
Terms for subject Economy containing 方面 | all forms | in specified order only
不履行财产方面的债务的契据deed of default on property
许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易trade in industrial and agricultural products with (many countries)
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
争议方同意仲裁的书面文件arbitration bond
人情方面的成功沟通human side successful communication
从四面八方from all many quarters
从四面八方from all quarters
从质量方面考虑,我认为你方应加价 2%Taking the quality into consideration, I think you should increase the price by 2%
他们不同意单方面取消这笔订货They can not agree to the unilateral cancellation of the order
他们在生产计划方面一直没有合作They have not been cooperative over the productivity plan
他们按照当时的折旧资产账面价值向我方出售了工厂机器They sold us the machinery of the factory at the then depreciated book value of such machinery
他在羊毛行业方面颇有名望He is very well known in the wool trade
他是商业管理方面的一位专家He's an expert in the field of business management
付款方面的便利facilities for payment
代理人事先征得委托方董事会书面同意后可代表委托方签订某项合同The agent may enter into a certain contract in behalf of the principal with the prior written consent of its Board of Directors
仲裁庭的裁决就各方面而言都是公正的,无串通舞弊或欺诈The verdict of the arbitration court is in all respects impartial and without collision or fraud
价格方面的差距disparity in value
价格方面的零价齐次关系homogeneous of degree zero in prices
价格方面的零阶齐次关系homogeneous of degree zero in prices
你方必须用足够的书面证据来支持你方的索赔You have to support your claim with sufficient documentary proof
你方的义务和职责范围未经你方书面同意不得加以改变The extent of your obligations and responsibilities shall not be modified without your written consent
你方订货即将生产完毕,我们急盼你方指示,每个包装外面用何标记Your order has nearly been completed and we are urgently awaiting your instructions regarding label ling to each package
使用户方面in use
信息技术在财务方面的应用accounting use of information technology
信用证做以下几方面的修改后方能接受The L/C will be accepted on revision in the following respects
全面谈判方案comprehensive negotiating program
公司已收到来自其他方面的许多建议The company has received many proposals from other directions
公司有业务方面的紧急需要,要求工厂增加产量The business exigencies of the corporation required that the plant should increase the production
劳资纠纷方面的仲裁the arbitration in disputes between labour and capital
方面ex parte
方面保证unilateral undertaking
方面制定合同内容unilateral fixing of the terms of the contracts
方面受益的契约a gratuitous contract
方面合同unilateral contracts
方面契约unilateral contracts
方面废止unilateral denunciation (合同)
方面承担义务的契约unilateral contract
方面移转unilateral transfers
方面转移the unrequited transfer
方面通货贬值the unilateral devaluation of money
双方在权利或义务方面发生争执,将通过协商予以解决Any dispute between the parties in connection with the right or duties will be settled by consultation
双方接受一项相互交换制造方面的技术诀窍的建议Both parties accepted a proposal for reciprocal exchanges of recipes of manufacture
双方都有权修订他们所签订的书面契约Both parties have power to amend the written instrument signed by them
另一方面at the other end of the scale
只有买方或卖方的单方面市场one way market
因承包商方面未能履行义务,其设备可被没收或扣押The equipment may be seized or distrain-ed in default of liabilities on the part of the contractor
国家经济政策方面的一整套措施economic policy package
在两方面进行仲裁arbitrate between two parties
在取得房产主人的书面同意之后,承租人方得占用该房产After the written approval of the Landlord is obtained the tenant may take possession of the premises
在取得批发商书面同意之后,卖方可以转让应收账款After obtaining the written consent of the wholesaler the seller can sign the accounts receivable
在投资方面有上升趋势There is an upward trend in investment
在数目方面领先exceed in number
在新装置的制造方面有了不少的技术革新There have been numerous technical innovations in the manufacture of new devices
在环境方面的制约environmental discipline
在环境方面的制约the environmental discipline
在生意方面遭受损失sustain losses in business
在税收方面的一整套措施tax package
在起草协议时,必须避免有利于双方中任何一方的单方面条款In drawing an agreement, one-sided clauses in favour of either party must be avoided
方面的制度a multidimensional system
方面的制度multidimensional system
方面的防御措施the multi-part defence programme
她在簿记方面很在行She is good at booking
