
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
上海航交所制定的中国出口集装箱运价指China Container Freight Index
不定期航船货运指index of tramp shipping freights
租船合同净日clear days
变异系coefficient of variance
基于管理、商务和运输的电子据交换Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
大灵便型船波罗的海运价指Baltic Handymax Index
好望角型船波罗的海运价指Baltic Capsize Index
存货天days on hand
安全系余量safety margin
小灵便型船波罗的海运价指Baltic Handysize Index
巴拿马型船波罗的海运价指Baltic Panamax Index
库存周转次inventory turns
延滞日days on demurrage
提单份copies of Bill of Lading
量运价quantity rate
每厘米吃水吨tones per centimeter
每英寸吃水吨tones per inch
波罗的海综合运价指Baltic Dry Index
租船合同由船长选择装运quantity at captain's option
提单术语由货主装载、计Shipper's Load and Count
提单术语 由货主装载、计、加封Shipper's Load, Count and Seal
物流经济物流Economic Logistics Quantity
联合国有关据传输的标准信息United Nations Standard Message
航空公司代码Airline Code Numbers
提单count Bill of Lading
货物堆码的层限制tier limitation
货物堆码的层限制tier limit
运费吨freight tonnage
通货膨胀调整系Inflation Adjustment Factor
集成服务字网络Integrated Service Digital Network