
Terms for subject Reproductive biology containing | all forms
一季所产羔羊总lamb crop
不减配子unreduced gamete
不孕天days open
不孕天day open
产仔number born
产仔猪No. pigs born
产仔猪No. pig born
母猪产活仔No. pigs farrowed
母猪产活仔No. pig farrowed
产犊指指两次产犊的间隔天数,正常的产犊指数是 360 天左右calving interval
产犊指calving index
亲交系inbreeding coefficient
亲交系coefficient of inbreeding
亲缘系coefficient of relationship
体外消化系in vitro digestibility coefficient
倍增因multiplication capacity
停奶日days dry
停奶日day dry
公牛指计算公式很多,一般是根据后代与母畜或群体的比较制定的bull index
养猪头hog population
分裂抑制因子meiosis inhibitory factor
出生时胎儿发育指development at birth index
致死量median fatal dose
卵泡常follicular constancy
卵裂系cleavage coefficient
测量parameter estimation
发生系genetic coefficient
合子减zygotic reduction
合子减分裂zygotic meiosis
后减分裂postmeiotic division
品种等级平均指breed class average index
嗜伊红细胞指eosinophilic index
嗜伊红细胞指计数100个表层细胞,求出其中嗜伊红细胞的百分率acidophilic index
妊娠指gestosis index
存栏鸡产蛋survivors' egg production
剂量logarithmic dose
生长logarithmic phase
死亡期logarithmic death phase
转换logarithmic transformation
射精次ejaculation frequency
拟合fitting of constant
配合fitting of constant
干乳天days dry
干乳天day dry
平均产仔average numbers of delivered young livestock
平均产仔average number of delivered young livestock
杂种numerical hybrid
成熟指myocardial infarction
成绩指performance index
排卵ovulation rate
排泄速率常elimination rate constant
断奶仔猪No. pigs weaned
断奶仔猪No. pig weaned
仔畜断奶成活number weaned
显微镜计microscopic count
最小二乘方常least squares constants
最小二乘方平均least squares mean
有效乳头No. functioning teats
有效乳头No. functioning teat
染色体目畸变chromosome numerical aberration
次妊娠配种次services per conception
次妊娠配种次service per conception
母牛指计算母牛育种值的指数cow index
每头母猪成活仔猪pigs reared per sow
每头母猪成活仔猪pig reared per sow
每批孵蛋hatching eggs per setting
每批孵蛋hatching egg per setting
每胎平均产羔average number of lambs per birth
每胎平均产羔average number of lamb per birth
气流式计flow counter
S 沉降系单位Svedberg unit
泌乳乳头No. functioning teats
泌乳乳头No. functioning teat
阴道涂片指smear index
猪存栏hog population
移动常migration constant
稀释计活菌的dilution method of counting
空怀天指产仔后至再次妊娠间隔的天数days open
空怀天指产仔后至再次妊娠间隔的天数day open
窝产仔litter size
精子计sperm counting
累计产蛋cumulative egg production
繁殖breeding size
繁殖力指fertility index
细胞成熟指maturation index
细胞核浓缩指karyopyknotic index
细胞核浓缩指KPIkaryopyknotic index
绝精期指myocardial infarction
绝精期指menopausal index
绝经期指menopausal index
统组class frequency
维指Livi's index
maternal impression
膘情系coefficient of condition
血球blood count
血细胞blood count
血缘系coefficient of relationship
排卵和胚胎移植技术multiple ovulation and embryo transfer
排卵和胚胎移植技术multiple ovulation and embryo transferMOET
supernumerary embryo
超常supernumerary toe
激素的辨别指discrimination index
通气式计flow counter
配种指平均每受胎一次所需配种次数number of services per conception
配种指平均每受胎一次所需配种次数number of service per conception
重量的指ponderal index
阿佛加德罗常数值为 6.0232 * 10²³Avogadro's constant
雄激素指aortic incompetence
雌性减分裂female meiosis
频度系coefficient of frequency
频率系coefficient of frequency
马尔萨斯参Malthusian parameter
骨细胞总bone cell population