method of tunnel construction
中央挖槽施工先挖中央后挖两侧的浅槽施工法island method
中央挖槽施工central trenching method
串联施工series construction
临时工棚施工building of barracks
主要施工设备major plant
二次施工的混凝土地面two-course concrete floor
伊柯斯钻孔灌注桩施工ICOS method
传统施工方法classical construction method
传统施工方法classic construction method
传统施工conventional excavation
传统式施工traditional construction
传统的施工方法convectional construction method
低温施工路面low-temperature construction pavement
住宅施工domestic construction
住宅建筑施工人员home builder
体育场施工stadium construction
作业用竖井施工shaft adit
依次先后排列施工tandem work
倒贯入施工inverted penetration (一种先浇沥青后撒石料的路面施工方法)
先拱后墙施工upside-down construction
全宽施工full-width construction
全断面隧道施工full face tunnelling
全断面隧道施工full face tunneling
全部施工时间overall construction time
全面施工full-scale construction
公共工程设施public services
公共工程设施public facilities
公路施工motorway construction
公路施工highway construction
公路施工工作highway construction work
公路施工技术highway construction technique
公路施工技术highway building technique
公路施工现场highway construction site
公路施工试验机highway construction tester
公路施工试验者highway construction tester
公路施工预算highway construction budget
公路混凝土施工现场motorway concrete
军事施工卫生hygiene of military construction
施工stepwise construction
分区式施工zoned type of construction
分块施工blocking construction method
分层施工layered construction (法)
分层段施工stage construction
分层浇灌施工multiple lift construction
分层浇筑施工法分层浇注施工法multiple lift construction
分期渐进施工progressive stage construction
分段施工section construction
分段施工split construction
分段施工sectionalized construction
分段施工column method of execution (混凝土坝)
分阶段施工gradual construction
分阶段施工gradual execution
分阶段施工execution in stages
利用列车间隔施工constructing in train running interval
刮涂施工doctor-blade application
前方施工标志men working sign
前进分期施工progressive stage construction
前面施工construction ahead
前面路肩施工标志shoulder work ahead sign
前面道路施工标志road work ahead sign
加载沉箱施工sinking of caisson hy loading
加速施工accelerated construction
化学灌浆搅拌成形桩施工construction method of chemical churning pile
区间施工作业安排construction plan in section
升板施工lift-slab method of construction
升板施工lift-slab system
升板施工lift-slab construction
升板施工lift slab construction method
升板施工building construction with lifting method
升板滑模联合施工lifting floor and sliding form work combined construction
升模施工jumping shuttering
半宽施工half width construction
单位工程施工工期construction period of unit project
单元工程施工进度计划construction plan for individual project
单元工程实施性施工组织设计executive construction organization design of unit project
单层施工single-lift construction (法)
单层施工one-layer operation (法)
预应力混凝土单独模板施工individual mould method
压人式施工press fit method
压实桩施工compaction pile method
压气施工pneumatic method
压气施工pneumatic excavation
厚层施工thick lift construction
合理施工rational construction
吊板施工lift-slab construction
后拉挡土墙施工tieback method
吸声材料施工absorbent construction (method)
员工福利服务设施安排employee comfort and services in layout
员工福利设施employee welfare facility
周边墙施工perimeter wall construction
土压力平衡盾构施工earth pressure balance shield tunneling
土坝施工fill dam construction
钻孔桩中土壤摻加水泥砂浆施工soil-cement construct ion method
土建施工说明书general specification of building construction
土方机械施工mechanical earth works
土方机械施工mechanical earthwork
土木工程施工合同条件conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction
土木工程施工场地civil engineering site
土木工程设施civil works
施工under construction
施工in course of construction
施工construction in process
施工现场at the construction site
施工现场at the construction field
施工现场制造的job's housekeeping made
在陡峭的地层上施工steep working
圬工施工masonry construction
地下墙施工earth wall construction method
地下岩层施工underground construction in rock
地下工程施工机械underground construction machinery
地下连续墙施工construction of diaphragm wall
地下连续墙施工earth wall construction method
地沥青路面的整体性施工streamlined construction of asphalt paving
地道式隧道施工underpass-type tunnelling method
地道式隧道施工underpass-type tunneling method
