
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
上报reported data
业务transaction data
两者为多资本主义国家所使用system of balances of the national economy
交付吨tons of cargo delivered
交付的quantity delivered
交易会出席人很多There is a large attendance at the fair
产出的量估计quantitative assessment of output
产量系output coefficient
人均quantity per capita
百箱中找出第20 箱是不容易的It is difficult to identify Case No. 20 among several hundred others
从优preferred numbers
他因变dependent variable
代表性函representative function
以整in round figures
估计损失estimated amount of damage
低于标准格令grains worse
作"消息"解用复形式advices from agents
你方必须给我方5%的装运量机动幅度You must allow us 5% quantity latitude in shipment
供宰杀的肉牛the number of beef cattle coming forward for slaughter
reciprocal (a.)
储备基reserve base
proof theory
公休人工日man-days of legal holiday
100 公吨余the balance of 100 M/T
典型typical data
再分配乘redistribution multiplier
决定产品生产determined quantity of products
净重quantity in net weight
准确的exact amount
刻度准确读accurate reading
出栏头number of animals for sale
分散据处理decentralised data processing
分类指group index number
分配函distributive function
列昂惕夫完全消耗系Leontief complete consumption coefficient
列昂惕夫生产函Leontief production function
初读initial reading (与末读数 (final reading) 相对)
利润与销货量比率profit-volume ratio
利用系utilization factor
到达量条款arrival quantity terms
加权平均价格指weighted average of the price index
加权综合指weighted aggregate index number
劳动力的量和结构size and structure of labour force
以上的外资majority foreign participation
以上股票majority of share
以下外资minority foreign participation
单位成本参unit cost parameter
单位成本指unit cost index
卖方在"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
占大多be in the majority
占有occupation number
卸货landed quantity
卸货outturn quantity
原始original figure
原始据或资料original data
原始据自动化缩为 SDAsource data automation (指以机械可读形式收集原始数据,一般的媒体有磁带 (magnetic tape)、打卡片 (punched card)、穿孔带 (punched tape))
原材料库存指inventory index of raw material
估计值parameter estimator
只有少货币不受世界经济危机的影响Only a few currencies are free from the influences of the world economic crisis
可忽略的negligible quantity
可预测指predictable index
名义援助系简写为NACnominal assistance coefficient
周期平均period average
周转次number of turnover
品质qualitative data
品质指qualitative index
固定fixed amount
固定权constant weight
固定构成指fixed composition index
国别变country variables
国际价指international price index
在大多情况下in the great majority of cases
在工商业不景气时期,该厂半机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
地区性物价指index of spot price
基尼系Gini coefficient (用洛伦茨曲线 (Lorenz curve) 来描述国家收入分配时,曲线与对角线之间的三角形面积之比)
基本岀口吨basic export tonnage
基本生产原料经常可取constant availability of basic production material
控股majority control
多余redundant number
多功能集装箱船/复指multifunction container ship
多目的指multi purpose index
substantial quantity
great quantity
large quantity
大多买主对报价不愿贸然接受Most buyers are hesitant about accepting the offer
大多小商店已并入大公司Most little shops have been absorbed in big businesses
大约相等approximately equal quantity
奢侈品指hedonic indexes
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低额,技术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
威克赛尔函Wicksell function
存栏头number of animals in stock
存款不足insufficient funds
存货销售天number of days of sale of inventory
季节性商品指seasonal commodity index
完成performance figure
定性指qualitative index
定量指quantum index
分析法real number analysis
实际enumerated figure
实际消费actual consumption figure
实际订货未达到规定The amount of orders has fall en short of the stipulated value
据迅速检查分析process data
量减至二百五十公吨decrease the quantity to 250 M/T
negligible a. quantity
small quantity
neglectable quantity
小时变化系hourly variation factor
股权minority stockholding
股权股东minority shareholders
股权股东minority stock holders
就该商品可向客户报适当的be in a position to offer a customer the article in reasonable quantity
工作日number of days of operation
工农业商品比价指parity indices of industrial and agricultural commodities
工厂面积利用系utilization coefficient of floor space of factory
工程据审查engineering data review
已交货量大约5,000打The quantity delivered was in the vicinity of 5,000 dozen
已校正的corrected data
已知known quantity
市场存货指availability index
平均选择selection of average
平均average quantities
平均加权指equally weighted index
平均库存天days of average inventory on hand
应收余额总达5,000港元The total balance receivable amounts to HK $5,000
很大huge quantity
