
Terms for subject Technology containing 斜线 | all forms | in specified order only
下斜直线straight downward-sloping lines
中心线偏斜lack of alignment
从中线向船侧倾斜的油轮raised tank top
斜线oblique line
斜线camber line
斜线tilt coil
斜线圈型inclined coil type
倾斜变换线inclination change line
倾斜射线途径inclined ray paths
倾斜投影恒向线oblique rhumb line
倾斜抛物线tilted parabola
倾斜抛物线波形tilted parabola waveform
偏斜光线skew ray
偏斜概率曲线skew probability curve
准线偏斜lack of alignment
切线斜率tangential slope
剖面斜线cross hatching
力矩曲线斜率moment-curve slope
升力曲线斜牵参数lift-curve-slope parameter
半重力抛物线形斜坡Montague profile
向后倾斜供给曲线backward-sloping supply curve
向斜底线trough line
吸收曲线斜率slope of adsorption curve
基线倾斜baseline tilt
基线倾斜air base tilt
墙压顶斜线skew fillet
墙帽斜线skew fillet
客流斜线passenger flow form of oblique line
对数偏斜曲线系数logarithmic skew curve factor
恒定倾斜线line of constant dip
斜线部分hatched area
折线形斜坡屋顶hipped mansard roof (英国)
指示倾斜航线indicated slant course line
指示倾斜航线方向误差indicated slant course directional error
接触线斜率contact wire gradient
斜叉直线skew line
斜台口线raking cornice
斜向海岸线oblique coastline
斜向线line of dip
斜向辐射天线skew antenna
斜坡线slope line
斜坡线profile of slope
斜射〔光〕线oblique ray
斜射线oblique ray
斜射线效应plant path effect
斜度曲线slope curve
斜式抛物线拱sloping parabolic arch
斜折线形屋顶gambrel roof
斜折线形通风gambrel vent
斜拉导线lateral conductor
斜接线mitre line
斜接线miter line
斜支线splay branch
斜方线trapezoid line
斜星形线oblique asteroid
斜曲线skew curve
斜格式线圈lattice-wound coil
斜渐近线slanting asymptote
斜环索线oblique strophoid
斜系缆线spring line
斜纬线oblique parallel
斜线oblique stroke (道)
斜线skew line
斜线oblique line (道)
斜线刻绘仪spacing device (阴像刻图用)
斜线skew coil
斜线比例diagonal scale
斜线比例oblique scale
斜线深度slant depth
斜线电压ramp voltage
斜线读微尺transverse scale
斜线距离能见度slant range visibility
斜线diagonal dross scar (浮法玻璃缺陷)
斜腰线raking cornice
斜衬线oblique serif
斜角定线板bevel board
斜角缝线miter line
斜轴投影无变形线oblique rhumb line
斜轴投影纬线oblique parallel
斜轴投影纬线oblique meridian
斜轴投影经线oblique meridian
斜链形悬挂的架空接触线inclined overhead contact line
斜链线结构inclined catenary structure
斜链线结构inclined-catenary construction
斜面定线板bevel board
斜驶线loxodromic line
斜驶螺线loxodromic spiral
无线电波倾斜传播oblique radio transmission
时距曲线的平均斜率average slope of the travel time curve
曲线形楼梯外斜梁wreathed string
曲线形楼梯外斜梁wreathed handrail
曲线斜率slope of a curve
有倾斜柱的半抛物线大梁semi-parabolic girder with sloping end posts
有斜撑的折线形屋顶mansard roof with slanted struts
本初斜子午线prime oblique meridian
楼梯斜梁上线脚饰string cornice
楼梯斜踏步准线walking line
横向倾斜曲线banked curve
法线斜率normal slope
测深线倾斜度angularity of sounding line
测线倾斜度angularity of sounding line
测线斜度angularity of sounding line
直线式迭接的倾斜航空照片oblique line overlap
直线斜率法straight slope method
空中基线倾斜air base inclination
斜线isoclinic line
等斜面线isogonic line
等时线斜率slope of isochron
粒度偏斜曲线size-decline curves
累积斜曲线cumulative grading curve
线性斜坡电压linear ramp
线性斜率延迟滤波器linear-slope delay filter
线状背斜带linear anticline zone
线路斜交route skew intersection
网格等斜线grid rhumb line
背斜的分水线crest line of anticline
航测基线倾斜air base inclination
虚等斜线fictitious rhumb line
虚等斜线fictitious loxodromic curve
负斜度收益率曲线negative sloping yield curve
轧辊轴线偏斜crossing of the rolls
轴线偏斜密封seal with axis deviation
轴线和倾斜度校正transfer of line and grade
速度曲线斜度velocity slope