
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一排中的桩number of piles in one row
一群中的桩排number of rows of piles in one group
三位百位数three figures
三角函table of trigonometric functions
三角级trigonometric series
下标脚注subscript figure
下沉系coefficient of subsidence
下附inferior figures
不变numerical invariant
不均匀系nonuniform coefficient
不均匀系nonhomogeneity coefficient
不均匀系coefficient of non-uniformity
不稳定系instability coefficient
不适当的inappropriate data
不透水系imperviousness factor
不透水系imperviousness coefficient
两位十进位数的double figures
两位十进位数的two figures
中心受压杆件轴向容许应力的折减系reduction factor of axial allowable stress of central compressive member
主动土压系coefficient of active earth pressure
主参major parameter
主要工程main quantities of works
主要工程quantities of main works
主要工程量表main-quantity table of works
主要工程量表quantity-table of main works
二元正态密度函bivariate normal density function
二次函quadratic function
二进制binary number system
二阶导second derivative
互相关系cross-correlation factor
互相关系cross-correlation coefficient
传播系factor of propagation
传递系transfer coefficient
估计estimated amount
位移函displacement function
体型系factor of bodily form
体型系coefficient of bodily form
体积压缩系coefficient of bulk compressibility
体积系volumetric coefficient
余函complementary function
余因矩阵cofactor matrix
作用分项系partial safety factor for action
作用效应系coefficient of effect of action
作用组合系coefficient of combination of actions
侧压力系lateral pressure coefficient
侧向土压力系lateral earth pressure coefficient
侧向地基系lateral coefficient of subsoil
侧胀系coefficient of lateral expansion
侧膨胀系coefficient of lateral expansion
倍增系multiplication constant
倍增系multiplication factor
倒分reciprocal fraction
倾覆稳定系safety factor of overturning
倾覆稳定系factor of stability against overturning
假想tentative data
假想fictitious data
偏心距增大系coefficient of eccentricity magnification
偏心距增大系factor of increment of eccentric distant
偏载系eccentric load factor
偶函even function
免税freedom form taxation
whole amount
total number
全导total derivative
共轭复conjugate complex number
冲击系impact coefficient
冲击系coefficient of impact
冲击系impact factor
冲刷系factor of erosion
冲刷系scouring factor
冲刷系coefficient of scour
冲刷系coefficient of scouring
冲刷系scour coefficient
fractional power
fractional part
fractional order
分布系distribution factor
分析analytic data
分计筛余百分percentage of separated sieve residue
分部安全系partial safety factor
分配系distribution factor
分项系partial coefficient
分项系partial safety factor
分项系partial factor
分项系factor of partial term
刚度系coefficient of rigidity
初参initial parameter method
初步读preliminary reading
初等elementary mathematics
初读initial reading value
初读initial reading
初读initial read value
剪切形式系form factor for shear
剪切摩擦安全系safety factor for shear friction
剪切黏滞系coefficient of shear viscosity
剪力分布系shear distribution factor
剪力系shear factor
剪力系shear coefficient
剪滑安全系safety factor for shear sliding
功率谱密度函power spectral density function
加权残method of weighted residual
动不定次degree of kinematic indeterminacy
动力参dynamic parameter
动力地基系dynamic modulus of reaction of foundation soil
动力地基系dynamic coefficient of subgrade reaction
动力学参dynamic parameter
动力放大系dynamic magnification factor
动力系dynamic coefficient
动力系coefficient of dynamic force
动力系dynamical coefficient
动力黏滞系coefficient of dyna mic viscosity
动未知kinematic unknown
劲性系stiffness factor
匀质系coefficient of uniformity
升幂级series of increasing powers
半对semilogarithmic diagram
半对坐标semi-logarithmic coordinate
半对semi-logarithmic paper
odd number
卡门常Karmen constant
压力系pressure factor
压实性指compaction index
压屈安全系safety factor of buckling
压杆纵向弯曲系coefficient of bulking for compressive member
压缩指compressive index
压缩系compression coefficient
吸水系absorption coefficient
圆锥指cone index
土反力系coefficient of soil reaction