微小nominal sum
忽略的neglected quantity
性能系figure of merit
总体系overall coefficient
总计达相当大It counts up to a sizable sum
我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require
我方可从现货中供应所需We can supply the quantity required from stocks
我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
我方对小量不感兴趣,我方总是大批量购买We are not interested in small quantities, we always buy in large quantities
我方将在下次装运中补足缺少We'll make the deficiency in quantity in the next shipment
我方已承接大批订单,无力接受追加订货We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities
我方曾次就此事给你方写信We've written to you about this matter on several occasions
所报量不足我方目前所需The quantity offered is insufficient for our present requirements
投资乘效果investment multiplier effect
投资乘理论investment multiplier theory
投资效果系investment effect coefficient
投资费用及生产成本的额与构成size and composition of investment and production costs
抽样sampled data
抽样据度量sampled data measurement
抽样据系统sampled data system
拥有多所有权majority ownership
拥有多股权majority ownership
拥有多股权majority holding
拥有多股权的股东majority stockholder
化体系indexation system
时基时间轴exponential time
时基exponential time
指示性indicating figure
统计指示性规划indicative planning figure
按一次导调整rate control
按打或百数等购买货物buy goods by the tally
据最新统计字计算calculation on the latest statistics
收回记录recovery data
改进指improvement index
故障number of defects
number sequence
字与规定的不符The figures do not correspond to those stipulated
字周期digit time (时间)
字器材公司Digital Equipment Corporation
字式密码figure code
资料汇总summarization of data
据一致性homogeneity of data
据交换data transformation
据交换data conversion
据图解分析graphical analysis of data
据图解分析graphic analysis of data
据处理treatment of data
据处理data handling (包括分类 (classifying)、记录(recording)、排列 (sorting)、计算(calculating)、校核 (editing)、改良 (reformating)、修正 (updating)、选取(extracting),亦用 data processing)
据库pool of data
据校正correction for data
据核对reconciliation of data
据检查跟踪audit trail
据检验确认validation of data
据登记项目data entry
据的一致性regularity of data
据的可识别性identifiability of data
据重新整理rearrangement of data
据重现data reproduction
控计算机a digital control computer
理规划mathematical programming (包括:线性规划 (linear programming) 、非线性规划 (non-linear programming)、整数规划 (integer programming)、动态规划 (dynamic programming)、目标规划 (goal programming))
亦缩为 Q, QTYquantity
亦缩为 quant., quntyquantity
亦缩为 qntyquantity
量值quantitative value
量减少二十打decrease the quantity by 20 dozen
量分析方法quantitative analysis method
量变数quantitative variable
量变数quantity variable
量变量quantity variable
量回扣quantity rebate
量完全相等be of exactly the same quantity
量平衡quantity balance
量数据quantitative data
量机动幅度quantity latitude
量比率quantity ratio
量清单schedule of quantity
量特征quantitative characteristic
量特性quantitative performance
量由1,000公吨减为500公吨The quantity is reduced from 1,000 to 500 M/T
量界限quantitative limit
量研究quantitative study
外汇量管理quantitative restriction (包括:进口许可制 (import licensing system), 进口配额制 (import quota system)、 进出口连锁制 (linking system)、实绩制度 (performance system)、外汇保有制 (exchange retention quota), 比较: quantitative limit 数量界限)
量证明书certificate of quantity
大批货物量费率quantity rate
量进口风险分析缩写为QIRAquantitative import risk analysis
round figure
股票或债券批量full lot
股票或债券批量round lot
股票或债券批量even lot
批量round lot (与零批 (odd lot) 相对)
批量even lot (与零批 (odd lot) 相对)
数额round sum
数额round amount
时滞系time lag coefficient
时间利用系time utilization factor
时间变time variable
时间增长常time growth constant
明细detail data
更多further quantity
更改据建议data change proposal
最优权optimum weight
企业流动资产最低周转天number of days of minimum coverage
最小minimum quantity (与最大数量 (maximum) 相对)
最少周转天minimum coverage of days
最终final quantity
最高numerical ceiling
最高保证简写为MGQmaximum guaranteed quantity
有保证的proof figure
有关现有消费量的data regarding existing consumption
有效significant figure
统计有效位水平significance level
未加权指unweighted index number
未核对的unchecked data
未调整指unadjusted indices
本提单开列货物量及其状况均以大副收据为凭subject to production and condition of mate's receipt
weights and measures
极限limiting quantity
标准preferred numbers
标准立方英尺/分standard cubic feet per minute
标准立方英尺/秒standard cubic feet per second
样本sample size
核实一个报告中的verify the figures of a report
核实的verified figures
检索retrieve data
概率权probability weight
概率系probability coefficient
模型变variable in the model
欠延日days in arrears
次品number of defectives