挡土墙的地锚施工earth anchor method
均衡施工balanced construction
坝基施工dam construction
坡道施工slope construction
坡道施工设备slope construction equipment
垂直施工vertical construction joint
垆姆的夯实施工rammed loam construction
堤坝施工embankment dam construction
堤脚施工toe construction
临时性的施工通道洞wall run
施工方法wall construction method
墙板施工panel construction
墙板施工方法panel construction method
墙板施工系统panel construction system
墙的施工形式wall construction type
备选用施工方法alternative construction method
夏季施工hot-weather construction
外伸施工end-on system
外墙建筑施工enclosing wall construction
多孔混凝土施工方法cellular construction
多层施工multiple lift construction (法)
多级施工multistage construction
夜间施工噪声night construction noise
夜间施工增加费construction expense added at night
大体积混凝土薄层施工low-lift construction for mass concrete
大体积混凝土薄层施工low-lift construction for bulk concrete
大型墙板施工large panel construction (法)
大型混凝土施工现场big concrete site
大型砌块施工building of large tiles
大型砌块施工building of large blocks
大型砌块施工block construction method
大型砖块施工building of large tiles
大型预制板施工large panel construction
大型预制板材施工panel construction
大开挖施工cut-and-cover technique
大梁施工建造girder construction
大模板施工large form construction
大规模机械化施工large-scale mechanized construction
夯实桩施工compaction pile method
奥地利施工Austrian method of tunneling driving (隧道掘进)
存于施工场地的批准图样approved drawings kept at building
安全施工safety construction
安全施工设备safety builders furniture
安全施工配件safety builders fittings
安装施工图表erection and construction plot
完成施工保险completed operation insurance
完整的管道施工complete spread
定型模板施工prefabricated negatives
实际施工actual construction time
实际施工程序actual construction sequence
实际施工程序actual construction procedure
实际建筑施工的准备工作preliminary work for construction
小规模施工场地small-scale building site
就地平浇竖立施工tilt-up construction (混凝土墙板)
就地灌注混凝土桩施工MIP mixed in place pile method
就地道路施工焦油mixed-in-place construction of road
就地钻孔灌注砂浆桩施工packed in place pile
屋面施工roofing application
屋面施工用支架roofing bracket
嵌缝膏施工application of building mastics
市政工程设施municipal engineering facility
常规法隧道施工conventional tunnelling
常规法隧道施工conventional tunneling
施工dry construction
施工墙板构造drywall construction
干作业施工dry construction
干地施工dry work
干地施工dry construction
干式施工dry work
干式装配施工dry prefabricated frame assembly method
干法施工技术dry technical of construction
干法施工系统dry system of construction
干装配施工dry prefabricated frame assembly method
平均施工工期average construction period
平衡悬臂施工balance cantilever construction
平衡悬臂分段施工balance cantilever segmental construction
年度施工组织设计annual construction organization design
序歹施工sequential construction
开口沉箱施工open caisson method
开始施工initiation of construction
开始施工initialization of construction
开挖施工drawing of excavation construction
开槽施工open trench
开槽施工open cut
开槽施工trench cut method
开槽施工trench method
开足马力施工to go into full construction
弗莱西奈河应力施工Freyssinet method
施工general engineering set
施工管理员spread superintendent
施工费用final construction cost
总承包施工general contract
总承包施工original contract
总承包施工original contract construction
截流施工设备closure construction equipment
截流施工进度closure construction schedule
房屋施工construction of building
打捞施工展布图deploying plan of salvage operation
打捞施工进度表schedule of salvage operation
打眼放炮施工drill and blast construction method
批准施工approved for construction
承包施工contract work
承包施工contract drawing
施工应力加固reinforcement for stresses in erection
施工应力钢筋reinforcement for stresses in erection
指导性施工组织设计directive construction organization design
按图施工construction in compliance with design drawing
按图施工construction according to drawing
按日计酬施工day labour construction
按日计酬施工day labor construction
按计划施工planned-stage construction
按计划步骤施工planned-stage construction
振捣混凝土施工vibro-cast concrete method
地基振浮压实施工vibro-flotation method
地基排水施工dewatering method
排水施工drainage method
排水施工dewatering method
排水工程最终处理设施sewage treatment works
排水管道施工sewer line construction
掘进机隧洞施工machine bored tunnelling
