
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
对气象形势和未来预报的一般推general inference
一般综合维修诊generic integrated maintenance diagnostics
三极高压路器3-pole HV circuit-breaker
下沉率最低时切滑翔功率的速度sink gliding speed with power off with minimum rate of sink
不间供电电源uninterruptible power supply
不间供电电源管理系统UPS management system
不间校对距离sequential collation of range
不间电源uninterruptable uninterrupted power supply
专家判expert judgment
两家卖主垄市场duopoly (的局面)
个人装备接器personal equipment connector
前完成make before break
控制记录器interrupt control register
编码gap coding
触发器interrupt flip-flop
警告interrupt alert
起飞aborted take-off
起飞reject take off
起飞可用距离直升机rejected takeoff distance available
起飞可用距离rejected takeoff distance available (helicopters, 直升机机场的术语。它是宣布可用的最终进行和起飞区域 (FATO )的长度,而且适合1类性能的直升机完成中断起飞)
起飞需用距离rejected takeoff distance required (在动力装置失效且在起飞决断点中断起飞后,从起飞点到直升机完全停止所需的水平距离)
进场着陆并复飞missed approach
进近missed approach (由于某种原因而无法完成着陆的进近,主要是因为飞行员无法在其决断高度看到跑道。飞行员必须咨询空中交通管制部门并遵循公布的中断进近程序或遵循由空中交通管制部门指定的替换的中断进近程序)
进近复飞点missed approach point (仪表进近程序中的一点,在这点或之前必须开始制订的中断未进近程序以保证最小障碍间隔。中断进近点可能是电子下滑道与决断高度的交叉点,位于机场的导航设备,适当的定位点 (如测距设备即DME),导航设备或最终进近定位点外制订的距离 (不超过导航设备或定位点到机场最近边界的距离)。当通过导航设备或定位点确定了中断进近点后,从最后进近定位点 (FAF )到中断进近点的距离通常也是公布的,并可用来为到中断进近点计时。在所有不能用于计时的情况下,必须为程序注明:“为确定中断进近点未授权计时”)
进近段missed approach segment (仪表进近程序的一部分,介于中断进近点、中断进近航路点或决断高度处到达点和最低仪表飞行规则高度处指定的中断进近导航设备点、交叉点、定位点或航路点。它是飞机爬升并返回到航路结构中的进近程序的一部分,或者是为等待或随后进近而设的定位。飞行路线和飞行高度在仪表进近图中描述)
进近程序missed approach procedure (由于任何原因无法完成着陆,而在仪表进近后所遵循的程序。当飞机已经下降到决断高度,且无法看到跑道,或当空中交通管制引导飞机复飞时,通常要遵照中断进近程序。对每个程序只能公布一个中断进近程序)
进近航路点missed approach waypoint (最后航线的航路点,它表示最后进近段的结束并开始中断进近段。它通常位于着陆跑道人口处)
进近转弯航路点missed approach turning waypoint (飞机将自动飞过的仪表进近程序的中断进近段中指定的航路点,以便飞到指定的中断进近等待点)
进近阶段missed approach phases (中断进近分为初试、中间和最后三个阶段。初始阶段从中断进近复飞点 (MAPt )开始,并在开始爬升点结束。在这个阶段没有规定转弯,因为最主要的机动是准备爬升。在中间阶段爬升继续进行,通常直着向前。延伸至获得164ft (50m)障碍物间隔的第一点并能保持。在这个阶段,航迹可以从最初进近阶段最大改变15度。同时,飞机在这个阶段开始修正航迹。中断进近的最后阶段从第一次获得164ft (50 m )的障碍并保持的点开始,延伸至新的进近、等待或回到航路飞行开始的那一点。这一阶段可能会指定转弯)
重量brake-off weight
飞行air abort (起飞后中断飞行)
飞行练习abort drill
飞行自动传感系统automatic abort sensing system
高度break-off height
高度break-off altitude
中心诊central diagnostic group
main step
主动力电路路器main power circuit breaker
结构的主动抑制active depression failure
交流电切alternation current dump
任务中mission abort
优先中模块priority interrupt module
使中interrupt enable
供水关water supply shutoff valve
供水截water supply shutoff valve
便携式诊系统portable diagnostic system
保险丝烧信号fuze alarm
俯仰修正切pitch erection cut off
先接后make before break
先期诊发动机监控系统advanced diagnostic engine monitoring system
全面屈服裂力学general yielding fracture mechanics
shut down
处理器shut down processor
活门shut off valve
自动驾驶仪disengage the autopilot
shutoff valve
内建诊电路built-in diagnostic circuit
内部故障自动诊automatic internal diagnosis
海拔decision altitude (①在精确进近时,如果无法获得目视参考物而做出中断进近决断的最低极限海拔或高度。决断海拔以平均海平面为参考,而决断高度以跑道人口标高为参考。所需的目视参考物是指能让飞行员看到的可视辅助装置或进近区域的一部分,从而使飞行员有足够的时间判断飞机的位置和飞机位置变化与设想的飞行轨迹的关系。在需要决断高度的第 III 类着陆中,所需的目视参考物是指对特殊程序和操作的详细说明。为了方便,决断海拔和决断高度可以写成为 decision altitude/height, DA/H (决断海拔/高度)。这些术语已经取代了 minimum height, MH (最小高度)、 minimum descend, MD (最小下降)、minimum descend altitude/height MDA/H (最小下降海拔/高度)和 minimum descend height, MDH (最小下降高度)。②对于仪表着陆系统 (ILS )和精确进近雷达 (PAR )仪表进近,指飞行员做出进近或中断进近决定的最低决断高度)
海拔/决断高度decision altitude/decision height
point of decision
速度decision speed (在一台动力装置失效时,速度超过决断速度时必须起飞,而低于决断速度时必须放弃起飞。决断速度与起飞重量和跑道长度有关)
速度decision speed
最低高度minimum descent altitude
高度违例decision height abuse
高度/高decision altitude/height
击穿熔puncture lightning arrester
分离系统电器split system breaker