正规化权normalized weight
每年工作日number of annual working days
每年有效工作日effective working days per year
每秒周或频率cycles per second
每英寸吃水吨tons per inch
比例性系proportionality coefficient
汇总的资料summarized data
汇总统计tabulate statistical data
沃尔德生产指Wald's production index
泊松离差指Poisson index of dispersion
派生derivative data
流动资金占用系use coefficient of circulating funds
消胀指price deflator
消费者名义援助系consumer nominal assistance coefficient
港口装卸耽搁日中星期日除外Sundays excepted in laydays
滞留日days of demurrage
滞留日demurrage days
股票图表point and figure chart
point method
物质physical quantity
牲畜存栏头livestock inventories
生产值分析numerical production analysis
生产volume of production
生产函production function approach
生产面积利用系utilization coefficient of floor space for productive purpose
电子计算机自动化据处理automated data processing
目前客户不需要任何追加At present the customer does not need any additional quantity
目标指标target function
相对relative figure
相对relative quantity
相当大considerable quantity
相等equal quantity
稳定性系stability margin
稳定性系margin of stability
粮农组织物价指FAO price index
精确precise figure
变换transformation of coefficient
的稳定性stability of coefficient
累计量折扣cumulative quantity discount
约定agreed quantity
约整rounded figure
约束条件与变constraints and variables
纽约股票交易所指new Exchange Index
纽约证券交易所指new Exchange Index
经分类的指grouped index number
"经济学家"物价指Economist Indicator (计算基期为1963年 (= 100))
统计statistical quantity
统计函statistics function
统计函statistical function
绩效参performance parameter
综合指complex index
缺勤人工日man-days in absence
缺陷number of defects
美国消费价格指US consumer price index
股东人number of participants
股份平均stock average
股票stock number
股票股number of shares of stock
船体浮水系block coefficient
法语船舶总吨jauge brute
英国商品行情指UK Commodity Index
美国蒲耳氏股票价格指Standard and Poor's Composite Indices
补进空头股交易所cover shorts
补进空头股交易所cover short sales
装入intake quantity
装卸日lay days
装船量条款ship ped quantity terms
装船累积shipping accumulation numbers
装载量由船长决定quantity at captain's option
观察到的observed data
规定天allotted days
规定的stipulated quantity
<-> 计count
产量enumerated quantity of production
counting yield
计算至小第三位calculated to three decimal places
订货order size
订货order quantity
订货量折扣order quantity discount
记录据收回data recovery
设备利用系utility factor
设计参数值design value
设计变design variables
设计载荷系design load factor
证券交易单位board lot
证券交易所指stock exchange index
证券指index number of securities
详细的detailed data
请核对这些Please check check up, check up on the figures
调整后的指adjusted index
负债系leverage ratio
账目中借方超过贷方balance on hand
账面价值允许减低writing down allowance
货币量学说quantity theory of money (物价随货币流通量的多与少而升降的理论)
货币指money index
贴现系discount factor (计算投资项目净现值 (net project present value) 时使用)
贸易价格指trade value index
贸易次级指trade sub-index
资金占用系coefficient of application funds
资金或量不足not enough
趋势调整指trend adjusted indices
足够liberal quantity
足够的sufficient quantity
路透社商品价格指Reuter's commodity index
路透社商品价格指Reuter's index of commodity
过半的投票权majority of voting power
运价表等级级basis of scale
这是我方所能接受的最大This is the maximum quantity we can accept
这是我方暂时所能报的最大That's the maximum quantity we can offer for the time being
这笔订货量太小This order is too small to be worth the expense of establishing a letter of credit for
进口量限制quantitative import restriction
连续天running days
道•琼斯平均工业股票指Dow-Jones Industrial Average
道•琼斯指Dow-Jones Index
道琼斯股票平均价格指Dow-Jones Average (由美国 Dow Jones Co 编制,每日刊载于华尔街日报上,共有四种 DJIA, 30 家全美最大工商企业股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones Industrial averages), DJTA, 20 家全美最大铁路、航空、轮船、卡车运输公司股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones transportation averages), DJUA, 15 家全美最大(电力与煤气)公用事业公司股票价格涨落平均数(Dow-Jones utilities averages), 上述65家公司股票价格综合指数 (Dow-Jones Composite Average))
重要变important variable
量化quantified data
英国金融时报普通工业股票指Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
"金融时报"物价指Financial Time Index
000. 000. 金额总达12,000美元The sum total of the amounts is up to US $12,
银行指banking index
问题要点在于你方准备订购货物的最低The gist of the question is the minimum quantity of the goods you are prepared to order
除去星期日与假日的晴天工作日weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
隐含参implicit parameter
零售物价总指general retail price index
零售物价指index number of retail prices
零头fractional amount
项目技术经济参techno-economic parameters of a project
额定rated quantity