
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市规则最修订Listing Rule Update
上证综合指数SSE new composite index
不可以旧换的债券nonrefundable bond
不适当的股认购undue new shares subscription
不面向投资者closed to new investor
中国经济China Economic News
中小板市场创SME Board innovation
交易所股上市规则exchange's new listing rules
从事兴产业的公司emerging company
优先债还旧债senior refunding
债偿付旧债refinance existing loans
债还旧债debt conversion
还旧贷款funding loan
还旧贷款funded loan
债券更bond refunding
公司重登记re-registration of company
交易的灵活性与方便性flexibility and convenience of creation trading
企业innovative business
单位基金公司creation unit
型投资innovating-type investment
型的金融产品innovative financial products
性结构融资innovative structure financing
性金融工具innovative financing tools
机制creation mechanism
机制的影响influence of creation mechanism
、灵活、敢冒风险的管理文化指投资银行文化innovative, nimble, risk-taking management culture
类证券公司innovative securities companies
贷款计划innovation loan scheme
风险innovation risk
hitting fresh highs
创出record new high
初次股发行unseasoned new issue (又称 IPO,即首次公开发行)
发行债券换回旧债券bond refunding
发行come out
发行证券floating an issue
台湾创成长企业Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
台湾创成长企业类股Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
和谐创congruent innovation
固定资产更replenishment of fixed assets
固定资产更基金fund for the replenishment of fixed assets
固定资产更基金/资金funds for the replenishment of fixed assets
固定资产重估价reevaluation of fixed assets
培育的经济增长点tap new sources of economic growth
大摩兴市场外资自由投资指数MSCI Emerging Market Free Index
大摩加坡自由投资指数MSCI Singapore free index
大量股涌人对市场造成冲击flood of new stocks hitting the market
大革Big Bang
定期重定价期权在到期之前定期重定执行价的期权,与ratchet option意思相同clique option
实时创机制real-time creation mechanism
股有优先认购权have priority in subscription for new shares
巴布亚几内亚证券委员会Papua New Guinea Securities Commission
市场创、市场发展措施market initiative
市场重组融资创手段innovation of market restructuring and financing
带有股认购权的公司债券bond with subscription warrant
开创全事业start a brand new undertaking
彭博商业Bloomberg Business News
德国市场全股指数NEMAX All Share Index
德国市场50指数NEMAX 50 Index
德国市场行业指数NEMAX Sector index
德国闻和股票指数Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Germany, newspaper and stock index
恒生50中型股指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
息票重设定coupon reset
战争war brides
投机性金融创speculative financial innovation
投资novice investor
投资aunt millie investor
投资于建企业investment in outside start-ups
投资于外部建企业investment in outside start-ups
抱着成功希望的公司wannabe hero company
按先旧后顺序配售top-up placing
提前借还旧advance refunding
摩根士丹利国际投资的兴市场自由指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free
收盘前重议价renegotiation during pre-closing
一轮资金注人new round of capital influx
上市new listing
上市全流通股newly listed totally floating shares
上市公司newly floated company
上市公司报告new listing report
上市公司数目No. of Newly-listed companies
上市银行newly-listed bank
业务风险经营团体new business venture group
交易权的发行issuance of new trading rights
企业合伙人new enterprise associates
new low
信托new trusts
修改的上市规则newly amended listing rules
债发行new bond issues
债还旧债new for old
偿债基金new sinking fund
兴亚洲债券市场会议Emerging Asian Bond Market Conference
兴产业标准emerging industry standards
兴公司市场emerging company marketplace
兴发展性质emerging nature
兴市场交易商协会Emerging Markets Traders Association
兴市场作用emerging role
兴市场债券emerging market bond
兴市场回购emerging market repo
兴市场基金emerging fund
兴市场委员会国际证监会组织Emerging Markets Committee IOSCO
兴市场委员会企业管治特别行动小组国际证监会组织EMC Task Force on Corporate Governance
兴市场性质emerging nature
兴市场清算公司Emerging Market Clearing Corporation
兴市场股票emerging market stock
兴市场自由指数摩根士丹利公司开发的一种有关墨西哥、泰国、智利等国家股票市场的股票指数emerging markets free index
兴市场衍生工具emerging market derivatives
兴市场风险emerging market exposure
兴成长型公司emerging growth company
兴成长基金emerging growth fund
兴的公司emerging company
兴经济emerging economy
兴行业的标准emerging industry standards
兴证券市场数据库emerging stock market database
功效new efficacy
加坡交易所Singapore Exchange
加坡交易所摩根士丹利香港股市指数SIMEX MSCI Hong Kong Index
加坡交易所衍生工具交易公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
加坡交易所证券交易公司Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
加坡商品交易所Singapore Commodity Exchange
加坡国际货币交易所Singapore International Monetary ExchangeSIMEX
加坡海峡时报指数Singapore Strait Time Index
加坡股票交易所Stock Exchange of Singapore
加坡股票交易所交易自动报价系统Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation System
加坡证券交易所Singapore Exchange Ltd.
