
Terms for subject Finances containing 方式 | all forms | in specified order only
中央结算系统的凭证式持股方式CCASS certificated holdings
以信用方式交易on margin
以先旧后新方式配售top-up placing
以先旧后新方式配售placing and top-up
以分期付款方式on easy terms
会计处理方式accounting treatment
会计方程式accounting identity
传统式报告方法traditional reporting
信用证结算方式clearing form by letter of credit
债务重组方式manners of debt restructuring
偿付方式payback method
公司结算方式corporate settlement
公式与方法formulas and process
其他企业组织方式other forms of business organization
剑桥方程式又名 cash balane equation 现金余额方程式用以说明货币价值Cambridge Equation
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the change of the growth model
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern
加快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of economic development model
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern at a faster pace
加快转变经济增长方式accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
发展方式ways of development
国际结算方式mode of international settlement
成本计算方式type of cost accounting
所有权方程式proprietorship equation
托收承付结算方式clearing form of accept-encashment
投资方程式proprietorship equation
按公式计算的摊还方法formulae based amortization
支付方式modality of payment
支付方式form of payment
新的发展方式new ways of development
方式方法ways and means
无纸化持股方式scripless holding
期货交易总值结算方式gross basis
清算方式clearing form
现金方式cash base
电子方式传送electronic transmission
电子付款方式ways of making payments electronically
电子记账方式electronic book-entry
票对票方式paper-to-paper arrangement
票据再融资方式bill refinance form
经济发展方式economic development pattern
结算方式form of settlement
结算方式clearing form
英国式结帐方式English form of closing the ledger
行权方式exercise style
订明方式prescribed manner
转变经济发展方式transform the pattern of economic development
转变经济发展方式transform economic development model
转变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern
转变经济发展方式过程process of transforming economies
选择性销售方式selective marketing basis
银行承兑保证付款方式per aval
银行转帐结算方式clearing form of transferring account in bank
预算方程式budget equation
预算编制方式presentation of budget