
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 方面 | all forms | in specified order only
全面计划方案overall project
凝固小方坯横截面二次距inertia moment of cross-section of solidified billet
方面转让unilateral transfer
四面立方点阵 【晶格】tetrahedral cubic lattice
四面立方点阵晶格tetrahedral cubic lattice
大断面连铸大方坯large section continuously cast bloom
大方坯断面cross-section of bloom
大方坯断面bloom cross-section
大方坯表面周期凹陷periodic depressions on bloom surface
宏观浸蚀的小方坯横断面macroetched billet cross section
密排面心立方晶格close-packed face centred cubic lattice
小方坯断面cross-section of billet
小方坯断面billet section
小方坯纵切面longitudinal section of billet
小方坯表面浅裂纹shallow surface crack of billet
小方坯表面积/体积比billet surface area-to-volume ratio
小方坯表面质量billet surface quality
差厚面标志方法differential marking system (双面差厚电镀锡薄钢板的)
斜方形断面rhomboidal section
斜方形面rhombic face
方位平面azimuthal plane
方块料铺砌路面cube pavement
方形断面square section
方形断面square cross-section
方形断面结晶器square-section mold
方石路面cube pavement
清理过表面缺陷的小方坯conditioned billet
立方体面cube face
立方对面取向cube-on-face orientation
立方对面织构cube-on-face texture
立方晶面反射cube-face reflection
立方系晶面cubic plane
表面经过清理的小方坯surface-conditioned billet
表面经过清理的小方坯conditioned surface billet
表面经过清理的小方坯billet with conditioned surface
面心四方点阵face-centered tetragonal lattice
面心四方的结拘,晶格face-centered tetragonal
面心四方的结拘,晶格face-centred tetragonal
面心立方变态face-centered cubic modification (晶型)
面心立方合金face-centered cubic alloy
面心立方晶体face-centered cubic crystal
面心立方晶型face-centered cubic form
面心立方晶格face-centred cubic lattice (When heated to 906°C, the iron atoms spontaneously rearrange into the face-centred cubic lattice. 加热到 906°C ,铁原子自动重新排列成面心立方晶格。)
面心立方晶格face-centred cubic
面心立方晶格face-centered cubic
面心立方晶系face-centered cubic lattice system
面心立方晶胞face-centered cubic cell
面心立方点阵 【晶格】face-centered cube lattice (【技】单胞的每个顶角及每个面的中心点各有一个阵点占据的立方晶格。奥氏体钢是典型的面心立方结构。)
面心立方点阵face-centered cube lattice
面心立方点阵原子密排面堆砌次序face-centered sequence of layers
面心立方的结构,晶格face centered cubic
面心立方的face-centred cubic
面心立方的结构,晶格face centred cubic
面心立方相face-centered cubic phase
面心立方结构face-centered cubic structure (【技】 立方晶系结构之一。在其晶胞中,每个顶点有一个原子,每个面的中心有一个原子,是单质原子所能堆垛成的最密排列结构之一。)
面心立方金属face-centered cubic metal
面心立方铜金合金face-centered cubic copper-gold alloy