
Terms for subject Technology containing 断层 | all forms | in specified order only
三维断层three-dimensional fault
上冲断层reversed fault
上冲断层overthrust fault
上冲断层背斜overthrust anticline
上升的冲断层前缘emergent thrust front
上投断层upthrow fault
上投断层jump-up fault
下落断层down-slip fault
下落断层downcast fault
下落断层作用throw faulting
下落断层作用down faulting
下落盆地断层down-to-basin fault
不活动断层passive fault
不活动断层inactive fault
不规则的海底断层fracture zone
不透水断层impervious fault
与地层倾斜不一致的断层fault dipping against the beds
东北走向断层northeast trending fault
两层高隔断double-tier partition
中央大断层main center thrust
中央断块断层central basin fault
中等角度冲断层medium angle thrust
断层master fracture
断层principal fault belt
断层major fault zone
断层main fault belt zone
断层principal fault zone
断层main fault belt
断层线dominant fault line
主边界逆冲断层main boundary thrust
主逆掩断层major thrust plane
二维走向滑动断层two-dimensional strike slip fault
交切断层intersecting fault
交织网状断层anastomosing fault
交迹滑动断层trace-slip fault
交错断层intersection fault
交错断层alternating fault
伴生断层auxiliary fault
伸展断层extension fault
伸展断层extensional tectonics
位移断层shift fault
位移断层displacement fault
低角断层low-angle fault
断层lateral shear
侧移断层transcurrent fault
侧移断层lateral fault
倾向滑逆断层dip slip reverse fault
倾斜断层错动dislocating inclined fault
倾斜滑移断层oblique-slip fault
倾滑断层dipping fault plane
偏斜倾向断层semi-transverse fault
偏斜走向断层semi-longitudinal fault
先在断层preexisting fault
全球性断层global grid of fault
内弧断层fault of intrados
再生断层rejuvenated fault scarp
再生型断层rejuvenated fault
分叉断层splay fault
分叉断层splay faults
分支断层distributive fault
分支冲断层branch thrust
分枝断层branching fault
切穿逆断层break thrust
剥离断层denudational fault
断层scissors fault
断层shear fault
断层differential fault
剪切断层shearing fault
剪切断层shear fault
剪切式断层shear fault
剪力断层diagonal fault
剪式断层scissors fault
剪形断层scissors fault
断层branch fault
动力断层模型dynamical fault model
动力断层模型dynamic fault model
历史上断层活动区historically active fault zone
压性断层compressive fault
压性断层compression fault
压扭性断层compression contortion fault
原始剪冲断层initial shear thrust
原有断层preexisting fault
同向断层synthetical fault
同心断层concentrical faults
同心断层concentric faults
同生断层synsedimentary fault
同生断层growth fault
同生断层一逆牵引背斜聚集带accumulation zone of growth fault-rollover anticline
后生断层subsequent fault
后缘拉离断层backside pull-apart fault
含水层断面流入inflow from the cross-sectional of aquifer
含水层断面流入inflow from the cross-section of aquifer
含水层断面流出outflow from the cross-sectional of aquifer
含水层断面流出outflow from the cross-section of aquifer
周围断层peripheral fault
周缘断层peripheral fault
圆柱形断层cylindrical fault
圆柱形断层cylindric fault
圆柱状断层cylindric fault
圆柱面断层cylindrical fault
圆柱面断层cylindric fault
土层纵断面soil profile
圣安德列斯断层San Andreas fault (美国)
圣安德列斯转换断层San Andress transform fault
地块断层block fault
地垒断层horst fault
地层断缺stratigraphical break
地层断缺stratigraphic break
地层断裂formation fracturing
地层断裂拐点inflexion point of seismic fault
地层断距stratigraphical throw
地层断距stratigraphical separation
地层断面stratigraphic section
地层断面stratigraphical cross-section
地层断面strata section
地层横断面stratigraphical cross-section (图)
地层横断面stratigraphic section (图)
