
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一手交易证券交易的数量单位board lot
一揽子指交易index basket trading
一揽子指交易指令index basket order
一揽子指指令交易机制index basket order trading mechanism
一级市场据库primary market database
一级市场上市公司据库primary market database
一般消费物价指general consumer price index
三角系delta coefficient
上市公司No. of companies listed
上市公司number of listed companies
上市公司法律风险指排名listed companies legal risk index rankings
上市股票number of shares listed
上市股票number of listed stocks
上市证券No. of listed securities
上海期货交易所计划商品指Shanghai Futures Exchange Plans Commodities Index
上海证券交易所指SSE indices
上海证券交易所股价综合指Shanghai Stock Exchange composite index
上证上海证券交易所50指Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 index
上证 B 股指Shanghai B share index
上证 A 股指SSE A share index
上证 B 股指SSE B share index
上证 A 股指Shanghai A share index
上证公司债券指SSE corporate bond index
上证公司治理指SSE corporate governance index
上证公用事业指SSE utilities index
上证商业指SSE commercial index
上证基金指SSE fund index
上证基金指Fund Index
上证大型企业指SSE conglomerates index
上证工业类指SSE industrial index
上证成分指SSE constituent index
上证房地产指SSE real estate index
上证指SSE indices
上证180指SSE 180 index
上证50指成分股公司companies in the constituents of the SSE 50 Index
上证政府债券指SSE government bond index
上证新综合指SSE new composite index
上证红利指SSE dividend index
上证综合指SSE composite index
上调至整购买round up
下标指subscript index
下调至整购买round down
不动产投资信托协会NAREIT data
不动产投资信托协会指NAREIT index
不动产投资信托协会财产指NAREIT property index
不可变现的虚unrealizable figure
不实blind figure
不能用量估量的资产unquantifiable assets
与上年同期字相比year-on-year comparison
与指关联index linking
专门额规定specified amount requirement
专项股票作空倾斜指dedicated short bias index
世界指world index
业绩performance data
业绩基准指performance benchmark index
业绩指衡量包括分红和其他利润分配的指标performance index
东京日经道・琼斯指Tokyo Nikkei Dow Jones Index
东京股价指Tokyo stock price index
东京股票交易所股价指Tokyo Stock price index
两位字的增长double-digit growth
个人信用信息据库personal credit information database
中国人民银行据处理中心人行上海总部Data Processing Center
中国指期货China Index Futures
中国证券南方经济富裕行业指China Securities Southern Well-Off Industry Index (Well-Off Index, 简称"小康指数"或"经济富裕指数")
中国证券指有限公司、中证指数有限公司China Securities Index Co., Ltd.
中国证券指系列China Securities Index Series
中国证券自由流通指China Securities Free Floating Index
中型股标普指存托凭证MidCap SPDR
中小企业指-最低SME Board Index-low (SZSE)
中小企业指-最高SME Board Index-high (SZSE)
中小板交易型开放式指基金深圳证券交易所SME Board ETF
中期interim figures
中证300价值指CSI 300 Value Index
中证公司债指CSI Corporate Bond Index
中证公司指系列CSI Indices System
中证300成长指CSI 300 Growth Index
中证200指China Securities 200 Index
中证500指China Securities 500 Index
中证100指China Securities 100 Index
中证300相对价值指CSI 300 Relative Value Index
中证300相对成长指CSI 300 Relative Growth Index
中证300风格指系列CSI 300 Style Index Series
临时确定provisional lock-in position
临时锁定provisional lock-in position
主要市场指Exchange Market Index
主要市场指major market index
主要指major index
主要财务据和指标major financial datas and indicators
企业乘评估公司价值的指标enterprise multiple
企业信息据库enterprise information database
企业环境风险指bussiness environment risk index
企业终值倍terminal value multiple
优先股股息所得倍times preferred dividend earned
优质股指index for good quality stocks
会计accounting information
会计据处理accounting data process
传闻传闻某公司财务报表数据但尚未披露,常被投机者用来炒作whisper number
伦敦金融时报指London Financial Time Index
估值倍膨胀inflated valuation multiples
估值倍被夸大inflated valuation multiples
估计number of estimates
估计可购open-to-buy estimate
交易multiple transaction
关系reciprocal relationship
第二个盈利前景penultimate profit prospect
债券买方市政债券指Bond Buyer's Municipal Bond Index
债券买方指Bond Buyer's Index
债券利息偿还系bond interest coverage
债券市场据库bond market data bank
债券平均bond average
债券指bond indexing
债券点指美国证券交易所表示债券报价的点数bond point
