
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一次系coefficient of first order
一次齐次性生产函homogeneous production function of the first degree
一般物价指general price index
上周旅店客房预定急剧增加Hotel bookings rose sharply last week
下周应交付的量至少是50吨The quantity to be delivered next week will be 50 tons at least
下四分位the lower quartile
下面是贵公司所要的设计图纸及技术Below are the drawings and technical data you required
不变权fixed weight
不变构成指index number of invariable construction
不可预见系contingency factor
不合格个the rejection number
不名abstract number
不安指discomfort index (失业率和通货膨胀率相加的指数)
不完全 β 函an incomplete beta function
不定系indeterminate coefficient
不成整的一批货物broken lot
不计其out of count
不连续non-continuous series
不限量合同indefinite quantity contract
与产品有关的变product-related variables
与国家有关的变country related variables
与指联系的公债index-linked bond
世界据分配中心World Data Referred Center
世界据査询系统world data referral system
世界制成品出口单位价值指index of unit value of global exports of manufactured goods
世界贸易商据报告World Traders Data Report
两位字的通货膨胀two -digit inflation
两位字的通货膨胀double digit inflation
两位字的通货膨胀double-digit inflation
两位的通胀率two-digit inflation
个体指individual index
价格median price
中位时间median time
中央字电子计算机central digital computer
中等moderate quantity
临时指interim index
临界critical number
a modal point
优先的系列preferred number series
会计每天要把账上的字轧平The accountant makes the figures tally every day
伪随机pseudo random numbers
估计an estimative figure
估计estimated quantity
估计金额estimated amount
估计坏账百分estimated percent uncollectible
估计总total estimates
估计资金的流转时间及estimate time and amount of the flow of funds
扩张multiple expansion
比例multiple proportional
货币multiple value
reciprocal method
倒指inverse index
货币fractional value
分位法则fractile rule
分布函function distribution
分户帐页ledger folio
分期付款中最后一笔大额的付款balloon payment
分期偿还amortization table
分类指class of group index number
分类指class or group index number
分配distribution series
分配quantity allotted
岁出、岁入分配allotment for (annual expenditures, annual receipts)
分配平方英尺assignable square feet
number of columns
初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指the world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
初级生产指或未调整的指数primary indexes or unadjusted indexes
删去尾后差额round off difference
利息收人倍interest coverage
利润mass of profit
利润一量图profit-volume chart
利用系the availability ratio
利用系utilization ratio
利用系usage factor
利用系utility factor
利用系availability ratio
到货landed quantity
制定估计量和确定价格prepare general takeoff and pricing
制造业之每周平均工作时average hours worked per week in manufacturing
制造商量证明书the manufacturer's certificate of quantity
制造工业开工率指index of capacity utilization
化验员已作过化验分析,他报告说化学成份为…%,低于确保数The analyst has had an analysis made and he reports that the chemical content is ...%, less than guaranteed
各款内分摊intra-sectional apportionment
各级相差点point gradation
合格多the qualified majority
合法时lawful hours
吉尼系衡量一个社会收人分配状况的系数Gini coefficient
吊货点the sling tally
同等equal quantity
number concrete
后继的further quantity
吨日number of ton-days
含有很大百分的杂质contain an excessive percentage of foreign matters
吸收系the absorption coefficient
字上in number
目方面领先exceed in number
量上in quantitative terms
在制品goods-in-process inventory (量)
法币制度multiple legal tender system
复利因一次偿付compound amount factor single payment (F/P)
复利期number of compounding periods
复利次compounding frequency
复合成长指compound growth factor
复本利系compound factors
复杂程度系complexity factor
复种指multiple-crop index
复种指cropping intensity
外因变exogenous variable
外在变和内在变数variable exogenous & endogenous
外生自变autonomous exogenous variables
外资占多foreign majority interest
外部互相依存系coefficient of external independence
决定majority decision
外汇制differential system of multiple rate of exchange
外汇制different exchange
支配majority rule
法则a majority principle
物品本位multiple commodity standard