加坡证券交易所Singapore Stock Exchange
加坡证券交易所全新加坡指数Singapore SES All-Singapore Index
加坡证券交易所全新加坡指数SES All-Singapore Index
加坡货币当局Monetary Authority of Singapore
加坡金融管理局Monetary Authority of Singapore
加坡银行同业放款利率Singapore interbank offered rate
华富时中国25指数期权FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Options
华富时中国25指数期货FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Futures
印鉴new specimen
发行净额net new issue
发行国债on-the-run treasuries
发行总额gross new issues
发行热门股hot new issues
发行的股票coining out
发行的衍生权证newly issued derivative warrants
发行股newly issued share
发行股票无认购特权ex rights
发行证券new issue
合伙人incoming partner
型股票期权exotic stock options (衍生股票期权)
型认股证exotic warrant
型货币期权衍生货币期权exotic currency options
型风险转移alternative risk transfer
增信息报表statement of additional information
增固定资产newly increased fixed-asset
增固定资产additions to fixed assets
增的贷款incremental credit
增股份newly-increased shares
增账目报表statement of additional information
外国债券发行new foreign bond issue
工业化国家newly industrialized country
市场nouveau marche
市场Neuer Market
开工项目newly started projects
开账户new opening account
开账户报告书new account report
德国基金New Germany Fund
恒生50中型股股指new Hang Seng midcap 50 index
成立的信托newly formed trust
承诺new commitment
投资项目greenfield investment
投资回报率rate of return on new investment
投资技术new investment technology
挂牌股份new listing
授权的信托newly authorized trust
授权的基金newly authorized fund
旧买方/卖方new vs. old buyers/sellers
证券交易时间new time
期交易new time dealing
证券交易所期交易new time bargain
期权替代旧期权roll back
核准的信托newly authorized trust
核准的基金newly authorized fund
沉淀基金new sinking fund
潟证券交易所日本Nigata Stock Exchange
热点股市中new hot point
生/刚起步的市场nascent market
的信号fresh signal
证券的最低价格new low
证券的最高价格new high
的期权买家fresh option plays
公司改组后盈余new surplus
监管制度香港证监会The New Regulatory Framework
监管框架The New Regulatory Framework
票据new certificate
经济增长点new sources of economic growth
股东new shareholder
股发行new issue of shares
股发行fresh issue
股发行信息data about issuance of new shares
股发行前结转的利润分配carried-over profit arrangement before new issuance
股发行定价issuance pricing of new shares
股发行日程new issue calendar
股发行时无偿发放给股东的股票gratis stock
股发行规模约10亿美元IPO scale of about 1000 million U. S. dollars
股发行说明description of shares to be issued
股发行账户new issue account
股发行起始日期opening dates of new share issue
股权利凭证certificate of entitlement to new shares
股板块new stock group
股票发行费用new shares issuing expenses
股销售量new vehicle sales
行为准则new conduct rules
西兰交易所40资本指数NZSE 40 (New Zealand)
西兰期货和期权交易所New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange
西兰股票交易所New Zealand Stock Exchange
西兰证券委员会New Zealand Securities Commission
证书new certificate
证券new certificate
证券发行new securities issues
证券发行市场new issues market
证券栏目报刊上new securities issues
货币优先股new money preferred
质押式回购交易new general collateral repos
质押式回购的质押债券pledged bonds of the new general collateral repos
贷还旧贷refinance existing loans
闻公告press announcement
闻发布news releases
闻显示器券商使用的新闻传输设备news ticker
闻标题收益headline earnings (利多消息披露给公司带来的收益)
