
Terms containing 斗车 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三向翻斗车three-way dumper
shipb.三向翻斗车three-way tipper
tech.三轴翻斗卡车three-axle rear-dump truck
tech.中国竹斗戽水车Chinese bamboo water bucket
tech.乔治亚斗车Georgia buggy
tech.侧倾式翻斗车side-tipping wagon
tech.侧倾式翻斗车side-dumping wagon
tech.侧卸式斗车scoop side-dumping car
tech.侧卸式斗车scoop side-dump car
railw.侧卸式漏斗车side discharging hopper car
tech.侧卸式漏斗车side discharge hopper wagon
tech.侧卸式翻斗车side-tipping wagon
tech.侧卸式翻斗车side-tipping skip
tech.侧卸式翻斗车rocker side dumping car
tech.侧卸式翻斗车rocker side dump car
el.侧卸车斗side-tipping skip
el.侧向卸货翻斗车side-dump truck
el.侧向卸货翻斗车side dumper
el.侧向卸货翻斗车side dump body
tech.侧面翻斗车side-tipping car
chem.斗车tipping wagon
chem.斗车tip lorry
tech.斗车trough tip wagon
archit.自动倾卸斗车hopper wagon
tech.倾卸土斗车tipping skip
tech.倾卸车斗tipping cradle
auto.全挂拖斗车draw-bar trailer combination
China, law全挂拖斗车full trailer
tech.六轮翻斗车six-wheel dumper
tech.前倾翻斗车front lorry
tech.前倾翻斗车front-tipping wagon
met.前倾翻斗车front tipper
tech.前倾翻斗车front-dump truck
tech.前倾翻斗车front-dump lorry
tech.前翻斗手推车front tipper
tech.前翻斗手推车end tipper
tech.剩土装车用屛斗surplus soil hopper
tech.加料斗车charging lorry
tech.加料斗车charging car
tech.半挂式翻斗车semi-trailer dump wagon
tech.斗车wheel loader
auto.单斗式挖泥车dipper dredger
anim.husb.原料装锅或卸锅用斗车tank charging truck
tech.双向翻斗车two-way tipper
tech.双向翻斗车two-way dumper
tech.双排链斗卸车机dual bucket unloader
met.双斗称量车double-hopper scale car
cast.iron.双斗称量车double hopper scale car
tech.双绳抓斗绞车two-rope grab hoist
met.双翻斗车double skip
tech.双轨翻斗绞车double track skip hoist
tech.双轮手推翻斗车rocker-dump hand-cart
el.可翻动卸料的斗车hinged hopper
tech.叶轮式料斗卸料车paddle-type bunker discharge carriage
archit.吊车戽斗料罐trolley bucket
tech.吊车箕斗crane skip
tech.后翻斗半挂车rear-dump semi-trailer
bridg.constr.后翻斗卡车rear-dump truck
tech.后翻斗式自卸卡车rear-dump truck
tech.后翻斗式自卸汽车rear-dump truck
tech.后翻斗式自卸车dump wagon
tech.后翻斗自卸车rear-dump lorry
oil斗车muck car
tech.土斗列车muck car
el.地面部队战斗车cavalry fighting vehicle
auto.多斗载货汽multibucket truck
auto.多斗载货汽multibucket lorry
tech.小型斗车decauville wagon
bridg.constr.小型翻斗车jubilee skip
tech.小型轻轨翻斗车jubilee skip
tech.小型钢制翻斗车steel jubilee skip
tech.履带式铲斗车tractor shovel
tech.履带式铲斗车tractor loader
el.斗车bunker car
tech.带抓斗桥式吊车overhead crane with bucket
tech.带斗载货车hopper truck
tech.带有翻斗的混凝土手推车rocker-dump hand-cart
el.带翻斗的拖车tilt trailer
racing带边斗的竞赛摩托车racing motorcycle with sidecar cornering
tech.底卸式翻斗车bottom-dumping muck-car
auto.底卸料斗式运货汽车lower edge dumping hopper torso truck
tech.底卸料斗式运货汽车bottom-dumping hopper body truck
tech.往复来回翻斗车shuttle dumper
auto.斗车如装甲车,坦克combat wagon
auto.斗车如装甲车,坦克fighting vehicle
auto.斗车如装甲车,坦克combat vehicle
avia.战斗侦察车combat vehicle reconnaissance
space战斗指挥车battle command vehicle
avia.战斗支援车combat support vehicle