most (many, much 的最高级)
majority vote
税则multiple tax system
股权majority interests
表决权majority voting system
计件工资制multiple piece rate system
多变量生产函multivariable production function
多坐标据表示法the multi-coordinate data presentation
多得不清beyond number
多给量以示优惠give good measure
多维the multidimensional quantification
多道据记录器a multichannel data recorder
多部门乘模型multi-sector multiplier model
多项式系the multinomial coefficient
够装运的shipment quantity
恒数constancy of great numbers
惯性inertia of large numbers
法则law of great numbers
a large quantity
a substantial quantity
a considerable quantity
大体一致的指示coincident indicator
大多most (many, much 的最高级)
大多买主不愿贸然订购他们不熟悉的货品Most buyers are hesitant to order a commodity with which they are not familiar
大多客户对接受去年的制品有很大顾虑Most clients feel great hesitancy about accepting last year's manufactures
大多本地公司都有充足的定货Most of the local companies had a full order book
失业total unemployment
失业人及失业率number and percentage of unemployed
将来预期future expected data
法则law of small numbers
small number
小类指subgroup index
卖主垄断价格an oligopoly price
卖主垄断的价格oligopoly price
控制minority control
支配the minority control
股东利益minority equity
股东权益minority holders' interest
股东权益minor equity
股东的权利right of minority shareholders
股份minority share (or stock)
股份the minority stock
就业乘employment multiplier
就业人employment volume
就业人number of persons employed
就业函employment function
就业总人total employed
就地核an on-the-spot audit
就工人人而论的工厂规模size of establishment by employment
市场指market index
总额博弈constant-sum game
总额矩阵constant-sum matrix
的计算方法enumeration of constants
采用值the adopted value of constants
常倍a multiplying constant
开发商development quotient
异号对method of unlike signed pairs
弹性系an elasticity coefficient
怀疑据的精确性question the accuracy of the days
quota share
和溢额再保险quota share and surplus reinsurance
溢额混合分保合同mixed quota surplus treaty
成批据处理the batch data processing
成本-量-盈利研究cost-volume-profit studies
成本一量一价格分析cost-volume-price analysis
成本一量一利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
成本一利润一量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
成本参cost parameters
成本回收指cost recovery index
成本指a costing index number
成本指index of working cost
成本效率指cost efficients index
成本表列的参parameter of cost schedules
成长参growth parameters
我们希望其质量和量都符合合同规定We hope that their quality and quantity should be in conformity with the contract stipulations
我们必须增加股东人Well have to increase the number of shareholders
我方可按借出资本总每年5%的利率来计息We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital
我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要量的材料供建造工厂使用We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point
我方将汇给你方2365英镑,清偿所欠余We shall remit you an amount of £ 2365 to clear off the outstanding balance
持平on-balance value
挂号记a dial register
估计法exponential cost estimating method
体系index system
index value
偿还贷款indexed loan
分析法analytical method by index
化价格随通货膨胀率变化而调整的价格index-linked price
化养老金indexed pension
化参考价格indexed reference price
化方法indexation method
和期权市场美国,芝加哥商业交易所Index and Options Market
回升index recovery
平均数the exponential average
式的经济增长the exponential growth of economy
标准index standard
的定基制度system of fixed base index
的机差probable error of index
的组合composition of index
的组合指数样本composition of index
货价coefficient duty
类型type of index number
系列index series
编制法method of making index numbers
说明description of the indices
指定given value
指拨分配the appropriation allotment
指规indicative planning figure (指示性规划数字)
指规制度indicative planning figure system
指规受援国indicative planning figure recipient
指规周期indicative planning figure cycle
指规最低额值indicative planning figure floor value
指规概数indicative planning figure estimate
指规筹资额indicative planning figure financing
distribution on number or quantity (分配)