闻标题风险利空消息给公司带来的风险headline risk
高价基础high-on-high basis
股申购权ex new
股认购权new share off
无偿配发股票no paid allotment
无认购股权不含权right off
无风险risk-free new shares
债券refunding bonds
债务replacement debt
储备金replacement reserve
准备金replacement reserve
成本会计replacement cost accounting
文件updated file
日期date of renewal
资金贷款rehabilitation loan
上市公司信息latest listed company information
信号fresh signal
市场消息market updates
成交last sale
成交规则美国证券业协会规定,交易中除价格之外,投资人有权知晓其他有关股票的信息last sale rule
最佳买价买方报价the latest best bid price
最佳卖价卖方报价the latest best ask price
行情fresh picture
进价法last invoice cost method
未偿还借款重筹资refinancing of outstanding borrowing
杠杆式leveraged buildup
杠杆重平衡leverage rebalancing
subnew stock
secondary new share
欧洲市场全股指数Euro NM all share index
深圳证券交易所创指数SZSE innovation index
用金融创去规避financial innovation to avoid
申购subscription of new stock
电子认购股指示Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares
电子金融创E-finance innovation
直接以欧洲美元计价的债券发行new straight Eurodollar bond offerings
直接纳人中央计算系统direct stock admission
破产前重包装prepackaged bankruptcy
票据更renewal of bills and notes
稳妥发行seasoned new issue
筹集资金raise fresh capital
终身禁止某人重进人证券行业banning someone from re-entering securities industry for life
经商business beginner
网上发行股股本认购capital subscription of new stock online issuance
i股华富时A50中国指数基金iShares FTSE/Xinhua A50 China Tracker
股市创下stock retreated to fresh lows
股票重分类reclassification of stock
股票重评级和降级stock re-ratings and de-ratings
自动更合同self-renewing contract
自我创能力self-innovation capacity
被抑制的股需求pent up demand for new shares
被抑制的对股的需求pent-up demand for new shares
认购subscription of new issues
认购股权利subscription privilege
认购股的权利right to apply for new shares
认购股通知书rights letter
证券法规定的股发行条件conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares
诱发一轮经济扩张trigger a new round of economic expansion
购买股权stock right
资产重配置assets redeployment
资本市场的改革与创reform and innovation of the capital market
达到两年来hit a two-year high
配发股程序share allotment procedure
估价储备revaluation reserve
估价剩余资产reevaluate remaining assets
协商利率每 3 ~ 5年调整一次的长期融资利率rate reopener
发行reopen an issue
启动基金reactive fund
安排付款期限reschedule of payment
安排债务rescheduling of debt
安排贷款rescheduled loans
资产安置成本rearrangement cost
资产安置费用rearrangement cost
定价日repricing date
开业resume business
打包为债务抵押债券repackaged in the form of collateralised debt obligations (CDO)
登记申请application for re-registration
考虑份额reconsider a share
计算的方法recalculation method
认购权reload options
调整计划readjustment plan
贷款refinanced loan
进人通过与某现存企业合并形成一个新企业的方式进人该行业de novo entry
配股reallocation of shares
影响证券市场的 重要material news
金融financial news
金融闻综合指数financial news composite index
金融产品创financial product innovation
金融衍生产品全方位创all directional innovations covered derivative products
金融规避创financial innovation to avoid
金融革financial innovation
钻法律漏洞的创理论loophole mining innovation theory
附有股分配权cum new
除去股出售sold ex new
技术企业high technology firm
科技市场high-tech market
高增长及兴股份的市场market for the high-growth and emerging stocks