avia.战斗装甲车armored fighting vehicle
tech.斗车hopper car
tech.斗车bucket car
agric., water.suppl.戽斗水车noria
tech.戽斗水车scoop wheel
met.抓斗吊车grab crane
met.抓斗吊车scraper bridge
met.抓斗吊车grabbing crane
met.抓斗吊车clamshell-equipped crane
met.抓斗吊车clamshell crane
met.抓斗吊车bucket crane
met.抓斗小车grab car
tech.抓斗小车grab trolley
tech.抓斗小车grab trolly
tech.抓斗式吊车clamshell crane
tech.抓斗移行吊车grapnel travelling crane
tech.抓斗移行吊车grapnel traveling crane
tech.抓斗绞车grab hoist
tech.抓斗行走吊车grapple travelling crane
tech.抓斗行走吊车grapple traveling crane
tech.抓斗起重小车bucket trolley
tech.挖斗运输车bucket transfer car
transp.摩托车的跨斗side car
textile摩托车驾驶员斗篷cyclist's cape
tech.敞口翻斗车open dump body
tech.mine car
met.斗底车料斗larry bin
tech.斗式倾卸车tipping hopper
archit.斗式卡车hopper truck
tech.斗式挖掘车轮scoop wheel
tech.斗式挖泥车轮scoop wheel
tech.斗式提升装载车lorry-mounted bucket elevator loader
tech.斗式水车scoop wheel
tech.斗式牵引车hopper trailer (铺黄砂、石子用)
auto.斗式自卸车货厢tipping hopper
auto.斗式装载车skip loader
el.斗式车厢散装水泥干料运输车dry-batch truck
tech.斗式转载列车transfer tub
tech.斗式载货车hopper truck
tech.斗式运料车bucket carrier
tech.斗式运料车bucket car
tech.斗式运输车ladder car
tech.斗式运输车bucket car
tech.斗式铲车bucket lift truck
tech.斗推车hopper car
tech.斗桥提升绞车ladder hoist winch
shipb.斗桥绞车bucket ladder winch
shipb.斗桥绞车bucket leader winch
tech.斗翻车skip car
railw.斗车bucket loader
archit.斗车decauville tub
archit.斗车decauville wagon
tech.斗车skip car
tech.斗轮装车机bucket wheel car loader
met.斗车box car (平炉的)
met.斗车pan-car train
met.斗车pan car
met.斗车pan car
tech.斗车hopper car
tech.斗车hopper truck
avia.斗车hopper vehicle
met.斗车pan-car train
plast.斗车装卸hopper car handling
archit.料斗拖车hopper trailer (供搬运或撒布、石等散粒料用)
tech.料斗拖车hopper trailer
auto.料斗挂车hopper-shaped trailer
tech.料斗式卸料车travelling hopper
tech.料斗式卸料车traveling hopper
tech.料斗式自动车床magazine type automatic lathe
tech.料斗绞车skip hoist
tech.方形翻斗车square skip
tech.旋转式翻斗车rotating tipper
tech.旋转式翻斗车rotary skip
tech.旋转式翻斗车rotary tippler
tech.旋转式翻斗车rotary dumper
tech.旋转式铲斗车full circle shovel
met.普通翻斗料车conventional skip car
railw.有盖漏斗车covered hopper car
tech.有铰接的翻斗车articulated dump truck
tech.木制翻斗车wood tip wagon
tech.木制翻斗车wood tipping wagon
tech.木制翻斗车wood skip
tech.机动斗车power-operated buggy
tech.机动翻斗车tip motor lorry
consult.机动翻斗车small dumper
tech.架空索道斗车car cableway
tech.梯斗式起重绞车ladder winch
tech.槽形翻斗车trough tip wagon
tech.横倾翻斗车car tippler
tech.正铲铲斗车front-end loader
el.步兵战斗车infantry fighting vehicle
tech.气动翻斗车pneumatic tipping wagon
tech.气动翻斗车pneumatic tip wagon
market.汲斗吊车skip hoists
tech.汽车卸料斗truck unloading hopper
steel.斗车ladle car
steel.斗车ladle bogie
tech.液压翻斗车hydraulic tipper
tech.混凝土斗车light hopper wagon
tech.混凝土翻斗车concrete dumper
tech.滑车戽斗crab bucket
tech.hopper wagon
tech.斗车hopper bottom car
tech.斗车hopper chute
archit.斗车hopper wagon
logist.铁路斗车hopper cars
tech.斗车light hopper wagon