土弹簧常soil spring constant
土抗力系coefficient of resistance of soil
地区性系regional factor
地区系zone factor
地基动力系dynamic reaction coefficient of subgrade
地基反力系modulus of subgrade reaction
地基反力系coefficient of ground reaction
地基反力系coefficient of subgrade reaction
地基系coefficient of soil reaction
地基系coefficient of subgrade
地基系coefficient of subsoil
地基系coefficient of subgrade reaction
地形、地理条件系coefficient of topography and geography condition
地震危险分区系seismic hazard zoning coefficient
地震影响系seismic coefficient
地震影响系seismic affected coefficient
地震系seismic coefficient method
均值系coefficient of mean value
塑性系coeficient of plasticity
填方quantity of fill
填方fill quantity
增大系magnification factor
增大系increasing factor
增长系increasing factor
增长系growth factor
墩台基底倾覆稳定系overturning stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment
墩台基底滑动稳定系sliding stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment
墩型系pier pattern factor
多重级multiple series
大量mass data
夯实系compacting factor
奇函odd function
孔隙压力系pore pressure coefficient
安全系safe factor
部分real part
实际工作天actual working-days
局部承压抗裂安全系safety factor for resistance to local compressive cracking
岩土参统计mathematical statistics of geotechnical parameters
岩石软化系coefficient of softening of rock
分布constant distribution
矩阵constant matrix
constant table
常微分方程的次degree of an ordinary differential equation
常用对ordinary logarithm
常用对table of common logarithms
常系线性微分方程linear differential equation with constant coefficients
of a number
幂级展开expansion into power series
幂级展开power series expansion
幕级series of powers
幕级exponential series
平均相关系average correlation coefficient
ordinal number
应力减小系stress reduction factor
应力重分布系coefficient of redistribution of stress
应力集中系factor of stress concentration
base number
座板侧面地基系图形面积area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient of the side of cap slab of pile foundation
座板侧面地基系图形面积对底面的惯性矩inertia-moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
座板侧面地基系图形面积对底面的面积矩area moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
开挖excavation quantities
弗汝德Froude number
弯曲抗力系resistance factor for bending
弯矩增大系coefficient of increment of moment
弹性剪切系coefficient of elastic shear
弹性变形系coefficient of elastic deformation
弹性均匀压缩系coefficient of elastic uniform compression
弹性常elasticity constant
弹性恢复系restitution coefficient
弹性抗力系coefficient of elastic resistance
弹性系factor of elasticity
弹性非均匀压缩系coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression
强度安全系safety factor of strength
强度折减系strength reduction factor
强度提高系coefficient of strength increase
强度提高系strength increasing factor
强度提高系factor of strength increase
强度提高系factor of strength increment
形参shape parameter
形常shape constant
形常shape coefficient
形状系shape coefficient
形状系form coefficient
影响influence number
影响系factor of effect
径向固结系coefficient of radial consolidation
径流模modulus of runoff
待定系undetermined coefficient
待定系undetermined coefficient method
徐变系creep factor
徐变系creep coefficient
循环小recurring decimal
循环次number of cycles
循环级recurring series
总荷载中恒载所占比例的影响系influence coefficient considering proportion of dead load to total load
截面常section constant
截面形状系factor of sectional form
截面形状系factor of sectional shape
截面系section modulus
扭转常torsion constant
承载力系bearing capacity factor
抗力分项系partial factor for resistance
抗力系resistance factor
抗压系resistance factor for compression
抗弯系resistance factor
抗拉系resistance factor for tension
抗液化指liquefaction resistance factor
抗滑动安全系factor of safety against sliding
抗滑系antiskid factor
抗滑系antislide factor
抗裂安全系safety factor of anticracking
抗裂安全系factor of safety for crack-resistance
折合系reduction factor
函数幂函数exponential function
级数exponential series
