
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一权威专家除了审核合同件,还必须审核图纸及规格说明书An authorized expert may examine drawings and specifications as well as contract documents
上下内关键字索引keyword in context index
上下内关键字索引KWIC index
上述定义将适用于本合同,除非上下另有要求The above-mentioned definitions shall apply to this contract except where the context otherwise requires
±下外关键字索引keyword out of context index
±下外关键字索引KWOC index
不名一queer skin
不定期论occasional papers
不定期论occasional paper
不成an unwritten law
不成unwritten law
不成社会法规unwritten social rules
世界主要港口外名称中文译名所属国家或地区纬度经度The Worlds Major Seaports
两种本之间有任何分歧之处,则应以中文文本为准In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall be controlling
中国人科学发展公司China National Humane Studies Development Corporation
中国对外物展览公司China Cultural Relics Exhibition Corporation
串行serial file
为了安全起见,最好把这些件放进橱柜里You'd better put the papers in the cupboard for safety
争议方同意仲裁的书面arbitration bond
科学liberal arts
美国《石油文摘 》用语仅有abstract only
他们把件放在防火保险柜里They packed the papers in a fireproof safe
他的秘书随身带着His secretary brought the documents with her
以上按收发出above transmitted as received
仪表Instrument Abstracts
企业件管理系统enterprise-wide document Management system
会后past-session documentation
《会计研究论集》Accounting Research Study
《会计论集》Accounting Series Releases (美证券交易会会计期刊)
刊名,美国会议论近期索引Current Index to Conference Papers
伪造书法forgery act
伪造forged documents
伪造的fake documents
1886 年《伯尔尼保护学和艺术作品公约》Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg Economic Union Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886)
估计费用在业主付款以前已用证明件证实Documentary evidence prior to payment by owner had already substantiated estimated expenses
作业job documentation
你们可以复制这份You are allowed to make duplication of the document
你方应准备和提供一切必要的图纸、操作手册和其他You shall prepare and supply all necessary drawings, operating manuals and other documents
你方当日电your message of date
你方昨日电your message yesterday
你方电your telegram
保单条结构construction of policy
保密classified document
信贷credit civilization
false papers
法令集statutes at large
法令集statute at large
a file cabinet
关键字在上下keyword in context
关键字在上下keyword out of context
具有历史价值的国家national treasure of historic value
协议text of an agreement
协议a version of an agreement
单据document (s)
卖方和买方已经就下确定的一切产品的价格达成协议The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows
原产地证明documentary evidence of origin
原始original copy of the deed
原始original copy of the deed
参与该项建议评审的双方不得透露此建议的一切信息及Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal
参见上vide suppa
双联an indented document
发送明电报send a telegram me in plain language
化的遗迹traces of an old civilization
各种a large variety of stationery
合同text of a contract
合同the text of a contract
合同的明规定expressly agreed terms of the contract
多地址电报telegram with multiple addresses
multiple telegram
吸取世界明成果assimilate the achievements of civilizations the world over
售方装货vendor's shipping document
商业主business master file
国家战略简写为CSN, 联合国开发计划署country strategy note UNDP
国家计划缩写为NPDnational programme document
美国国情咨union message
国际international instrument
国际学与艺术品保护联盟International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
正式名称为:国际保护学艺术品联盟Berne Union
在我方件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格All the technical details on the new product are given in our document
在本中提供者外excepted otherwise herein provided
在某种意in a manner
外延denotative words
大国沙主义the great power chauvinism
如有需要,卖主可在箱上加注说明The seller can affix indicative information on the case if necessary
威廉亨利同意将明规定条件的租赁权转让给李亚瑟William Henry consented to the assignment of the lease made upon the express conditions to Arthus Lee
存置件的筐filing basket
官样red tape
审査性review documents
室外娱和消遣的管理outdoor recreation &resource management
工程费用变更条cost variation clause
美国布鲁海国家实验室Brookhaven National Laboratory
应将一切实际情况、数据及资料随同投标件一起提交The bid documentation should be submitted together with all the facts, data and materials
应用the practical writing
应用写作practical writing
建筑师能够按合同件大体上确定工程进度The architect can determine in general the work proceeding in accordance with the contract documents
索引citation indexes
形成合同的几个件可以互为说明The several documents forming the contract are mutually explanatory
律师必须得到一份完全而明确的件证据A full showing of the documentary evidence shall be submitted to the attorney
律师有权签署任何其他密封或开封的The attorney has the right to sign any other instruments, sealed or unsealed
刊名,英国德国专利German Patents Abstracts
必须用图纸和字说明介绍该产品The product should be described by drawing and word description
the statute law
法典code of written law
法律written law
成本变更条cost variation clause
我们,件下方署名者,特此聘任王先生为我公司顾问We, the undersigned n., do hereby appoint Mr. Wang the advisor of our company
我们已经把件传真到纽约办事处We have fax-ed the documents to our New York office
我们把件放入银行保存好We put the documents into the bank for safe keeping
我们签署了协议,该协议具有6个月后可重新讨论各项条件的附We signed the agreement with the proviso that the terms can be discussed again after six months