met.斗车wagon with hopper bottom
met.斗车hopper car
railw.斗车底门hopper door
archit.漏斗型底卸车hopper truck
tech.漏斗式底卸车hopper car
tech.漏斗式底卸车hopper wagon
tech.漏斗式底卸车hopper bottom car
tech.漏斗式料车hopper wagon
auto.漏斗式车厢货厢hopper body
tech.漏斗形底卸车hopper truck
met.漏斗形底车larry car
tech.漏斗形铁路卸货车hopper bottom rail car
tech.漏斗棚车covered hopper car
el.漏斗状底部铁路货车hopper-bottomed rail truck
el.漏斗状底部铁路车厢hopper-bottom car
el.漏斗状铁路货车hopper-bottom car
tech.漏斗矿石车hopper ore car
met.斗车hopper coal car
tech.用刮路机及拖斗车平整路面blading and dragging
tech.用翻斗车卸料dumping with tilting bucket
tech.石渣斗车bunker car
tech.石渣漏斗车ballast hopper wagon
construct.石磴斗车bunker car
market.矿斗吊车skip hoists
tech.窄轨斗车decauville tub
archit.窄轨斗车block bogie
tech.窄轨斗车decauville wagon
tech.窄轨斗车decauville truck
tech.筑路斗式运料车highway hopper
agric.绞车牵引铲斗式牛舍除粪器winch-drawn rake cowshed cleaner
tech.dump car
transp.tip truck
transp.tip car
met.倒卸,上料skip car
proj.manag.上料skip car
el.倾卸tilting cart
forestr.tip lorry
gen.倾卸tilting cart
tech.手推tipping cart
ecol.斗车tilting cart
ecol.斗车tip lorry
tech.斗车box-type tipping wagon
tech.斗车box type truck wheel dump wagon
tech.斗车dumping car
tech.斗车end tipper
tech.斗车gravity tipple
met.斗车dumping wagon
el.斗车dump cart
el.斗车tipping cart
el.斗车tip wagon
plast.斗车dump wagon
oil斗车dump truck
eng.geol.斗车side dump car
hydroel.st.斗车skip car
oil斗车tipping car
bridg.constr.斗车dump body truck
oil斗车dump car
el.斗车side discharging car
el.斗车dump buggy
met.斗车side-dumping car
met.斗车tilting wagon
met.斗车tipping wagon
met.斗车tilting skip
met.斗车side-dump car
met.斗车overturning skip
tech.斗车jubilee wagon
tech.斗车small dumper
tech.斗车tipping skip
chem.斗车car tipper
auto.斗车self-discharging lorrytruck, vehicle
auto.建筑机械斗车small dumper
busin.斗车tipping truck
tech.斗车tripper car
tech.斗车tilting car
tech.斗车tripping car
tech.斗车tipping lorry
tech.斗车hoisting bucket
tech.斗车gravity tipping skip
tech.斗车dumping truck
tech.斗车底盘tipper chassis
tech.斗车的自动卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
tech.斗车的重力卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
tech.斗车装料斗skip car loader
anim.husb.斗车装置trailer tipping plant
tech.斗车tripper body
hydroel.st.斗车dump body
el.带自卸装置的斗车dump body
tech.斗车dump body
tech.斗车车盘tipper chassis
bridg.constr.翻斗卡车tip truck
bridg.constr.翻斗卡车tip car
bridg.constr.翻斗卡车tipping lorry
archit.翻斗卡车tip ping truck
tech.翻斗卡车tip lorry
chem.翻斗叉车front end loader
tech.翻斗叉车front-end loader
tech.翻斗小卡车tip lorry
tech.翻斗小车dump car
tech.翻斗式拖车dump body trailer
tech.翻斗式矿车bucket-tipping car
tech.翻斗式自卸汽车rear-dump wagon
tech.翻斗式自卸汽车rear-dump truck
tech.翻斗手推车tipping barrow
tech.翻斗手推车end tipping barrow
tech.翻斗拖车tipping trailer
tech.翻斗拖车粮箱grain bin for tipping trailer
tech.翻斗挂车trailer dump
tech.翻斗挂车trailer wagon
tech.翻斗挂车dump trailer