表示exponential representation
规律exponential law
按指律增长exponential rising
按规范取决于横截面类型的系coefficient determined from specifications depending on the type of cross-section
挖方excavation quantities
挠度对偏心距影响的增大系facto of increasing effect of flexure on eccentricity
挠度常flexural constant
振型函model function
振幅放大系amplitude magnification factor
换算系coefficient of reduction
摄氏度degree of Centigrade
摄氏度Centigrade degree
收敛级convergence series
改正指modification index
改正系correction factor
改正系modification factor
改正系modification coefficient
改正系coefficient of correction
放大倍enlargement factor
效率系efficiency coefficient
numerical digit
numerical number
值函数numerical function
值变量numerical variable
值处理方法numerical procedure
值微分法numerical differentiation
值表numerical table
值表达式numerical expression
值解arithmetic solution
值计算numerical evaluation
值计算numerical calculus
值计算法numerical calculation method
值近似法numerical approximation method
numeral number
字例题numerical example
字显示digital presentation
字电子计算机electronic digital computer
字电子计算机digital electronic computer
字符号digital sign
字符号symbol of numeral
字编码digital code
字舍入误差error in rounding number
字表numeration table
字表达式digital expression
字计算器digital calculator
字计算机程序digital computer program
字资料数字数据numerical data
字资料数字数据numeric data
字资料数字数据digital data
学关系mathematical relationship
学式mathematical formulae
学期望值mathematical expected value
学模型数学模式mathematical model
学模拟mathematical simulation
学物理模型mathematical physics model
学用表mathematical table
学符号mathematical symbol
学统计mathematical statistics
datum (复数 <-> data)
据处理data manipulation
据处理data management
据处理data treatment
据手册data book
据积累data accumulation
控钻孔的工地连接numerically-controlled drilled field connection
理统计法mathematical method of statistics
digit group
解法numerical method
量一览summary of quantities
量清单bill of quantities
量表quantity table
量表quantity sheet
量表quantity schedule
量表schedule of quantity
round number
integral value
round figures
integral quantity
integer value
integral part
整个截面中的钢筋reinforcement contribution in full section
整位round figure
断面形状系coefficient of sectional form
最大应力的最小循环次minimum cycles of maximum stress
最小安全系minimum safety factor
最小读least reading
最少桩least number of piles
有意义的significant figure
有效significant figures
有效effective digit
有效useful data
有效位significant digits
有用的available data
有用的试验available test data
有限级finite series
末位有效last significant figure
材料quantity of material
材料量表quantity list of materials
材料量表list of material quantities
材料均匀系material homogeneity factor
材料性能分项系partial coefficient for property of material
材料的安全系material factor of safety
条件分布函conditional distribution function
条件概率密度函conditional probability density function
条件概率质量函conditional probability mass function
构件相互影响系factor of interaction of members
构件相互影响系member interaction coefficient
标准正态分布函standard normal distribution function
标准正态密度函standard normal density function
标准贯入试验锤击blow count of standard penetration test
标准锤击blow count of standard penetration
样本函sample function
件数number of pieces
根据规范确定的系coefficient determined from specifications
桥墩形状系coefficient of shape of pier
桥墩形状系shape factor of pier
桥梁安全系factor of safety of bridge
桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and foundation soil
桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and earth under base of foundation
桥涵顶面与顶上荷载之间的摩擦系coefficient of friction between top of bridge or culvert and top load
椭圆函elliptic function
模糊学理论fuzzy set theory
横向倾覆稳定系transversely overturning stability coefficient
横向倾覆稳定系coefficient of transversal overturning stability
横向倾覆稳定系factor of lateral overturning stability
横向分布系transverse distribution coefficient
横向地基反力系lateral ground-reaction coefficient