分离系统路器跳闸split system breaker trip
分离系统路器闭合split system breaker close
cutoff and form die
、冲孔和成形模cutoff, pierce and form die
压力cut-out pressure
和冲孔模cutoff and pierce die
旋塞shutoff cock
shut-off valve
check valve
cut off valve
stop valve
block valve
cut out valve
shut off valve
阈计算机decision threshold computer
制导切信号guidance cutoff signal
制造决符号manufacturing decision symbol
制造决系统manufacturing decision system
单相路器single phase circuit breaker
单粒子功能中事件single event functional interrupt
压力调节关活门shut off valve
压力调节关活门pressure regulating and relief valve
压力调节关活门pressure regulating and shut-off valve
压力调节关活门pressure regulating and shutoff valve
压力调节和关活门shut off valve high pressure
压力调节和关活门pressure regulating and shut-off valve
压力调节和切pressure regulating and shut off valve
压力调节和切阀控制器pressure regulating and shutoff valve controller
压力调节器和切pressure regulator and shutoff valve
压气机关开关air compressor cut-out switch
压缩空气电路路器compressed air circuit breaker
发动机振动诊程序engine vibration diagnostic program
发动机放气开阀engine-bleed shutoff valve
发动机故障诊系统engine diagnostic system
发动机的发电机路器engine generator breaker
发动机诊计算机engine diagnostic computer
发动机运转切motor operated shutoff valve
发射中制导模拟launch abort guide simulation
发射前中发射pad abort
发电机路器generator breakers
发电机路器generator breaker
变流电路路器convertible circuit breaker
可利用的中起飞滑跑距离emergency distance available
可用中起飞距离accelerate stop distance available
可靠性诊报告reliability diagnostic report
可靠性试验失败诊小组reliability failure diagnostic team
在线诊与报告系统on-line diagnostic and reporting system
地面中ground interception
起飞地面中ground abort rate
地面故障中ground fault interruption
地面故障电路中ground fault circuit interrupter
地面电源路器ground power breaker
垂直vertical profile
增强型诊导航设备enhanced diagnostic navigational aid
处理机诊测试processor diagnostic test
备件定购和不中库存控制spares ordering and non-stop inventory control
备件定购和不中库存控制系统spares ordering and non-stop inventory control system
复杂complex block
外部不间供电源external uninterruptible power supply
外部不间电源external uninterruptible power supply
多普勒Doppler cutoff
多模型判算法multiple model estimation algorithm
多用途自动检査和诊系统multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic system
失效诊failure diagnosis
空袭威胁判防空武器分派threat evaluation and weapon assignment
子午线meridional plane
飞行安全判准则flight-safety judgment criterion
宣传和决advertise and award
对威胁的综合判threat integration
导航操作流开关板navigation action cut out switchboard
射流jet breakup
X 射线局部厚层层摄影法X-ray topography
带通滤波器切band filter cutoff
平均中事件间隔时间mean time between interrupt event
应急切emergency shutoff valve
底部面面积base area
座椅路器板seat circuit breaker panel
速度opening speed
引气关活门bleed air shut-off valve
弯曲与折阻力curve and breaking resistance
弹壳横cross fracture of cartridge
微程序中microprogram interrupt
快速quick-make, quick-break
快速quick break
保险丝slow-blow fuse (允许高额电流通过的时间超过规定值后才烧断的熔丝)
战场空中折battlefield air interdiction
战术判显示器tactical evaluation display
shutoff valve
手动manual trip
手动油活门manual shutoff valve
手动关阀手柄manual shutoff handle
手控manual disconnect
手控的燃料切manual fuel cutout
抗环境应力裂能力environmental stress cracking resistance
频率特性曲线的break frequency
频率break frequency
报警切alarm cutoff
掉闸回路线信号breakage signal of trip circuit
接触间contact discontinuity
接通/开逻辑电路engage/disengage logic
接通开逻辑电路engage/disengage logic
放下或伸出/关/收起或缩入extend/off react (例如起落架收放开关位置)
故障判和排除时间troubleshooting time
故障诊测试系统fault diagnosis test subsystem
故障诊测试系统fault diagnosis test system
数字式数据管理和诊系统digital data management and diagnostic system
数字式输人/输出电流路器digital input/output current breaker
数据中data interrupt
数据中程序data interrupt program
数据搜集器和诊data collector and diagnosis service