按你方要求,我方能报最大As you requested, we can offer our maximum quantity
按平均计算on the average
按平均计算on an the average
按性别的人口population by sex
按所交份额计算票dollar one-vote yardstick
按打或捆数、百数等购买货物buy goods by the tally
按月份摊monthly allotments
按照劳动者提供的劳动量和质量给予报酬pay each labourer on the basis of the quantity and quality of labour he performs
按百分表示的生产能力利用系数percent utilization of capacity
按系课征的关税coefficient of associate duties
按股权金额计算票dollar one-vote yardstick
按规定次付款的汇票bill payable by stated installments
按需要提供据系统on-demand system
搜集资料collection data
支付函payoff function
支出拨款保留appropriation encumbrance
支出估计estimated expenditures
支出分配appropriation allotment
收到适当量的散装货抽样receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
收取固定费用的次number of times fixed charges earned
收益函revenue function
收购牌价总指total purchasing price index
明示的变explicit variable
最不重要的位least significant digit
一个家庭中最优的子女optimal parity
最关键性变the most many, much 的最高级 critical variables
最初initial quantity
最初参initial parameters
最后一笔大额偿付款balloon repayment
最多most (many, much 的最高级)
最多人口maximum population
最小minimum quantity
最新获悉的销售额字应立刻报告给销售经理The last-know sales figures shall be reported to the sales manager immediately
最近贸易额公告the publication of the latest trade figures
最适度的学模型optimal mathematical models
最适当的人口optimum population
最高利用系maximum utilization
最高采收指maximum producible oil index
monthly data
月吞吐量不平衡系coefficient of imbalance monthly
月指monthly index
有争议的figure in dispute
有价证券行市指index of securities
有关relevant figures
有对比例的图表arithlog diagram
有效保护系effective protection coefficients
有效天days when available
有效日day when available
有效系effectiveness ratio
有限finite data
有限limited quantity
有限额成本finite cost
服务地点差价调整WAPA system weighted average of post adjustment system
服务性支出价格指price index number of service expenditure
服务质量指service quality index
number of periods
期票stock of bills of exchange
瑞典期货市场指Option Market Index
期货指future index
未保留的分配unencumbered balance of allotment
未偿还amount outstanding
未分组ungrouped data
未分配估计剩余the unappropriated estimated surplus
未分配的指规undistributed indicative planning figure
未分配的指规undistributed IPF (indicative planning figure)
未分配的法定支用the unallotted balance of appropriation
未分配预算unallotted apportionments
未加权平均the unweighted mean
未加权平均the unweighted average
未四舍五入的unrounded data
未报道amount not reported
未支用分配the unexpended allotment
未清outstanding amount
未清付的保留unliquidated encumbrance
未知unknown variable
未知因unknow factor
未经核对的unchecked figures
末行bottom line
本利系interest factor
本金capital sum
co-ordination number
标准norm data
标准据处理系统uniform automatic data processing system
标准据综合the synthesis from standard data
标准据综合synthesis from standard data
标准尺度函criterion function
标准工作时standard working, hours
标准工艺模normal process module
美国证券标准普尔指Standard and Poor's Index
标准最小二乘回归系standard least squares regression coefficient
标准系typical coefficient
账户标号code number
标志变异指variable indicant
校正系correction coefficient (factor)
校验check digit
样本平均的不偏性the unbiasedness sample mean
核准the authorized amount
"核定待筹"a noted component
核定的流动资金周转天authorized current fund turnover days
module technique
模型内的变variables in the model
模拟字转换器analogue-digital converter
模拟信息一字信息转换器analogue to digital converter
欠款日method of aging
serial and rotation numbers
分配曲线图a frequency curve chart
和转数serial and rotation numbers
多边形frequency polygon
频数曲线frequency curve
渐增increasing frequency
直方图a frequency histogram
_次导first derivative
P次系coefficient of first order (pth order)
次级生产指或调整的指数secondary indexes or adjusted indexes
猜测均a guessed mean
理想指ideal, index
一个家庭中理想的子女ideal parity
生产production data
生产推销标准units of product
生产量法service output method
生产量法production method (to sum the contribution of each producers)
生产量表quantitative graph
生产函production function