实施方面的延缓operational delay
审査案件的实体方面the review of the merits
审理案件的实体方面review of the merits (the substance of a judgement)
对各方有约束力的是书面协议,而非口头的It is the written agreement, not the parol one that is binding on parties (协议)
希望你们在这方面的努力会有收获We hope your endeavours in this respect will prove fruitful
我们专门生产冶金设备,在这方面已有多年的经验We are well established in manufacturing metallurgical equipment to which we have devoted years of experience
我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country
我们对你方下列商品感兴趣,即美容霜、珍珠粉、面膜和护发素We are interested in the following items of yours, viz. vanishing cream, pearl powder, face pack and hair conditioner
我们想知道他们是否具备工厂设计及工程技术方面的能力We wonder whether they possess the capability of design and engineering of plant
我们最好不要经营在原产地方面会引起混乱的任何产品We'd better not handle any products which may cause confusion as to source of origin
我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you
我们预料在购买这些物品方面有些困难We contemplated some difficulties in buying these goods
我方专门生产手工艺品,愿与贵方进行这方面的交易Being specialized in the manufacture of handicrafts, we express our desire to trade with you in this line
我方在促销你方产品方面的服务已经取得了适当的报酬Appropriate compensation for our service in promoting the sales of your products has been made
我方将下面的信息传达给你方供参考We passed on the below information to you just for your reference
我方希望你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向We hope you will express your intention in written notice
我没有这方面生意的经验,请给我一些建议I'm inexperienced in this line, please give me some advice
按事由作出的实体法方面的决定determine the case upon its merit
支付方面的便利措施facilities for payment
政府单方面转移public unrequited transfer
数量方面quantitative angle
价、量方面的差异the variance in (price, quantity)
政府支出、装卸、经营方面的效率efficiency in (government expenditures, loading and unloading, operation)
粮食生产方面的缺额gap in (food production)
普通的租赁至少包含两个方面,即承租人和出租人An ordinary lease consists of at least two parties i.e. lessee and lessor
最有利的方面beauty part
有关方面the quarters concerned
有关方面the parties concerned
未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party
未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent
本合同未经双方书面同意不得注销The cancellation of the agreement will not be permitted without the written consent of either party
本期单方面转移款项unrequited current transfers
来自消费者方面的压力consumer pressure
来自需求方面的压力push and pull of demand
根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
每平方米舱面负载deck load per square meter
消除文化方面的分歧bridge cultural differences
现在,供需两方面增长的比例失调Now the increase in supply is out of proportion to that in demand
由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
甲方在未取得乙方的事先同意之前不得单方面行动Party A shall not act unilaterally without the prior approval of Party B
管理方面存在的首要问题是部分管理人员未与员工及其客户保持联系The No. 1 managerial problem is that some of the managers fail to make contact with both their employees and their customers
索赔必须有足够的书面证明方能生效There must be enough evidence in writing to validate the claim
经济方面economic aspect
经济学家必须具备标准方面的知识An economist must have a knowledge of standards
经济改革方面的投资the transformation investment
经济改革方面的投资transformational investment
编制全面预算方法a full-budgeting approach
职业方面的本领vocational stock-in trade
计划生育方面的研究family planning research
请注意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products
负偏态直方图面minus skewed histogram surface
质和量都重要,不要强调一方面而忽视另一方面Both quality and quantity are important. Don't emphasize one and deemphasize the other
这一竞争就各个方面来说都是公平合理的,毫无营私舞弊或欺诈行为The competition is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud
这家公司占地面积为4000平方英尺The area of the company is 4000 square feet
遇有侵犯…方面的专利权情况时,卖方应向买方负责In the event of infringement of any patent in, the seller shall be liable to the buyer
钢材供应充足,而在另一方面,木材却越来越少Steel is in plentiful supply, timber, on the contrary, is getting low
除了包装,我们对其他方面都满意We are satisfied with everything except for packing
面向行动方案action oriented programme