数据收集器和诊data collector and diagnostic
整体截误差global truncation error
整体截误差限global truncation error
划线phantom lines
开/复位off/reset, off-reset, off reset
开开关disconnect switch
开方式disconnected mode
开状态disconnected mode
开现象breakoff phenomenon
开电门disconnect switch
开装置disconnect unit
接卡connecting clamp
接器mute switch
fuel cut off
油装置fuel cut off
流器cutout switch
流活门cutoff valve
流阀cut off valve
点指令break point
电灯dead light
电点breaker points (飞机磁电机中部件)
电电压cutoff voltage
相保护phase failure protection
线装置break wire (一种抗入侵装置,入侵者如碰断此金属线即被发觉)
续供氧调节器oxygen demand
续式供氧调节器oxygen demand regulator
续式机内测试设备interruptive built-in test equipment
裂强力ultimate strength
裂条件failure condition
裂钳口break jaw
裂长度breakup length
裂韧性参数fracture toughness parameter
路器circuit braker
路器仅用于交流电circuit breaker AC only
路器仅用于直流电circuit breaker dc only
路器circuit breakers
路器cutout switch
路器事故掉闸信号fault trip signal of breaker
路器末端breaker end
路器板circuit breaker panel
路器清册circuit breaker list
路器监控circuit breaker monitoring
路器监控功能circuit breaker monitoring function
路器监控装置circuit breaker monitoring unit
路器终点breaker end
step (水上飞机浮筒或船身平底外形的突变部分, 用来提髙滑水性能,使其易于起飞)
planing step
cross section
longitudinal plane
面惯性矩second moment of area
面曳力drag profile
面系数section modules
方向舵开速度rudder disconnect speed
旋转接器fly-away disconnects
无中电源转换no break power transfer
时间间time range
智能控制与诊intelligent control and diagnosis
智能诊专家管理组intelligence diagnosis expertise administration
最低决高度minimum decision altitude
最大能量中起飞maximum energy rejected take off
最小压力和切minimum pressure and shut-off valve
最小数量价格中minimum quantity price break
有效切频率effective cutoff frequency
机械中综述mechanical interruption summary
构造structural section
的动作decisive action
标准typical section
核磁共振计算机层成像nuclear magnetic resonance computerized tomography
概率裂力学方法probability fracture mechanics approach
cross stream
面图cross-section profile
每秒中次数interruptions per second
氧气接器oxygen disconnector
氮切helium check valve
求值和逻辑decision evaluation and logic
汇流条连接路器bus tie breaker
沿晶界intercrystalline fracture
测试和诊test and diagnostics (程序)
测试能力和综合诊testability and integrated diagnostics
测试,计量与诊设备test, measurement and diagnostic equipment
测试诊测量设备test diagnostic measurement equipment
浮点截floating-point truncation
涡轮风扇发动机诊监控turbofan engine diagnostic monitoring
液压电路路器hydraulic circuit breaker
混合氧续供氧系统diluter-demand oxygen system
滑油电器oil circuit breaker
滑油电路路器开关oil circuit breaker
滚转姿态roll attitude cutout
漏电流电路路器residual current circuit breaker
点火ignition cutoff
burn out
时间melting time
电流blow-out current
燃料关活门fuel shut off valve
燃料关活门接头fuel shutoff terminals
燃料关装置fuel shut-off/fuel cut-off
燃油关装置fuel cut off
燃油切开关fuel shut off cock
燃油切fuel shutoff valve
电力完全中complete power failure
电桥bridge cutoff
电池电路路器battery cutoff
电流续器circuit interrupter
电路路器监控系统circuit breaker monitoring system
疲劳裂试验fatigue cracking test
疲劳和裂强度fatigue and fracture breaking strength
盥洗室水关活门lavatory water shut off valve
着陆决landing decision point
知觉判perceptual judgement
短舱防冰关活门nacelle anti-icing shut-off valve
硬件hardware breakpoint
程序中program interrupter
程序中控制program interrupt control
程序中控制器program interrupt controller
程序监测与诊program monitoring and diagnosis
程序监测和诊program monitoring and diagnosis
空中中air interrupt rate
空中中inflight interruption rate
空军遮武器系统air interdiction weapons system
空气开开关air break switch
空气路器air blast circuit breaker
空气路器air circuit-breaker
空气路器电机操作机构motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker
空气自动路器air blast circuit breaker
管式熔cartridge fuse
管理信息与决保障management information and decision support