地层纵断面stratigraphic profile (图)
地层纵断面stratigraphical column (图)
地层纵断面stratigraphical profile (图)
地层纵断面stratigraphic column (图)
地层间断stratigraphical thaw
地层间断stratigraphic thaw
地层间断stratigraphical break
地表断层surface fault
地质断层geological fault
地质断层geologic fault
地震断层作用earthquake faulting
断层block fault
垂直断层X线机vertical layer radiographic X-ray apparatus
堑形断层trench fault
断层multiple faults
复合断层composition fault
复合断层composition fault scarp
复活断层revived fault scarp
复活断层rejuvenated fault scarp
外弧断层fault of extrados
大余角正断层lag fault
大洋转换断层oceanic transform fault
大陆断层活动continental rifting
大陆转换断层Continental transform fault
天然断层natural fault
安曼一死海转换断层Amman-Dead Sea transform fault
宏观断层运动macroscopic fault motion
实际断层移距real fault displacement
断层small fault
层状断口laminated fracture
层状断裂面lamellar fracture
层间滑动断裂interlayer gliding fracture
层间滑动断裂interlayer gliding fault
层面断层plane fault
层面冲断层bedding thrust
层面冲断层bedding glide
层面断开性bedding fissility
山形断层orographical faut
山形断层orographic faut
山麓断层terminal face
岩层断裂fracturation of rock
帚状断层brush faults
平倾断层low-angle fault
平冲式冲断层horizontal thrust
平列断层parallel faults
平台断层platform fault
平移断层wrench fault
平移断层strike slip fault
平移断层translatory fault
平移断层heave fault
平移断层和伴生构造wrench-fault and associated structures
平面断层照相法plane tomography
年轻断层young fault scarp
底基断层sole fault
底板冲断层floor thrust
底板逆冲断层floor thrust
引伸冲断层stretch thrust
引伸冲断层stretch fault
断层tensile fault
断层extension fault
张力断层tension fault
张开断层gapping fault
张扭性断层tension-shear fault
形迹滑距断层trace-slip fault
成层断裂laminar fracture
成层断裂lamellated fracture
成矿前的断层premineral fault
成矿后的断层postmineral faulting
断层wrench fault
扭曲断层torsional fault
扭曲断层contortion fault
扭转断层torsional fault
扭转断层basculating fault
挤压断层compressive fault
挤压断层compressional fault
捩转断层作用hinge type faulting
掩冲断层背斜overthrust anticline
掩冲大断层overthrust fault
断层branch fault
放射断层radial fault
放射形断层radial fault
放射状断层radiating fault
整合断层conformable fault
断层semi-longitudinal fault
断层semi-transverse fault
断层diagonal fault
斜向滑动断层oblique-slip fault
斜滑断层oblique-slip fault
斜滑断层diagonal slip fault
断层三角面triangular facet of fault
断层三角面fault facet
断层上倾尖灭复合圈闭fault-up-dip edge out combination trap
断层下盘lower wall
断层不整合复合圈闭fault-unconformity combination trap
断层伸角hade of fault
断层位移fault throw
断层位移测量fault displacement measurement
断层位错地震dislocation earthquake
断层fault body
断层余角fault hade
断层余角angle of hade
断层作用fault effect
断层作用fault action
断层作用长度length of faulting
断层作用长度faulting length
断层倾向fault dip
断层充填情况filling condition of fault
断层分支branch of fault
断层分支复原过程branching renewal process of occurrence
断层分段数number of fault segments
断层切割地层faulted strata
断层fault zone
断层area of faulting
断层地带山谷fault zone valley
断层地带流域fault zone valley
断层地貌fault landform
断层堤泉fault dam spring
断层堰塞泉fault dam spring
断层外缘坝faulted outer edge bar
断层大小fault size
断层大小fault dimension
断层mountain of dislocation
断层faulted mountain (地)
断层山岭faulted mountain
断层崖位置location of fault scarp
断层崖坡度slope of fault scarp
断层崖宽度width of fault scarp
断层崖特征feature of fault scarp
断层崖高度height of fault scarp
