
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
扩大的市场growth market
不要从外表判事物Don't judge a thing from the outside
与一国绝贸易关系sever trade relations with a country
的企业经营discontinued business operations
谈判break off negotiations
贸易洽商cease business negotiations
主观推subjective inference
买主垄市场monopsony market
买主独家垄buyer's monopoly
争议中的公umpire in a dispute
价值的判judgement of value
价格常常不波动Prices are subject to constant fluctuations
企业诊diagnosis of enterprises
质量水平quality of requirements
企业monopolistic enterprise
局面monopoly situation
性工业产品monopolistic industrial products
棉花establish a corner on in cotton
棉花市场corner on the cotton market
棉花市场corner the cotton market
市场机制阻segmentation of market mechanism
英国1965年垄与合并法Monopolies and Mergers Act 1965
我们可以言船方应对损坏负责We can affirm that the ship owner is responsible for the damage
技术垄technological monopoly
技术转让中条款break clause
担任公act as umpire
欺诈constructive fraud
开时间off time (与接通时间 (on time)相对)
续的periodic (a.)
续的生产discontinuous production
续的生产discontinuous running
暴风雪使铁路中A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads
最优性判准则optimality criterion
生产不减少steady decrease in production
被垄的市场monopolized market
设备诊程序device diagnosis program
货物质量在不提高The quality of the goods is being progressively improved
质量判标准quality of requirements
贸易中suspension of trade
的调控discontinuous control
需求在不上升The demand is on the increase