债券转换系coefficient of bond conversion
债务偿还debt service figures
先导指标指index of leading indicators
先锋500指vanguard index 500
布朗运动金融计量概念,即有偏随机游走fractional Brownian motion
分层样品债券指stratified sampling bond indexing
分层样品指方法stratified sampling approach to indexing
分层股本指stratified equity indexing
分离债指detachable convertible bond Index
分类指sectoral index
分类指sectional index
分类指期货sectoral index future
创业板指growth enterprise index
初步preliminary figure
删去尾round off
删去尾后的数额round sum
删除位证券交易的电子文档中,删除位数的做法digits deleted
利息所得倍times interest earned
利息现值系present value interest factor
化成整的小计rounded-up sub-total
北青99指Beijing Youth Daily 99 index
半对坐标semi-logarithmic scale
合同乘contract multiplier
合并指combined index
合成指基金synthetic index fund
合约倍contract multiplier
合约股成效量contract size
合资企业中的多股权控制majority control in joint venture
同价权重指用成分股相同市场比重方法编制的指数equal dollar weighted index
同步经济指标指index of coincident economic indicator
名义汇率指nominal effective exchange rate index
商业市场指Commercial Market Index
商业银行指Commerzbank index
DJ-AIG 商品指DJ-AIG Commodity Index
商品指化期货commodity-indexed futures
商品研究局指Commodity Research Bureau Index
商品研究局指Commodity Research Bureau CRB Index CRB
场外指期权over-the-counter index option
处理据量data throughput
备用的股份share availability
表决权multiple voting
复利次frequency of compounding
复合指composite index
夏普大盘股风险调整收益指Sharpe risk-adjusted return ratio on Large Stocks
夏普指Sharpe index
外国市场贝塔系foreign market beta
外国股票指foreign stock index
人的决定majority decision
受托人several trustees
受益人several beneficial
持股majority shareholding
控股子公司majority owned subsidiary
股份majority stake
股权控制majority control
表决规则majority voting rule
裁定majority verdict
裁定规划majority rule
多伦多交易所300指Toronto Exchange 300 index
多伦多交易所35种股票指Toronto 35 Stock Index
多伦多交易所300综合指TSE 300 Composte Index
多指模型multiple index model
指外汇交易中用来表示汇率的前三位数字big figure
大写word figure
大型股指index for large scale stocks
大摩MSCI中国外资自由投资指MSCI China Free Index
大摩MSCI韩国指MSCI Korea index
大摩世界市场指MSCI World index
大摩新兴市场外资自由投资指MSCI Emerging Market Free Index
大摩新加坡自由投资指MSCI Singapore free index
大摩欧洲市场指MSCI Europe index
大摩资本指Morgan Stanley Capital Index
大股东持股shareholding of major shareholders
失实false information
定价odd pricing
威廉%R指Williams % R
小国市场指small country market index
小型恒生指期权Mini-Hang Seng Index Options
小型恒生指期货Mini-Hang Seng Index HSI Futures
小康指well-off index
所有权minority ownership
拥有权minority ownership
持股minority holding
控股人minority controller
权益minor interest
权益insignificant interests
权益指数minor interests index
的现金支出petty cash
知情人交易closed market transaction
票挤出minority squeeze-out (控股股东对非控股股东的排挤)
minority stock
股东minority shareholder
股东atomistic shareholders
股东权益minority stockholder's interest
股东的评估权力appraisal rights of minority stockholders
股权minority stakes
股权minority shareholding
股权股东minority stockholder
股股东维权意识minority shareholders' awareness to protect their right
tail coverage
授权委托投资者对经纪商所下达的指令,经纪人只能对交易价尾数有决定权fractional discretion order
市值加权指market value-weighted index
市场据传递market datafeed
市场据供应商market data vendor
市场据提供market datafeed
市场据系统纽约证券交易所关键的国际通讯网Market Data System
市场乘market multiple
市场份额加权指market-share weighted index
市场倒market reciprocal
市场宽度指breath of market index
市场指存单market-indexed CD
市场波动幅度指market volatility index
市场规模指breath of market index
市政债券指期货municipal bond index futures
市盈率倍PE multiples
市盈率倍P/E multiple
帕氏指Paasche Index
增长模型constant-growth model
方差constant variance
开发式指基金open-end index fund
开市前指反映纳斯达克市场上100只股票开盘前交易的指标pre-market indicator
开市前指反映纳斯达克市场上100只股票开市前交易的指标pre-market indicator
强化式指基金enhanced index fund
总加权股票指total weighted stock index
总成交笔total No. of deals
总成交股total shares traded