断层set of faults
断层zone of fault
断层fault belt
断层belt of fault
断层带产状attitude of fault zone
断层带名称name of fault zone
断层带地下水fault water
断层带总长度total length of fault zone
断层带控制点control point of fault zone
断层带编号number of fault zone
断层带网状树枝状错动面braided slip surface
断层异升高度带abnormal rise zone of fault
断层弯折bend of fault
断层形成时代chronology of faulting
断层性质fault nature
断层成因fracture genesis earthquake
断层扫描器section scanner
断层效应effect of fault
断层期次和时代phase and chronology of fault
断层标志criterion for faulting
断层fault water
断层水系offset stream
断层活动期次stages and sequence of faulting
断层活动程度activity of faults
断层渗透率fault permeability
断层煤线coal leads
断层牵连fault drag
断层生长指数growth index of fault
断层生长犁式growing pattern of fault
断层生长速度growing rate of fault
断层砌石broken range work
断层破碎带fracture zone
断层破碎带fault crush zone
断层破碎带渗漏leakage in fault zone
断层破裂缝faulting rupture crack
断层类型fault pattern
断层类型和性质type and property of fault
断层编号fault number
断层编号和名称number and name of fault
断层网络network of fault
断层node of fault
断层落距fault drop
断层褶皱活动fault-folding activity
断层走向trend of a fault
断层走向strike fault
断层遮挡fault barrier
断层错动fault movement
断层镜面fault polish
断层阻截泉fault dam spring
断层divisional plane
断层面产状attitude of fault surface
断层面倾向dip of fault surface
断层面倾角dip angle of fault surface
断层面弯曲度curvature of fault surface
断层面特征feature of scarp surface
断层面等高线图contour map of fault surface
断层面走向strike of fault surface
断错地层offset of strata
有限长断层finite length fault
构造滑动断层tectonic slide fault
枢纽断层hinge fault
标准正断层conventional normal fault
椭曳冲断层stretch thrust
椭曳冲断层stretch fault
楔冲断层wedging thrust
楔冲式冲断层wedge thrusts
横冲断层transcurrent thrust
横冲断层transcurrent fault
横推断层flaw fault
横推断层tear fault
横推断层transverse thrust
横错断层lateral fault
断层gravity fault
断层tension fault
断层normal-slip fault
断层downthrow fault
断层圈闭normal fault trap
断层机制normal mechanisms
断层rift trough
断层震源机制normal-focus mechanism
正向滑动断层normal-dip-slip fault
正向错位断层normal-separation fault
正常断层slump fault
正常断层normal-slip fault
正常断层normal fault
正平移断层normal wrench fault
正电子断层照相法positron tomography
断层passive fault
水平断层horizontal dislocation
水平冲断层horizontal thrust fault
水平错位断层horizontal separation fault
汇水断层catchment fault
沟一沟式转换断层trench-trench transform fault
沟伏断层trench fault
断层判别标志differentiate mark of active fault
断层宽度width of active fault
断层断距separation of active fault
断层活动周期active cycle of active fault
断层活动方式active way of active fault
断层活动时代active age of active fault
断层活动频率active frequency of active fault
断层特性active fault specificity
断层监测方法monitoring method of active fault
断层类型active fault type
断层规模active fault in scale
断层错动速率dislocation velocity of active fault
断层错动速率分级dislocation velocity grade of active fault
断层长度length of active fault
活动断层active fault
活动断层影象显示清晰程度clearness of active faults displayed on image
活动断层监测monitoring of mobile fault
活动断层类型pattern of active faults
活动断层线active fault trace
活性断层active fault
流体压力诱发的断层作用fluid pressure-induced faulting
断层shallow fault
断层作用shallow faulting
浅层冲断层shallow thrust belt
海底断层submarine fault
