
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
one-number approach
一一对应函one to one corresponding function
一型计模型type one counter model
一型计模型type I counter model
一种学符号表示其后面括号中的量应视作具有冪指数"e",而 e= 2.718exponent of e
一种特定分配乱的产生generating random numbers with a specified distribution
一致分uniform scores test
一致性系Kendall's coefficient of concordance
一致性系rank concordance coefficient
一致性系coefficient of concordance
一致系coefficient of agreement
一致较好决策函uniformly better decision function
一般的单位阶跃函general unit step function
一面对semi-logarithmic chart
列定理three-series theorem
三角四分位离差,圆周四分位数离差circular quartile deviation
三进位ternary number system
三重指修勻triple comparisons
上可拓扑cocountable topology
上四分位upper quartile
下四分位lower quartile
不一致性指index of diversity
不偏变异unbiased variance
不准确inexact data
不变因constant factor
不可无限uncountable infinite
不可nonenumerable set
不可测定系coefficient of non-determination
不可解释的变异unexplained variance
不合格个rejection number
不完全imperfect number
不完全伽玛 γ incomplete gamma function
不完全β函incomplete beta function
不完全β函incomplete β function
不完全贝塔函incomplete beta function
不相关系coefficient of alienation
不等式系inequality coefficient
不等比例子类disproportionate subclass numbers
不连续间断non-continuous series
专用函产生器special function generator
个体性系coefficient of individuality
n个自变量的函function of n variables
所在组median class
中介变intervening variables
中位值有效量median effective dose
中位回归曲线median regression curve
中位指数median index number
中位无偏估计量median unbiased confidence interval
中位机差probable error of median
中位检验法median test
中位median class
中分mid score
中央据储存器central processor
中央据总库central data bank
中间变intervening variables
串并模/转换器serial-parallel A/D converter
串行serial data
串行反馈模/转换器serial feedback A/D converter
据表master data sheet
主要对角main diagonal entry
乘除#存器multiplier-quotient register
企业mathematics for business
企业据处理business data processing
thickest value (i. e. mode)
modal value
优先precedence method
传播模/转换器propagation A/D converter
传播系propagation coefficient
伪随机pseudo-random numbers
伯怒里Bernoulli numbers
伺服式函产生器servo-type function generator
伺服模/转换器servo A/D converter
伽玛函gamma function
伽玛系gamma coefficients
检查check bit
位相函phase function
位置参parameter of location
位置参location parameter
余圈cocyclomatic number
reciprocal (reciprocus)
比例reciprocal scaling
比例correspondence analysis
可约improper fraction
假变dummy variables
假定平均arbitrary mean or assumed mean
偏好域指indifference-level index number
偏好域指preference-field index number
偏好域指Konyus index number
偏相关系coefficient of part correlation
停车次failure rate
p 元p-adic number
全串行模-转换器all serial A/D converter
全串行模/转换器all serial A/D converter
全并行模/转换器all parallel A/D converter
全面检验,全检验total inspection
Z 分standard score
Z 分z-score
T 分T-score
布朗运动fractional Brownian motion
正态化normalization of scores
正态化normalisation of scores
矩阵coefficient matrix
配置fractional replication
p-分位 一个概率分布的p-quantile of a probability distribution
p-分位 一个概率分布的p-fractile of a probability distribution
分布分配,概率distribution function
分布函distribution-free method
分布参parameter of distribution
分散函function of dispersion
分枝winding number
分离系detached coefficient form
分离系detached coefficient tableau
分类据的检索设施retrieval facility
列联系coefficient of contingency
判别系discriminant coefficient
判据函criterion functions
派对论中的利用因traffic intensity
到小点后第四位如14.0718to four decimal places
包络幂函envelope power function
包络风险函envelope risk function
匹配系matching coefficient
十倍因子order of magnitude
十进decimal fraction
十进位decimal number
十进位decimal number system
十进计decimal scale
十进记decimal notation
升级ascending series
平均法method of semi-averages
半对semi-logarithmic graph
半对semi-logarithmic chart
半对尺度arith-log scale
半敛级semi-convergent series
协方差函covariance function
协方差函autocovariance function
单位偶极函unit doublet