总收人乘gross revenue multiplier
总杠杆系degree of combined leverage
总股本加权指capitalization weighted index
总评级点gross rating points
意大利米兰股票指Milano Indice Borsa-Italy, Italian Stock Index
证券成交量和成交金额trading volume and value
成交次number of transaction
成交比率指volume rate indicator
成交量指volume index
成分指constituent index
成本会计据基础cost accounting data base
成本函交点cusp point
房地产股票指real estate stock index
所得利息和优先股股利倍time interest and preferred dividend earned
所获利息倍比率time interest earned ratio
持有多controlling holding
Commodity Research Bureau CRB Index CRB
HEX-25 指芬兰最重要的股票指数HEX-25 Index
35 指西班牙35种股票组成的指数IBEX 35 index IBEX
与indexes 相同,为 index 的复数indices
CRB 指Commodity Research Bureau Index
MIB30 指意大利主要股指之一MIB30 index
CAC 40指CAC 40 index
一般性自我回归条件异质模型exponential generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic model
与期权市场index and option market
业务index business
业绩indexed performance
互换index swap
产品index products
以3500点收盘index closed at 3500
债券indexed bond
偏好者index hugger
偿债基金债券index sinking fund debenture
关联借贷index-linked loan
关联债券indexed bond
关联债券index-linked bonds
关联债务index-linked debt
关联利率index-linked interest rate
关联利益index-linked benefit
关联政府债券index-linked gilts
关联股票index-linked stock
关联金融产品index-linked product
关联金边证券index-linked gilts
加权平均移动法exponentially weighted moving average
加权平均线exponential weighted average
index linking
化中的最小方差法variance minimization approach to indexing
化回购indexed repo
化投资indexation investment
化投资组合indexed portfolio
化期权indexing option
化证券投资资金index fund
参与index participation
参与份额index participation shares
参与单位index participation unit
变化平均数exponential moving average
咨询委员会Index Advisory Committee
回升index picking up
回购条款index call
均匀法技术分析exponential smoothing
基准报价index-based offer
基准期货index-based future
基金tracker fund
基金/盯住指数indexing / index funds
备兑权证index covered warrants
套利交易价格变动测试index arbitrage tick test
套利股价走势测试index arbitrage tick test
存托凭证index depository receipt (index share)
存托股票index share
定制化index customization
客户化index customization
市场exponential market
成分indexes constituents
成分公司股票constituent company's shares
成分调整的头名候补股票top candidate stock for index constituent adjustment
拥抱者基金投资的一种运作手法,偏好选择重要指数成分股投资index hugger
挂钩利益index-linked benefit
排行体系ranking index system
提供者index provider
摊销互换index amortizing swaps
摊销票据index amortizing notes
方法index method
期权交易index options trading
期权估价valuing index options
期货合约的期权option on index futures contract
期货定价index-futures pricing
机制index mechanism
构成composition of index
构成规则index construction rule
的代表性index representation
的数量特征quantitative characteristics of index
的活力index vitality
盯住利益index-linked benefit
相关服务index-related services
管理index administration
级增长exponential growth
编制规则index construction rule
编纂者index compiler
衍生产品index derivative
表现indexed performance
计算index calculation
认股权证index warrant
认购权证index call warrant
跟踪股票index tracking share
跟踪能力index tracking ability
运作标准index operation standards
追踪基金index tracking fund
量累进折扣serial discount
at the figure
按夏普指by Sharpe ratio
按平均分担subject to average
按指偿还的贷款indexed loan
按指成分股比例购买股票buying the index
按指比例购股buy the index
按绝对现金in absolute cash terms
按股本金额计算票one-dollar one-vote
按道・琼斯工业平均in DJLA
振荡指标指swing index
支付次frequency of payments
支付能力指affordability index
收人基revenue base
收人指化抵押债券revenue indexed mortgage bond
收益乘earnings multiple
收益偿债系income coverage
收益指profitability index
收盘后交易据文档传递服务end-of-day trade data file transfer service
收盘指closing index
收盘阿姆斯指closing Arms
放大指indexing plus
政府债券指government securities index
政府债券指government bond index
政府先行指标指Government's Index of Leading Indicators
效益指performance index