tech.翻斗料车tipping wagon
archit.翻斗料车tip ping wagon
tech.翻斗料车tip wagon
eng.geol.翻斗汽车dump truck
tech.翻斗汽车dump car
tech.翻斗矿车rocker side dumping car
tech.翻斗矿车rocker-dump car
tech.翻斗矿车rocker side dump car
tech.翻斗矿车dumping lorry
tech.翻斗货车tip wagon
tech.翻斗货车tipping wagon
tech.翻斗货车skip lorry
tech.翻斗运货车tipping truck
met.翻斗送锭车travelling tumbler
met.翻斗送锭车traveling tumbler
met.翻车机料斗wagon tipper hopper
met.翻车机漏斗wagon tipper hopper
ecol.自动垃圾翻斗车automatic dumper
el.自动翻斗车automatical tipper
el.自动翻斗车automatic tipper
hydroel.st.自卸汽车,翻斗车dump truck
tech.自推进式翻斗车self-propelled skip
tech.自行翻斗卡车self-tipping lorry
textile自行车斗篷cyclist's cape
tech.行车式料斗hopper-on rails
tech.行车式漏斗hopper-on rails
tech.装在汽车上的翻斗装置lorry-mounted tipping unit
oil装料斗车charging car
tech.装料斗车charging lorry
tech.装有抓斗吊车的储库grabbing pit
met.【焦】装煤车煤斗larry bin
met.装煤车煤斗larry bin
UN装甲战斗车Armored fighting vehicles
UN装甲战斗车Armored combat vehicles
tech.装车料斗truck-loading hopper
tech.装载小车的斗buggy-loading hopper
tech.装运石块的后翻斗卡车rear-dump rocker
anim.husb.谷物斗车grain thrower
auto.赛车斗式座椅racing bucket
auto.摩托车赛车边斗racing sidecar
tech.起重机翻斗车crane tipping skip
tech.跨斗式摩托车side car machine
transp.跨斗式摩托车side car
tech.斗车skip car
el.較式斗车hinged hopper
met.车斗car hopper
mil., air.def.车载电子战斗系统electronic fighting vehicle system
agric.车道排水沟清理铲斗roadway bucket
tech.轧钢车间铲斗steel mill bucket
tech.轨道式混凝土翻斗车rail-mounted tipping concrete skip
tech.转子式翻斗车rotary dumper
tech.转子式翻斗车rotary car dumper
tech.轮胎铲斗车tyred tractor shovel
railw.轴向自卸漏斗车axial discharging hopper car
tech.轴向自卸漏斗车axial discharge hopper wagon
tech.轻便漏斗车portable hopper car
tech.轻便漏斗车light hopper wagon
tech.轻便漏斗车light hopper car
tech.轻型漏斗车light hopper wagon
tech.轻轨斗车decauville tub
tech.轻轨斗车decauville wagon
tech.轻轨斗车decauville truck
el.载重汽车式索斗挖掘机truck-mounted dragline
tech.载重翻斗车athey wagon
auto.摩托车斗车side frame
auto.摩托车斗车sidecar frame
tech.运土斗车muck car
auto.运送谷物的漏斗式车厢grain hopper body
tech.连续斗式装雪车snow loader with continuous buckets
anim.husb.通用屠宰斗车tank charging truck
tech.采石斗车quarry car
met.采石场斗车quarry car
tech.钢斗手推车steel-pan wheelbarrow
met.铁路漏斗车railroad hopper car
tech.铰式斗车hinged hopper
tech.铰接式翻斗车articulated dumper
tech.铰接翻斗车articulated dump truck
tech.斗车loading shovel
tech.斗车scoop loader
tech.斗车shovel loader
tech.斗车shovel type loader
tech.斗车wheel loader
tech.斗车loader shovel
tech.铲斗上移动小车bucket transfer car
tech.铲斗吊索滑车bucket suspension tackle
tech.铲斗滑车组dipper sheave block
tech.铲斗滑车轮bucket sheave
tech.铲斗的滑车轮paddock sheave
tech.铲斗移动起重小车bucket handling crab
tech.链斗卸车机unloading machine with chain buckets
tech.链斗卸车机chain bucket car unloader
tech.链斗式水车chain pump
tech.链斗绞车bucket ladder winch
tech.链斗装车机loading machine with chain buckets
tech.高架抓斗吊车overhead grabbing crane
tech.高炉翻斗绞车blast-furnace skip hoist