number of times
次固结指secondary compression index
次固结系coefficient of secondary consolidation
正弦对logarithmic sine
正态函normal function
歪曲系factor of distortion
水平向基床系horizontal subgrade reaction coefficient
水平地震系horizontal seismic coefficient
沉降修正系settlement correction factor
沉陷系settlement coefficient
沉陷系depression factor
活动支座的摩擦系coefficient of friction of movable bearing
活动支座的摩擦系factor of friction of movable bearing
活载储备系coefficient of reservation of live load
活载冲击系factor of impact of live load
流动指flow index
涡流黏滞系coefficient of eddy viscosity
液性指water plasticity ratio
湿陷系coefficient of collapsibility
物理化学因的影响effect of physicochemical factor
特性系characterizing factor
用于确定风荷载的系coefficient used to determine wind load
电子字计算机electronic brain
疲劳系fatigue factor
百分对比percent contrast
百分度centigrade degree
破坏强度安全系factor of safety of collapse strength
破坏强度安全系safety factor of collapse strength
稠度指relative plasticity index
稠度指plasticity index
稠度指relative consistency
稳定安全系safety factor of stability
稳定安全系safety coefficient of stability
等代弯矩系equivalent moment factor
“等幅疲劳强度-循环次”曲线fatigue strength with constant amplitude versus number of stress cycles
等效相关系equivalent correlation coefficient
等效阻尼常equivalent damping constant
算术级arithmetic series
粗糙系rugosity coefficient
粗糙系roughness factor
累积百分cumulative percentage
展开expanding in series
展开expansion in series
展开series expansion
求和summation of series
pure number
缩小系reduction factor
群桩承载力折减系reduction-factor of bearing capacity of pile group
群桩效率系coefficient of efficiency of pile-group
脆性指brittleness index
脆性系fragility coefficient
脉冲函impulsive function
膨胀性指swelling index
膨胀指swell index
船只总吨gross tonnage of ship
荷载函loading function
荷载循环次number of cycles of loading
荷载特征影响系coefficient of effect of load
荷载系load factor
荷载系load-factor method
融化系coefficient of thaw
融沉系coefficient of thaw-subsidence
表1中所给的系coefficient given by Table 1
表1中所给的系coefficient given in Table 1
表列tabular figure
表列tabulated figure
表列catalogue data
表列现场灌注混凝土tabulated amount of cast-in-situ concrete
表面摩擦系coefficient of surface friction
衰减系extinguishing coefficient
计算中用的系factors for use in calculation
计算力学的值方法numerical method in computational mechanics
计算参computed parameter
记录的recorded data
调整系adjustment factor
调整系值的范围range of value of adjustment factor
谐级harmonic series
谢才系coefficient of Chezy's formula
谱系spectral coefficient
贯入指penetration index
贯入试验锤击number of blows of standard penetration
起始读initial reading
超载系coefficient of overload
超静定未知statically indeterminate unknown
超静定次degree of statical indeterminacy
超静定次degree of redundancy
车辆car population
车辆横向分布系coefficient of transverse distribution of vehicle
轴向容许应力折减系factor of reduction of axial allowable stress
轻便触探试验锤击light sounding test blow count
载常load constant
载常load coefficient
较好better data
适当的系aptitudal factor
适当的系appropriate coefficient
逆函inverse function
透水系coefficient of water permeability
逐次求偏导successive partial derivative
钢筋量表quantity-table of bars
钢筋量表quantity-table of reinforcements
锤击次number of blows
长度膨胀系coefficient of linear expansion
阵风响应系gust response factor
阵风系gust factor
阻力系resistivity coefficient
附加压应力系factor of additional compressive stress
附加压应力系coefficient of additional compressive stress
降低系reduction coefficient
降低系reduction factor
降幂级seires of decreasing power
静不定次degree of redundancy
静不定次degree of statical indeterminacy
静止土压力系coefficient of at rest earth pressure
非线性修正系correction factor of nonlinearity
预应力箍筋肢number of limbs of prestressing stirrup
预留荷载发展系coefficient of reservation developing of live load
预留荷载发展系developing coefficient of live load reservation
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