效益指票据performance index paper
最低量执行指令minimum fill order
最低报价股票minimum quote size
最佳指方法optimization approach to indexing
最少报价minimum quote quantity
最少股东人要求minimum required number of stockholders
最终锁定final lock-in position
有价证券价格指price index of securities
有效汇率指effective exchange rate index
有效申购户efficient applicant
期末end-period figures
期权交易指option exchange index
期权合约乘option contract multiple
期权风险参option risk parameters
期货合同乘futures contract multiple
未分类ungrouped data
未加权指unweighted index
未实现的虚unrealizable figure
末期目特大的期票balloon note
末期大还款的贷款balloon loan
末期本息大付款balloon payment
本金债券的面值或贷款的账面值principal amount
权益乘equity multiple (EM)
标准普尔 CNX 轻巧指印度S&P CNX Nifty Index India
标准普尔500加权平均指Standard and Poor's 500 equal weight index
标准普尔小型股600指S&P small cap 600 index
标准普尔指Standard and Poor's index
标准普尔500指S&P 500 index
标准普尔普通股股票价格指Standard & Poor's common stock index
标准普尔500种股票指Standard and Poor's 500 index
标准普尔500综合股价指S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准普尔500综合股票指Standard & Poor's 500 composite-stock index
OEX 标准普尔100股票指OEX Standard & Poof's 100 Stock Index
标志变异指variable indicator
标普中型股400指S&P Midcap 400 index
标普全球1200指S&P global 1200 index
标普全球100指S&P global 100 index
标普创业板指S&P P GME Index
标普500指基金S&P 500 index fund
标普500指次级票据SPINs (Standard & Poor's 500 Index Subordinated Notes 的缩写)
标题指headline indices
核准索赔allowed claims
核算accounting data
格雷德指对资产组合管理者的评价系统,分数越高表现越好greed index
模糊逻辑函fuzzy logic function
欠缴quantity due
次要权益指minor interests index
欧洲一澳大利亚一远东指摩根士丹利Europe-Australia-Far East index EAFE index, Morgan Stanley
欧洲100指Euro 100 index
欧洲新市场全股指Euro NM all share index
欧洲100种股票追踪指Eurotrack 100 index
欧洲辛迪加普通股指Eurosyndicate general share index
欧洲顶级100种股票指Eurotop 100 index
永久指perpetual index
汇率指债券exchange index bond
流动资本周转working capital turnover
清算据银行liquidity data bank
爱尔兰证券交易所股票指Irish Stock Exchange equity index
理论性道・琼斯指Theoretical Dow Jones Index
生品价格指product price index
用量指quantum index
电子据兑换electronic data interchange
电子据处理系统electronic data processing
电子据处理系统electronic data processing
电子据搜集分析和检索系统Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System 的缩写EDGAR
电子据收集、分析和检索系统Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval US
看跌情绪指美国"投资人智慧"期刊编制的技术分析指数index of bearish sentiment
社会经济指socioeconomic index
稀释系各种流通证券换成股票后,企业所有权被稀释的程度dilution factor
税负痛苦指tax misery index
等级ranked data
累积升降指技术分析Accumulation Swing Index
编制公司治理指formulating the governance index of listed company
编制公司治理指compile the corporate governance index
编制指index formulation
编辑和公布的指indices compiled and published
范围膨胀指技术分析Range Expansion Index
营业指business index
调整后的基/基价adjusted basis (证券出售时,计算资本收益的基础价格)
贝塔参Beta parameter
贝塔风险系市场风险指数Beta coefficient
negative quantity
负债及净值总total liability and net worth
负担系dependency ratio
财产前景指property outlook index
财务分析中的会计据矩阵和分析工具matrix of accounting data and analytical tools for financial analysis
财务报表financial statement data
财富 e-50 指Fortune e-50 Index
财富增加指wealth added index
账面价值乘book value multiple
账面价值倍book value multiple
货币乘证券money multiplier security
货币倍money multiplier
货币指monetary indexes
购买力指化债券indexed bonds of purchasing power
购买指buying the index
贷款loan amount
贷款常loan constant
资产组合贝塔系portfolio beta (变化系数)
资产负债表balance sheet data
资本quantity of capital
资本化指capitalization index
资本基capital base
资本市值加权指capitalization weighted index
资本组合capital formation figure
资金周转次turn of capital
资金组合系pool factor
递增step-up amount
I 通涨指债券I-bonds
通货膨胀指证券inflation indexed security
销售额倍sales multiples
阿司匹林量理论该理论认为,股市随阿司匹林产量变化而涨跌aspirin count theory
阿姆斯指Arms Index
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