
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
克里米亚-疆出血热Crimean hemorrhagic fever
切除性牙周膜附着术excisional new attachment of periodontium
孕妇陈代谢metabolism of the pregnant
型隐球菌培养Cryptococcus neoformans culture
小脑发育不全neocerebellar agenesis
月体肾小球肾炎crescentic glomerulonephritis
生儿乳房增大enlargement of breast in newborn
生儿低血糖症neonatal hypoglycemia
生儿假月经pseudomenstruation of newborn
生儿出血病hemorrhagic disease of newborn
生儿剥脱性皮炎neonatal exfoliative dermatitis
生儿剥脱性皮炎Ritter disease
生儿剥脱性皮炎exfoliative dermatitis of newborn
生儿卡介苗接种率newborn BCG vaccination rate
生儿吸人性肺炎inhalation pneumonia of newborn
生儿呼吸暂停apnea of newborn
生儿咽血综合征swallowed blood syndrome of newborn
生儿唇裂harelip of newborn
生儿喂养neonatal feeding
生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn
生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎acute necrotizing enteritis in newborn
生儿头颅血肿neonatal cephalohematoma
生儿室newborn room
生儿惊厥neonatal convulsion
生儿护理nursing care of newborn
生儿死亡neonatal death
生儿沐浴neonatal bath
生儿泪囊炎neonatal dacryocystitis
生儿湿肺wet lung of newborn
生儿溶血性贫血hemolytic anemia of newborn
生儿溶血病hemolytic disease of newborn
生儿溶血病neonatal hemolytic disease
ABO 生儿溶血病ABO haemolytic disease of the newborn
生儿溶血症护理nursing care of hemolytic disease of newborn
生儿甲状腺功能亢进症neonatal hyperthyroidism
生儿病理性黄疸pathological jaundice of newborn
生儿癫痫neonatal seizure
生儿的家庭护理home care of the new born
生儿皮下坏疽subcutaneous gangrene of newborn
生儿监护仪neonatal monitor
生儿监护病房neonatal intensive care unit
生儿破伤风tetanus neonatorum
生儿硬皮症sclerema neonatorum
生儿硬肿病scleredema neonatorum
生儿硬肿症neonatal scleredema
生儿窒息neonatal asphyxia
生儿筛查newborn screening
生儿筛查neonatal screening
生儿糖尿病neonatal diabetes mellitus
生儿红细胞增多病neonatal polycythemia
生儿结膜炎neonatal conjunctivitis
生儿肝炎综合征neonatal hepatitis syndrome
生儿肺不张atelectasis neonatorum
生儿肺出血pulmonary hemorrhage of newborn
生儿肺透明膜病neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
生儿肺透明膜病neonatal hyaline membrane disease
生儿脐炎omphalitis of the newborn
生儿脱水热dehydration fever of newborn
生儿蓝光疗法phototherapy for neonates
生儿行为neonatal behavior
生儿行为评分neonatal behavioral assessment scale
生儿行为评分Brazelton scale
生儿裂腭cleft palate of newborn
生儿败血症septicemia of newborn
生儿败血症neonatal septicemia
生儿贫血neonatal anemia
生儿重症肌无力neonatal myasthenia gravis
生儿重黄疸icterus gravis neonatorum
生儿颅内出血intracranial hemorrhage in newborn
生儿高血糖neonatal hyperglycemia
生儿黄疸neonatal jaundice
生易位de novo translocation
生期耐受neonatal tolerance
生线neonatal line
生血管性青光眼neovascular glaucoma
生血管性黄斑病变neovascular maculopathy
生运动单位动作电位nascent motor unit action potential
疆出血热Sinkiang hemorrhagic fever
繁睾吸虫病achillurabainiasis noveli
陈代谢疾病metabolic diseases
鲜全血fresh whole blood
鲜冰冻血浆fresh frozen plasma
鲜液体血浆fresh plasma
暂时性生儿甲状旁腺功能减退症transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism
牙周附着new-attachment of periodontium
畸形生儿护理nursing care of handicapped infant
痰涂片阳性肺结核登记率new case registration rate of new case registration rate of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis pulmonarytuberculosis
结核病登记率tuberculosis new case registration rate