
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一位随机one-digit random number
个人字助理wireless handheld computer
个人字助理personal digital assistant
乐观系coefficient of optimism
型的关系multiplier-type relationship
, 收益增殖率multiplier
multiplier point
亏损常loss constant
住房加权housing weights
信息处理所需的据编码coding of data for information processing
偏态频分配skew frequency distribution
偏态频曲线skew frequency curve
入会年contributory service
全整约束条件all-integer constraints
全球主要债券指Global Broad Bond Index
全球主要债券指JP Morgan Chase Global Broad Bond Index
全球国家指All Country Index
全球国家指MSCI All Country Index
Oracle关联性共享据库管理系统行政支持shared Oracle RDBMS
养恤金报酬乘pensionable remuneration multiplier
养恤金调整指pension adjustment index
决策参decision parameters
决策变,决策可变因数decision variables
分摊assessed level
制造单位价格指MUV index
制造单位价格指Manufacturing Unit Value index
单位损失常态系unit normal loss integral
即时商业据处理real time EDI
可靠性系confidence coefficient
名义指notional index
MSCI 国家指All Country Index
MSCI 国家指MSCI All Country Index
国家指示性规划country indicative planning figures
地区外价格递增系out-of-area price progression factor
或间隔尺度Cardinal or interval scale
基本background information
复合薪金指composite salary index
外汇的量控制quantity controls in foreign exchange
多目标函multiple objective functions
季续型时间函continuous time function
定额备用金imprest level
实际出勤人一日actual man-days in attendance
群体影响minority group influence
工作人员更替和填补延迟调整adjustment for staff turnover and delays
工作地点差价调整冻结post adjustment freeze
工作地点差价调整分类post adjustment classification
工作地点差价调整点数points of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整的加权平均数weighted average of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整的统一consolidation of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整类别post adjustment class
工作地点差价调整指PA index
工作地点差价调整指post adjustment index
工资指pay index
工资指salary index
工资指wage index
工资指调整wage index adjustment
"常总额"博弈"constant-sum" game
或等级尺度ordinal or ranking scale
延聘系lapse factor
延聘系方法lapse factor methodology
弥补延聘系cover the lapse factor
意外费用contingency amount
成本函cost function
技术转换因缩写为TCFtechnical conversion factor
投入-产出系input-output coefficient
服务时间分布exponential service-time distribution
点数points of index
调整index adjustment
指示性规划indicative planning figure
按法律应得的最低限度minimum legally-due
排队期望人expected number in the queue
JP摩根全球主要债券指Global Broad Bond Index
JP摩根全球主要债券指JP Morgan Chase Global Broad Bond Index
摩根士丹利资本国际全球国家指All Country Index
摩根士丹利资本国际全球国家指MSCI All Country Index
字光盘放像机video compact disc player (VCD player)
据处理管理协会该协会是一个由信息系统专业人员组成的国际性组织Data Processing Management Association
据库缩写为DWH或DWdata warehouse
据的保密性data confidentiality
量分析方法mathematical analysis method
量方法quantitative methods
量配额quantitative quota
量限制quantity restrictions
无受抚养人的single rate
最优整optimal integer solution
服务地点差价调整乘post adjustment multiplier
期望expected number
机械据处理mechanical data processing
机率权probability weight
机率质量函probability mass function
标尺weight scale
标准化常态变standardized normal variable
样本变异sample variance
样本平均值的平均average of means of samples
每日生活津贴的特殊和缩减special and reduced rates daily subsistence allowances
"泊松到达、指服务"模型Poisson arrival exponential service model
"泊松/指"模型Poisson/exponential model
混合整问题mixed integer problem
计算矩阵标准point rating matrix standard
物理据模型physical data modeling
生产函product functions
目标函参数面objective function reference plane
相对次relative frequency
符号模型或字模型symbolic or math model
标准误差standard error of the coefficient
系统中期望顾客人期望排队顾客人数expected number of customers in the system queue
系统内期望人expected number in the system
累积概率函cumulative probability function
累积质量函cumulative mass function
约束条件与变constraint and variables
纯整问题pure-integer problem
综合工资指composite salary index
薪酬校正系remuneration correction factor ICSC
薪金基base salary
薪金基base remuneration
薪金基base pay
补偿系penalty coefficient
访问网址顾客page impressions
调整额表schedule adjustments posts
负工作地点调整negative post adjustment
赫番代耳一赫希曼指Herfindahl-Hirschman index
超几何函hypergeometric function
辅助影响contribution Factor
连续对自变微分法successive variation of independent variables
连续机率函continuous probability function
递增系progression factor
逻辑据模型logical data modeling
部分工作地点差价调整partial post adjustment
重对回归double-log regression
集中指concentration indices
雇员费用指缩写为ECIemployment cost index
非零的non-zero number
面向对象的据库管理系统object oriented database management systems
预算基budget base
领取老金者特别指special index for pensioners
分析frequency analysis