单位冲激函unit pulse
单位冲激函unit impulse
单位冲激函Dirac delta function
单位冲激函Dirac function
单位复模数等于1的复数complex unit
单位斜坡函unit ramp
单位脉冲函Dirac delta function
单位脉冲函unit impulse
单位脉冲函unit pulse
单位脉冲函Dirac function
单位阶跃函Heaviside function
单位阶跃函unit step function
单位频,单位频率,组频数class frequency
单位频,单位频率,组频数cell frequency
单值均匀uniform function
单值电流/模译码器single valued current D/A decoder
单参值程序one parameter process
单相交流-字转换器single phase A.C. to digital converter
单调不减函monotonic non-decreasing function
单调不增函monotonic non-increasing function
卡片计card counter
卡里指Carli's index
各种字系统间换算法translation between number systems
合成复合,函数的composite function
同步机-字转换器synchro-digital converter
同步机或分解器-字正弦余弦转换器synchro or resolver digital sine/cosine converter
同步机或分解器-字轴角转换器synchro or resolver/digital angle converter
同源相似性指index of homophily
denominate number
concrete number
向量不相关系vector alienation coefficient
向量相关系vector correlation coefficient
吸引力指index of attraction
商业business mathematics
商业commercial mathematics
商业business arithmetic
均方列联系mean-square contingency coefficient
堆垒additive number theory
处理processing data
处理次计数transaction count
complex number
复偏相关系coefficient of multiple partial correlation
复去模complex demodulation
复相关系multiple correlation coefficient
复相关系coefficient of multiple correlation
复素complex number
modulus (module)
多余参nuisance parameters
多元幂级分布multivariate power series distribution
多元指分布multivariate exponential distribution
多变量拜产生器function generator of more variables
多坐标据表示法multi-coordinate data presentation
多用计multiple counters
多维multidimensional quantification
多道据记录器multichannel data recorder
多阀值模/转换器multi-threshold A/D converter
多面体函polyhedral function
定律law of great number
定律law of large numbers
强律strong law of large numbers
法则the law of large number
法则law of large numbers
大多the majority of
大多the vast majority
大多the great bulk of
同位核对odd parity check
威沙特众分析Wishart's modal analysis
字母字显示管alphameric tube
存储据寄存器memory-data register
broken number
十进制decimal fraction
decimal place
定律law of small numbers
radix point
decimal point
的循环节period of a repeating decimal
部分decimal part
尤尔记Yule's notation
尺度参,标度参数scale parameter
尺度参,标度参数parameter of scale
展成傅里叶级Fourier analysis
布雷瓦斯相关系Bravais correlation coefficient
帕姆函Palm function
帕累托指index of Pareto
帕累托指alpha index
带分mixed number
极值的曲线curves of constant extreme value
极值的曲线curve of constant extreme value
的列向量column vector of constants
absolute term (of an equation)
常倍multiplying constant
常态函normal function
常态对分配logarithmically normal distribution
power of a number
幂函分布power function distribution
幂函,功效函数power function
异距series of unequal interval
引导航向directional data
弗晰fuzzy mathematics
强力大定律strong law of large numbers
强大定律strong law of large numbers
强度函intensity function
强非参分布,强无分布strongly distribution free
形状参shape parameter
形状因form factor
总体平均ensemble average
总测定系coefficient of total determination
总谐波因total harmonic factor
成分变异component variance
所有有理set of all rational number
power of a number
修勻,指数平滑exponential smoothing
分布negative exponential distribution
分布exponential distribution
回归exponential regression
曲线exponential tail
平滑装置exponential smoothing device
exponential form
扩散模型exponential dispersion model
报酬博弈exponential payoff game
Koopman-Darmois family
exponential family
曲线exponential curve
机差probable error of index
极限exponential limit
理论theory of index number
直线exponential line
theory of index number
exponential term
指标函indicator function
按受acceptance number
按比例的子类proportional subclass numbers
按百位整四舍五入rounded off to the nearest hundred
振荡指index of oscillation
损失函loss function
损失权penalty weights
收敛函convergent function
收敛级convergent series
效率指efficiency index
散列函hashing function
