
Terms for subject Horticulture containing | all forms
主动式据库管理系统active database management system (active DBMS)
作物据库crop database
作物据库技术crop database technology
作物生产据库crop production database
作物生产据库与信息系统crop production database and information system
作物生产据库系统database system of crop production
信息化生产系统据管理data management of production system of informatization
全功能据库full function database
全国土壤据库national soils database
关键模型参的估计estimation of key model parameter
农业生产过程测量技术parameter measuring technique for agricultural production process
农业系统agricultural system data
分布区据库distribution database
区域据库模型regional database model
成熟指mellowing index
播种至抽穗的天days to heading
字图像分类digital image classification
学信息图形处理mathematical treatment of information graphics
据卡data card
据库产业database industry
据库技术database technology
据库标准化standardization of database
据库的系统化systematization of database
机器据处理mechanical data processing
植株面积指plant area index
据单元系统water data unit system
消光系土壤extinction coefficient
消灭系extinction coefficient
田间据收集field data collection
空间据分析spatial data analysis
虚构变fictitious variable
规划据库planning database
醇化指mellowing index
除草次times of weeding
集成据库管理系统integrated database management system
高效据采集high efficiency data collection
高速据存储子系统high data rate storage subsystem