渐进性断层progressive fault
渗漏转换断层leaky transform fault
煤层垂向断面图vertical section of coal seam
煤层垂向横断面图vertical cross-section of coal seam
煤层垂向纵断面图vertical longitudinal section of coal seam
煤层水平断面图horizontal section of coal seam
煤层水平断面图horizontal section of coal bed
犁式断层listric fault
生长断层发育特征development feature of growth fault
生长断层活动期growing period of fault
生长断层-滚动背斜圈闭growth fault-roll-over anticlinal trap
断层与构造鼻交切形成的圈闭trap formed by intersection of structural" nose" with a fault
断层与褶皱交切断层形成的圈闭trap formed by intersection of fault with fold
由二交切断层形成的圈闭trap formed by two intersecting faults
由单一弯曲断层形成的圈闭trap formed by a single curved fault
由若干交切断层形成的圈闭trap formed by several intersecting faults
电动断层X射线机motor-driven layer radiographic X-ray apparatus
电动断层模型dynamical fault model
电动断层模型dynamic fault model
电脑化断层X射线照相法computerized tomography
确定断层深度手段methods of determining depth
第四纪断层Quaternary fault
粘连间断层bond breaker course
缓倾断层low-angle fault
缓角断层low-angle fault
缓角断层作用low-angle faulting
脆韧性断层brittle-ductile fault
脊一沟式转换断层ridge-trench transform fault
脊一脊式转换断层ridge-ridge transform fault
脱顶断层detachment fault
舒缓波状断层gently wavy fault
萌芽断层incipient fault
蠕动断层creep fault
表层褶皱和冲断层shallow fold and thrust belts
表面断层作用surface faulting
表面断层surface fault trace
褶皱断层fold-fault mountain
计算机化断层X射线摄影法computerized tomography
走向滑动断层wrench fault
走向断层direction of strata
走向断层作用wrench faulting
走向断层作用strike faulting
走向上升断层strike lift fault
走向平移断层strike slip fault
走向滑断层strike slip fault
走向滑断层strike slip fault
走向滑断层shove fault
走向滑断层作用strike slip faulting
走向滑动断层strike-shift fault
超声波断层摄影诊断仪ultrasonic tomographic apparatus
超声波断层诊断仪multiscan ultrasonic diagnostic equipment
超声波断层造影法ultrasonic degradation
超声波计算机断层摄影术ultra-sound computerized tomography
超声X线断层照相术ultrasonic tomography
超覆断层over-trap fault
转动断层rotatory fault
转动断层pivotal fault
辐射断层radial fault
断层reverse slip fault
断层reversed fault
断层thrust slip fault
断层upcast fault
断层圈闭reverse fault trap
逆冲断层thrust plane
逆向侵蚀断层reversed erosion fault scarp
逆向滑动断层reverse-dip-slip fault
逆向错位断层reverse-separation fault
逆平移断层reverse-wrench fault
逆掩断层thrust fault
逆掩断层reversed thrust
逆掩断层shove fault
逆掩断层overlap fault
逆掩断层圈闭overthrust trap
逆掩断层overthrust mountain
逆掩断层推覆体overthrust nappe
逆掩断层推覆体overthrust block
逆掩断层overthrust plane
逆掩大断层overthrust fault
锁止断层locked fault
断层faulted bedding plane
错断断层dislocation fault
断层step faults
阶梯形断层stepped fault
阶梯形断层multiple faults
阶梯形断层distributive fault
阶状断层multiple faults
阶状断层distributive fault
阻水断层water-resisting fault
附属断层satellite fault
陡倾断层high angle fault
随机断层作用stochastic faulting
随机断层模型stochastic fault model
隐伏冲断层blind thrust
断层insulating course
断层broken course
非剧烈断层蠕变non-violent fault creep
非发震断层non-causative fault
非地震断层non-causative fault
非地震断层运动non-seismic fault motion
非活动断层inactive fault
顶层滑动断层bedding slip fault
顶板冲断层roof thrust
顺向断层synthetical fault
顺向断层synthetic fault
顺层断层plane fault
顺层断层bedding plane fault
顺层冲断层bedding thrust
顺层冲断层bedding glide
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