
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
串列式战tandem warhead
串联战series warhead
俯仰战指令pitch combat command
光子photon funnel
公用战空间画面common battlespace picture
加料feed hopper
动态战管理dynamic battle management
动能战kinetic warhead
化学战chemical warhead
化学战chemical warfare head
Bei Dou (中国导航卫星)
半穿甲战semi-armor piercing warhead
半穿甲战部威力试验effectiveness test of semiarmor piercing warhead
原子战atom warhead
反潜作战舰艇统一战系统anti-submarine warfare ship integrated combat system
反雷达破片战anti-radar fragment warhead
发射装置战状态launcher ready alert mode
发射装置战状态fighting state of launcher
发烟战smoke warhead
地磁极漏earth funnel (地磁极上方漏斗状的磁力线)
基本战单位basic element of combat
基本战单位basic combat unit
复合战complex warhead
多聚能装药战multi-shaped charge warhead
Bulldog (美国战术空地导弹)
大型战capital ship
子战弹头释放机构sub-warhead release mechanism
子母式战warhead of shrapnel
定向破片杀伤战orientation fragment warhead
导弹战性能missile capacity
导弹战效果测定missile tactical effectiveness test
导弹战missile warhead
导弹战missile armament
导弹战missile payload
导弹战自毁导火线guided missile explosive harness
导弹部队战保障combat support of missile force
射弹战projectile warhead
Bullpup (美国近程空地导弹)
Ballpup (美国战术地空导弹)
小粒子杀伤战mini-particulate lethal warhead
导弹的尾部战aft warhead
常规战conventional warhead
常规战部效应conventional warhead effect
干扰战countermeasures warhead
引信与战部配合fuze-warhead matching
引信与战部配合fuze-warhead coordination
引信与战部配合效率fuze-warhead matching efficiency
引信与战部配合效率efficiency of matching of fuze with warhead
引信战部系统fuze and warhead system
引信战部系统fuse-warhead system
引信-战部配合warhead-fuzing matching
引信战部配合matching of fuze and warhead
惰性战inert warhead
人员损失battle casualties
任务combat mission
任务规划combat mission planning
仿真Combat Battle Simulation
伤亡combat casualty
伤亡人数battle casualties
位置battle position
侦察battle reconnaissance
侦察armed reconnaissance
信息网站combat information network post
兵种combat arm
前侦察pre-battle intelligence
区域combat zone
区域前沿forward edge battle area
发射service firing
发射combat launch
后勤网络combat logistics network
命令指示器battle order indicator
combat chart (用格网系统制的图,供火炮控制用)
地带zone of action
岗位combat post
序列order of battle
war missile
operational missile
combat missile
弹发射装置operational missile launcher
弹系统operational missile system
弹遥测operational missile telemetry
弹遥测combat missile telemetry
弹遥测系统combat-missile telemetry system
情报combat intelligence
'情报探测网combat information-detection net
情报系统Combat Intelligence System
情报舰combat information ship
情报部Combat Intelligence Division
报告combat report
指挥系统combat direction system
指挥车battle command vehicle
损伤war damage
损伤battle damage
损伤概率battle damage probability
损伤评估battle damage assessment
损失battle losses
飞机或人员损耗容许等级acceptable combat attrition level
掩体挖掘机combat emplacement excavator
搜索和营救combat search & rescue
支援部队combat support troops
效益指标combat effectiveness index
效能battle efficiency
效能判定assessment of combat effectiveness
效能评估assessment of combat effectiveness
救生系统combat survival system
数据处理器tactical data processor
数据自动化系统action data automation system (舰船火力控制用的)
数据自动处理系统action data automation weapon system
无线电网combat radio net
机动性combat maneuverability
机联队fighter wing
条件combat conditions
梯队combat echelon
毁伤评估battle damage assessment
的空间序列space order of battle
监视与目标捕获combat surveillance and target acquisition
监视与目标搜索截获combat surveillance and target acquisition
目标combat objective
空中巡逻combat air patrol
空勤组人员combat aircrew
空域combat airspace
管理battle management, command, control and communications
管理battle management
作战管理battle management
级模型engagement-level model
网无线电通信combat net radio communication
航向combat course
航向action course
fighting ship
行动中心Combat Operations Center
行动实施conduct of tactical operation
装药destruct package
警戒中心combat alert center
警戒线combat outpost line
设施combatant facilities
评估combat assessment
识别combat identification
轰炸机attack fighter
通信保障combat communication support
通信网combat communications network
遥测导弹combat telemetry missile
遥测弹war telemetry missile
遥测弹combat missile with telemetry
destruct package
warhead assembly
warhead (导弹的)
warhead payload