掘进机隧洞施工machine bored tunneling
摊铺机施工paver method
放坡挖槽施工trench method
敞开式隧道施工cut-and-cover technique
整体施工monolithic construction
敷设管子施工设备pipe-laying plant
斜坡施工slope work
斜坡施工slope construction
斜坡施工设备slope construction equipment
斜茬施工ranking work joint
明挖法施工open cut method
明挖法施工cut-and-cover construction method
昼夜施工round-the-clock job
昼夜施工round-the-clock work
普通凿井施工测量construction survey for conventional shaft sinking method
暑季混凝土施工hot-weather concreting
暗式施工submerged type construction joint
最终施工费用final construction cost
服务设施安装工service layer
木制板材构造施工wood panel construction
木框架构造施工wood frame construction
木楼梯施工人员wooden staircase builder
木楼梯施工人员wooden stair builder
未完施工uncompleted construction
未完施工construction in process
未完建筑施工工程uncompleted building works
机动施工mobile scaffold
机械化施工mechanical execution
机械化施工mechanized operation of building
机械化施工mechanical construction
机械化施工公司mechanized construction company
机械法施工mechanical tunnelling
机械法施工mechanical tunneling
松软地层隧道施工soft ground tunnelling
松软地层隧道施工soft ground tunneling
构架施工framework construction method
栅栏施工与保养construction and maintenance of fences
标准施工方法standard construction method
标准施工standard construction method
桥梁施工三角测量triangulation survey for bridge construction
桥梁施工bridge foreman
桥梁施工construction drawing of bridge
桥梁施工工程师bridge field engineer
桥梁施工技术bridge construction practice
桥梁施工技术bridge building practice
桥梁施工概算general estimate of bridge construction
桥梁施工流程图flow diagram of bridge construction
梅赛尔施工messer sheet-pile method
楔形施工keyed construction joint
楼梯施工staircase construction
楼梯施工construction of staircase
楼梯施工construction of stair
模式化施工modular construction method
模数化施工modular construction (构造)
模板施工mould construction
模板施工mold construction
横向施工transverse construction joint
正常施工临时费用normal construction contingency
气动施工pneumatically applied
气压沉箱施工foundation work under compressed air
气压沉箱施工compressed-air caisson method
气压沉箱施工pneumatic caisson method
气压隧道施工compressed-air tunnelling
气压隧道施工compressed-air tunneling
水上施工overwater construction
水上施工机械floating plant
水上机械施工floating plant system
水下施工subaqueous execution
水下施工underwater execution
水下施工subaquatic work
水下施工涂料underwater paint
水下施工涂料under water coating compound
水下混凝土施工under water construction
水力发电施工hydroelectrical construction
水力发电施工hydroelectric construction
水密施工watertight working joint
水密施工water-tight construction joint
混凝土水平施工lift joint
水平施工construction lift
防护钻孔壁面用的水泥稳定液施工stabilized liquid method
水泥粘结碎石路面施工cement macadmix method
水电施工hydroelectrical construction
水电施工hydroelectric construction
水管线路施工设备waterline construction equipment
污水管施工sewer construction
沉井施工well caisson method
沉井施工well method
沉井施工测量construction survey for well-sinking
沉井施工测量construction survey for open caisson
水底隧道沉埋施工trench method
沉箱施工caisson work
洞内施工测量underground construction survey
活动模板施工travelling form construction method
活动模板施工traveling form construction method
活动水平模板施工movable platform construction
流水作业施工flow process of construction
流水作业施工construction flow process
浆砌施工wet construction
浇制建筑施工方法cast construction method
浇筑混凝土时的施工tamped joint
浮式施工机械floating craft
浮运施工floating construction method
海底施工测量submarine construction survey
处理地基的化学药品浸人施工impregnation method
浸涂施工dip application
涂层的最大施工厚度full coat
涂料施工coating application
涂料施工程序painting process
涂料施工程序painting procedure
消防灭火工具设施fire-fighting equipment
清理施工现场cleaning of construction site
渐进分散施工progressive stage construction
渐进分期施工progressive stage construction
渠道施工canal construction
港口工程施工port construction
港口设计和施工port design and construction
港口设计和施工port engineering and construction
港口设计和施工design and construction of port
湿作业施工wet construction
湿法施工wet process
湿法施工wet method
湿法施工wet construction
湿砂黏结施工wet sand-binder construction
湿表面施工涂料under water coating compound
湿集料法施工wet sand-binder construction
潜水施工diver work