管理决系统management decision system
粒间intercrystalline rupture
系统中system outage
系统中管理程序system interrupt supervisor
系统管理中system management intermit
紧急中urgent interrupt
紧急电源emergency power cutoff
X 线层摄影术tomography
结构structural failure
维修诊信息系统maintenance diagnosis information system
维修诊手册maintenance diagnosis manual
维修诊计算机maintenance diagnostic computer
维修诊设备maintenance diagnostic unit
维修诊逻辑maintenance diagnosis logic
综合判cross-check (根据仪表指示综合判断飞行情况)
综合判失误failure to cross-check
综合诊integrated diagnosis
联合长期战略判joint long range strategic estimates
自动中检测系统automatic abort sensing system
自动优先中系统automatic priority interrupt system
自动停止与切automatic stop and check valve
自动切automatic check valve
自动复位电器automatic reset circuit breaker
自动驾驶开电门autopilot disengage switch
自动驾驶仪autopilot disconnect
自动驾驶仪开开关autopilot disengage switch
自由脱扣电器trip-free circuit breaker
自由释放电器trip-free circuit breaker
航空事故推aviation accident reconstruction
航空维修综合诊系统aviation maintenance integrated diagnostics system
观察、定位、判与行动observation, orientation, determinate and action
corner fracturing
计算机中设备computer interrupt equipment
计算机系统诊手册computer system diagnostic manual
对故障的diagnosis (尤指通过仪器等手段进行的)
传感器diagnostic sensor
健康管理diagnostic health management
分析diagnostic analysis
功能测试diagnostic function test
文件过滤器diagnostic file filter
方法diagnostic approach
模型研制工具diagnostic model development tool
diagnostic method
的有效载荷diagnostic payload
故障程序设备diagnostic routing equipment
结果diagnostic result
设施diagnostic facility
通道diagnostic channel
预报diagnostic prediction
试验与诊test and diagnostic
试验、测量与诊设备test, measurement and diagnostic equipment
语音中优先系统voice interruption priority system
调制modulating and shutoff valve
调压与油活门pressure regulating and shut-off valve
调节关活门regulator shut-off valve
货舱关活门baggage bay shut-off valve
起飞决takeoff decision point
起飞决速度take-off decision speed
起飞决速度takeoff decision speed
起飞决速度decision speed
超载电器overload circuit breaker
跳开关/路器circuit breaker
转换路器converter circuit breaker
转换汇流条路器transfer bus breaker
载波通carrier on off
辅助动力装置路器APU breaker
辅助动力装置切auxiliary power unit shutoff valve
辅助电源路器auxiliary power breaker
过压overvoltage cutout
过电流路器thermal circuit breaker
运作中operational interruption
进场进近approach disconnect
检查continuity light
通用在线诊general on-line diagnostics
通用综合维修诊generic integrated maintenance diagnostics
及过流断通instantaneous trip and over-current off/on
遥控电路路器remote control controlled circuit breaker
遥控电路路器remote circuit breaker
遥控电路路器模块RCCBM RCCB
配平大气压力调节和切trim air pressure regulating and shutoff valve
lock out
金属断裂的锯齿状hackly fracture
discontinuity (性、点)
最大intermittent maximum
最大结冰条件the intermittent maximum
速度intermittent speed
防火墙切firewall shutoff valve
隐中字中断屏蔽interrupt mask
isolating valve
隔离关活门isolator shut-off valve
非遮蔽中non maskable interrupt
面罩软管mask hose disconnection
飞机多用途试验检查与诊设备aircraft multipurpose test inspection and diagnostic equipment
飞机故障判系统aircraft trouble shooting system
飞机故障判系统aircraft trouble-shooting system
飞机整体诊性检查与测试aircraft unitized diagnostic inspection and test
飞机自动诊系统aircraft automatic diagnosis system
飞机自动诊系统automatic aircraft diagnostic system
飞机识别判aircraft identification determination
飞行中中任务in-flight mission abort
飞行作业诊工具flight operations consultation tool
飞行员判pilot judgement
飞行员自主判的系统pilot interpreted system
飞行操纵切flight control shutoff valve
马达驱动加水管路隔阀门motor driven fill line shout off valve
马达驱动隔阀门组件motor driven shutoff valve assembly
高压切high pressure shutoff valve
高压切high-pressure shutoff valve
高压调节和切high stage pressure regulating and shutoff valve
高水平切high level shutoff