我们需要核査所有件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
所有权document of title
扶贫战略Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
批准document of approval
技术technical documentation
技术件报告technical documentary report
技术件清单technical document list
件誉写一式两份make out a document in duplicate
把…写成文write up
招标the tender documents
按公ex facie (或证件)
exchange of note
签字样本等控制control document
控制权document of control
整套商业commercial set
书工作paper work
件存储器a file drum
件安全控制file security
件已由经理盖章The document has been stamped by the manager
件控制document control
件正面face of an instrument
件的认证the authentication of document
具及办公用品the stationery and office supply (费)
具及印刷费the stationery and printing
化交流culture exchange
化形态cultural pattern
化教育支出culture and education expenses
化水平很高的人a man with much schooling
化素养cultural literacy
化落后cultural lag
化部Ministry of Culture
化部长Minister of Culture
office clerk
员就地招聘The clerical staff are employed from the local area
字合同contract in writing (契约)
字处理机a word processor
字报告式the narrative form
字改动change in wording
字金额the amount in words
字金额amount in words
刊名 API American Petroleum Institute Abstracts
摘卡片abstract card
教用品店a school supply and stationery store
教科学卫生事业费operating expenses for culture, education, science and public health services
明时期civilization period
明经商sugar management
牍主义red tapery (red-tapism)
物出口证明书certificate for export of cultural relics
美国的献监督人Superintendent of Documents
大学liberal arts
秘人员clerical staff
秘人员correspondence clerk
货币名莱元Brunei Dollar
莱壳牌销售公司Brunei Shell Marketing
莱液化天然气公司Brunei Liquefied Natural Gas
莱石油天然气局Brunei Oil and Gas Agency
方案拨款the programme allotment document
方案拨款the program allotment document
无公手续的商业贷款open-book amount
废止express repeal
plain language telegram
的保证an express guarantee
的承担义务express undertaking
法律规定expressly provide against (smoking by law, 禁止吸烟)
代理商规定的代理权the ostensible authority
最后案final text
有强制执行效力的an executory instrument
有强制执行效力的executory instrument
有立即强制执行的document subject to immediate enforcement or execution
未经签证的uncertified documents
件应由贵国领事签发This document shall be issued by the consul of your country
本协议的两种本对双方具有同等约束力Both versions of this agreement are equally binding to either party
本合同所使用之字意义明确,别无其他解释No implication lies in the meaning of the words used in this contract
本合同明规定禁止向该国销售The contract expressly forbids sales to that country
条约的条articles of a treaty
来往letter of transmittal
査验verification of contents
査验verification of content
根据上下,合同中单数词汇有时表示复数的含义In contracts, words importing the singular sometimes refer to the plural according to the context
根据合同件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents
欧美western civilization
正式技术formal technical documents
正规技术formal technical literature
模型hydrologic simulation
模型hydrologic modelling
模拟hydrologic simulation
模拟hydrologic modelling
英国法国专利French Patents Abstracts
法律legal instrument
法律条a provision of law
法律条legal provision
法律条letter of the law
国际纠纷法律解决附jurisdiction clause
消除化方面的分歧bridge cultural differences
物价上涨条fluctuation clause
甄别字类别class test
生产娱用品的工业部门leisure-time industries
生产责任production responsibilities document
密码、 编码传送电message in (cipher, code)
text words
如下the telegram reads (as follows)
校正telegraphic correction
电报正body of telegram
石油摘字顺主题索引Alphabetic Subject Index to Petroleum Abstract
确定definitive text
社会化系统sociocultural system
社会达尔主义Social Darwinism
禁止复制任何被列为"严格保密"的Any reproduction of papers classified "strict confidence" shall be forbidden
秘书将公证人的印章盖在公The secretary affixed the notary's stamp to the papers
秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
秘书把公留在家里了The secretary left the official documents in her house
立即生效的instrument immediately executory
签订合同后,双方中任何一方不得违犯政府的任何政策,成法或不成文法After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws
英国管理Management Abstracts
集装箱箱架a rack system
精确perfect copy
缛节red tape
经济economic civilization
经济发展与化变迁economic development and cultural change
经济学家论书目economist’s papers
经销协定的正式standard form of agency agreement
绝对产权的法律证明absolute title
编制preparation of documents
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
背景background papers
船上用articles for ship
船旗flag document
英国政府公Her His Majesty's Service
要求提供的documentation required
计算机处理的数据computerized data file
计算机汇总computer-generated documents
议定书the text of protocol
说明法案制定经过的条enacting clause
请将件收入文件夹中Please put all the documents in a folder
请把这些新发的件放入保险柜Please put the newly-issued documents in the safe
请附准确give better reference
诸如打字、立档、打电话之类秘工作现在已自动化了Such secretarial duties as typing, filing and telephoning are now automated
super civilization
这些件是具有全公司意义的These documents are of overall company significance
说明note of transmittal
递交正式serve a formal document
部门性政策sector policy paper
document attached
雇佣hireling scribbler
非保密性unclassified document
非保密的an unclassified document
非明担保implied warranty
预算咨a budget message
预算计划budget planning document
验证legalize a document