生产函product functions
生产函分析production function analysis
生产指manufacturing index
生产指单位成本production index unit cost
生产比指production ratio index
生产率指index of productivity
生产率系productivity factor
生产者交货指index of producers shipment
生产者存货指index of producers inventory
生产者物价指index of producer prices
生产能力指index production capacity
生产能力指capacity figures
生产能力改善因productivity improvement factor
生产能力的利用系the utilization capacity
生产设备利用系capacity factor
生命指a vital index
生活指index of living
生活费指cost of living index number
生活费指index of cost of living
生活费指cost of living index
生活费用价格总指total price index of living costs
生活费用指cost of living index number
生活费用指cost of living index (number)
用于电子据处理的计算机computer in electric data-processing
用水系the water-use coefficient
由于存货不够,我方只能供给你方所需要量的 1/4Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement
由于最近周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所需的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
申请的amount applied for
美国海关的电子据交换Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transportation
电子计算机上的自动据处理the automated data processing
省一级的统计口径内的工业企业number of industrial enterprises covered by the provincial statistics
真实常true constant
真实资源增长actual resource growth
税收指tax indexation
稳定指index of stability
稳定的经济参stable economic parameter
稳定系margin of stability
第一四分位the first quartile
第一导first derivative
累积cumulative sum
累积扩散指cumulative diffusion index
累积系accumulation factor
累积系accumulated factor
累进平均the progressive averages
编目据组catalogue data set
缩减指deflation index
耐用年life period
调和平均指数harmonic index
调和平均指数index number of harmonic averages
调和系harmonic series
调整adjusted value
调整变adjusting variable
调整季节变动后期的时间seasonal variation adjusted time series
调整趋势的生产指trend adjusted indexes
调整长期趋势后的时间trend adjusted time series
调节deflated series
a minus quantity
负指分布分配negative exponential distribution
负指分配negative exponential distribution
负摊还债negative amortization
货币stock of money
货币量与价格学说quantity theory of money and price
货币量说quantity theory of money
货币量说quantitative theory of money
货币monetary forces
货币与价格量论quantity theory of money and price
货币基monetary base
货币总计monetary total
货币论者的变a monetarist variant
货币购买力量说quantity theory of the purchasing power of money
货币购买力指index number of the purchasing power of money
货样抽査项目总number of items in a sample
货物据交换系统cargo data interchange system
货物的量和类别quantity and description of the goods
质量品质figure of merit
质量指performance figure
质量控制quality control data
购买力的指purchasing power index
贴现系discount factor
贴现赢利指discounted profitability index
贵方应如支付一切不可收回的费用You shall pay all the expenses not reimbursable at acturials
贷款size of the loan
贷款额控制quantitative credit control
贷款偿还sums repaid on loans
贷款指index-tied loans
贷款指index-linked loans
inverse matrix
逆指inverse index
逆矩阵系inverse matrix table
逐次近似successive approximation
逐遣天despatch days
通货膨胀调整有效指inflation-adjusted effective index
速度系speed coefficient
速遣天dispatch days
速遣费按滞期费半计算dispatch half demurrage
造函construction of function
造成价格下跌的原因有可能是量过剩或款式变更Price markdowns may be caused by excessive quantities or fashion fads
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
《金融时报》全面股票价格指Financial Time All-Share Index
《金融时报》工商业普通股票价格指Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》的世界敏感商品价格指Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
《金融时报》的工业普通股票价格指Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》的股票价格指Financial Times Stock Indices
《金融时报》股票价格指Financial Times Stock Indices
销售成本指marketing cost index
销售经理可以提供你亚洲业务的情况及The sales director can give you the facts and figures about the Asian operation
锁比指chain-relative index
需求quantity required
需求quantity requested
需求参demand parameter
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