destructive payload
部作用效果warhead actuation
部例行试验warhead routine test
部冲击试验impact test of warhead
部动态杀伤区dynamic killing zone of warhead
部助爆药warhead booster
部可靠性warhead reliability
部可靠性试验warhead reliability test
部增益warhead gain
部壳体warhead body tube
部威力warhead power
部威力warhead explosive power
部威力warhead yield
部威力effectiveness of warhead
部威力模拟试验effectiveness simulation test of warhead
部威力范围destructive range of warhead
部威力范围damage volume of warhead
部威力试验warhead power test
部威力试验power test of warhead
部安全性试验safety test of warhead
部对接warhead mating (战斗部与火箭、弹体或其他舱体对接)
部性能试验warhead service test
部抗射频试验anti-radio frequency test of warhead
部摧毁能力warhead destructiveness
部效应warhead effect
部杀伤力warhead lethality
部杀伤区lethal area of warhead
部杀伤半径effective damage radius of warhead
部杀伤概率kill probability of warhead
部杀伤范围warhead damage volume
部条件杀伤概率conditional kill probability of warhead
部毁伤半径kill radius of warhead
部毁伤半径kill distance of warhead
部环境试验environmental test of warhead
部着靶速度warhead hitting target velocity
部破片warhead fragment
部系统warhead system
部系统armament system
部署battle disposition
部自毁warhead self-destruction
部舱warhead compartment
部装填系数charging coefficient of warhead
导弹部装备组armament team
部装药warhead charge
部解除保险warhead arming
部试验warhead test
部诸元warhead data
部质量warhead mass
部贮存寿命warhead storage life
部贮存条件warhead storage conditions
部起爆warhead activation
部运载工具warhead carrier
部重量warhead weight
部颠簸试验jolt test of warhead
fighting mirror
战区战管理theater battle management
战场战识别系统battlefield combat identification system
战略与战力鉴定strategy and force evaluation
战略导弹战序列strategic missile order of battle
打击硬目标的战hard target warhead
投入战commitment to combat
投入战的部队committed forces (unit)
整装战warhead assembly
Gladiator (苏联地空导弹)
牛士Matador (美国地地战术巡航导弹)
链器件bucket bridge device
键器件bucket bridge device
杀伤战kill warhead
核战physics package
核战nuclear warhead
核战部威力试验power test of nuclear warhead
导弹dogfight missile
武器战准备状态weapons state of readiness
武器战准备状态weapon readiness states
氧化剂料oxidizer hopper
浇铸料casting hopper
海军战fleet fighter
温压钻地贯穿thermo baric penetrating warhead
形交换网络funnel-type network
形天线funnel antenna
燃料空气炸药战fuel air explosive warhead
燃烧战incendiary warhead
爆破战blast warhead
爆破战部威力试验effectiveness test of blast warhead
特种战special warhead
生物战biological warhead
电子战electronic combat
电子战与侦察electronic combat and reconnaissance
电子战数字评定系统electronic combat digital evaluation system
电磁战系统electromagnetic conflict system
破片战fragmentation warhead
破片战部威力试验power test of fragmentation warhead
破片聚焦战fragment focusing warhead
碎甲战spall warhead
空中战侦察aerial combat reconnaissance
空中战巡逻任务combat air patrol mission
空中战支援combat air-support operation
空中战救援机combat air rescue aircraft
空军战图像利用系统air force tactical imagery exploitation system
空对地战air-to-surface warfare
空间战space combat power
空间战序列space order of battle
穿甲战armor-defeating warhead
简称战armament system
纵深战combat in depth
线性装药聚能linear shaped-charge warhead
联合战搜索和营救joint combat search and rescue
联合战能力目标joint warfighting capability objectives
联合打击战joint strike fighter
聚焦反应战reactive focusing warhead
聚能战shaped charge warhead
聚能战hollow charge warhead
聚能爆破战shaped-charge blast warhead
聚能破片杀伤战shaped-charge fragmentation warhead
聚能破片杀伤战shaped-charge fragment warhead
聚能装药战shaped charge warhead
聚集战仿真aggregate combat simulation
航母战carrier battle groups
贯穿战penetrating warhead
软杀伤战soft lethal warhead
辅助战机指挥舰auxiliary fighter director ship
辐合冰convergent cirque
近距格导弹short-range dogfight missile
进入战准备arm-to-arm (导弹从安全状态进入准备点火状态)
进攻性导弹战序列offensive missile order of battle
连接杆式战continuous rod warhead
金属天线标定技术bucket antenna calibration technique
钝感弹药战insensitive munition warhead
钝感战insensitive warhead
钭聚能战inclined shaped-charge warhead
闪光照明战illuminating warhead
闪光照明战flashing warhead
集合战仿真aggregate combat simulation
集束式战部威力试验effectiveness test of cluster warhead
非战发射nonoperational firing
非战发射nonoperation firing
高爆穿甲战弹头high explosive blast penetrator warhead
高能爆破碎片战弹头high explosive blast fragmentation warhead
鱼雷战torpedo warhead