灌注施工impregnation method
灌注桩施工grouting pile hole construction
灌注桩孔施工grouting pile hole construction
灌注硅酸钠和铝酸钠施工Che-M-I-ject construction method
灌溉工程施工与维修irrigation engineering and maintenance
焊接施工welding procedure
焊接施工welding procedure drawing
焊接施工试验welding procedure qualification test
煤气管线施工设备gas pipe line construction rig
特制的施工用器具purpose-made builders fitting
特制的施工用的小五金purpose-made builders hardware
特种类型施工special type of construction
用机器人施工robot-controlled construction
电动施工平台powered platform
电气施工electrical construction
电气施工electric construction
电气施工工具electrical construction tool
电气施工工具electric construction tool
疏浚施工dredging execution
疏浚施工dredging operation
疏浚施工dredging construction
真空排水降低地下水位施工vacuum drainage method
砂井加固地基施工sand drain method
砂井真空排水加固地基施工sand drain vacuum method
砂桩加固地基施工sand compaction pile method
砂胶灌缝施工sand-mastic method
砂胶灌缝施工sand mastic method
硬岩隧道施工hard rock tunneling
碎石路施工方法macadam road construction method
窗户施工construction of window
窗扇施工疵病defects in sash work
窗扇施工疵病defects in sash fixing
窗的施工人员window builder
第一阶段施工first-stage development
筑岛施工artificial island construction method
简要施工说明streamlined specifications
简要施工说明outline specifications
粉刷施工要点key for plaster
置换施工replacement method
膜式施工用泵diaphragm contractor's pump
节段施工segmental construction method
节约人工措施labor-saving device
薄壳施工方法shell construction method
大体积混凝土的薄层施工low-lift construction
街道施工street construction
补仓施工complementary bay construction
西门子式井点施工Siemens well method
贝诺托施工Benoto process (大口径现浇混凝土桩)
贝诺托式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工Benoto method
转体施工swinging erection
转体施工construction by swing
软土地基竖向加固施工vertical drain method
沉箱载荷下沉施工sinking of caisson hy loading
辅助施工机具auxiliary constructional appliance
辅助施工设备auxiliary construction equipment
辊涂施工roller application (法)
逆作施工upside-down construction
逆流施工【疏upbound dredging
逐孔施工span-by-span construction (法)
逐孔施工progressive erection (法)
逐跨施工span-by-span construction (法)
逐跨施工progressive erection (法)
通用施工吊车universal building crane
造园施工landscape construction
道路施工road construction
道路施工road building
道路施工construction of roads
道路施工供应站road depot
道路施工预算road construction budget
酷热气候混凝土施工hot-weather concreting
锚拉挡土墙施工earth anchor method
锚拉挡土墙施工tieback method
锚挡土墙施工tieback method
锤击桩施工compaction pile method (法)
键接施工key construction joint
镶板施工panel construction
镶板施工方法panel construction method
长、大、重工程实施性施工组织设计executive construction organization design of long-term large-size and key project
防波堤施工levee construction
降模施工drop-slab construction
限制性劳工措施restrictive labour practice
限制性劳工措施restrictive labor practice
随道随挖随填施工cut and cover method
隔仓施工chequer board construction
隔仓施工alternate lane construction
隔仓施工混凝土道路施工中的隔段施工法alternate bay construction
隔车道施工alternate lane construction
霍赫斯待拉赛尔式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工HW Hochstrasser-Weise method
霍赫斯特拉赛尔式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工Hochstrasser-Weise method
露天施工open building pit
非工程性防洪措施non-structural measure of flood control
非工程措施non-structural measure
非连续性施工discontinuous construction
顶升施工jack block construction
顶管施工pipe jacking
隧道、管道等的顶进施工construction by pipe jacking method
顺序施工work in succession
顺流施工downstream dredging
预制施工system construction method
预制段拼装施工segmental construction
预应力混褪土桥预制块悬臂施工precast cantilever method
预制板材施工prefabricated panel construction (法)
预制板材施工panel construction (法)
预制构件装配施工tilt-up construction method
预制模板施工prefabricated negatives
预制法施工precast construction
预制装配施工prefabricated construction method
预应力施工prestressed construction
预应力混凝土施工prestressed concrete construction
预应力混凝土梁桥用预制分段平衡旋臂施工prestressed concrete beam bridge by precast balanced cantilever segmental construction
预浇沥青碎石路施工precoat macadam method
预计施工期限expected working period
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