散布系scatter coefficient
最低极小minimal function
最小公倍least lowest common multiple
最小分对卡方minimum logit chi-squared
最小正态卡方估计量minimum normit chi-square estimator
最小范二次无偏估计量MInimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation
有序ordered series
有效significant figure (digits)
有效位数significance figure
有理rational number
有符号directed number
有限乘finite sampling correction
有限乘finite population correction
有限乘finite multiplier
期望正态分检验expected normal scores test
期望频theoretical frequencies
期望频expected frequencies
期间interval series
未加权平均unweighted mean
未定系undetermined coefficient
机器可读的machine-readable data
机器能读出的machine script
机率密度函probability density function
机遇number by chance
杂乱系coefficient of disarray
权函weight function
权重压缩weighting factor
条件存活函conditional survivor function
条件幂函conditional power function
标准分standard score
标准化回归系standardised regression coefficients
标准化回归系standardized regression coefficients
标准化回归系method of path coefficients
标签据寄存器label data register
样本平均的不偏性unbiasedness of sample mean
根的multiplicity of root
格兰姆―查利 B型Gram-Charlier series type B
格兰姆―查利 C型Gram-Charlier series type C
格兰姆―查利 A型Gram-Charlier series type A
modulus (module)
模/与数/模转换and D/A conversion
代数modular algebra
模/转换器A/D converter
模型函pattern function
模拟-字转换A to D (analog to digital)
模拟字转换器analog-digital converter
模拟信息-字信息转换器analog to digital converter
模拟模型据信息流程图flow chart of data and information by simulation model
统计中的曲面frequency surface
次指分布subexponential distribution
欧勒常Euler's constant (γ)
正交orthogonal arrays
正交函orthogonal functions
正交函method of orthogonal functions
正交函orthogonal system
正交函system of orthogonal functions
正向函positive function
正常密度函normal density function graph
正态分检验normal scores tests
正态分布变的生成式normally distributed variable generator
正态分配随机变normally distributed random variable
正规函normal function
永久收敛级permanently convergent series
求目标函的最小值minimizing an objective function
派生的统计derived statistics
微积分fluxionary calculus
流动平均moving average
测定系coefficient of determination
球体调和spheroidal harmonic
球面方差函spherical variance function
理想指ideal index number
理论众theoretical mode
生存者函survival function
生存者函survivor function
用随机表产生函数的编辑程序compiler with a random number generating function
电压频率模/转换器voltage-frequency A/D converter
电子字积分器和计算器electronic numerical integrator and calculator
电子字计算机digital computer
电子学积分计算机Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
电子据处理的存储器storage in electronic data processing
电子编electronic tabulator
电子计算机electronic computer data processing
电子计算机据检索系统computerized data retrieval system
电子计算机据系统computerized data system
电子读figure reading electronic device
电荷均衡/模转换器charge equalizing D/A converter
电荷均衡模/转换器charge equalizing A/D converter
真平均true mean value
稀释dilution series
符号形式symbolic variable
第一位分布first digit distribution
第一位指index of Pareto
第一位指alpha index
第一区分位first quartile
第二四分位second quartile
等差级arithmetic series
等差级arithmetic progression
等距series of equal interval
累加平均progressive average
累积分布函cumulative frequency function
累积分布函distribution function
累积分布函probability integral
累积分布函cumulative probability function
累积分布函cumulative distribution function
累积量生成函cumulant generating function
累积频概率函数cumulative probability function
累积频概率函数distribution function
累积频概率函数cumulative frequency function
累积频概率函数probability integral
累积频概率函数cumulative distribution function
累积频概率曲线cumulative probability curve
累积频概率曲线cumulative frequency curve
缔合系coefficient of association
缩减时间序列clipped time series
联合依变jointly dependent variable
联合次函数joint frequency function
联立变simultaneous variables
脉冲向应函impulse response function
脉冲因pulsating factor
脉宽调制/转换器pulse width modulated A/D converter
向量的norm of a vector
向量的magnitude of a vector
营业business mathematics
j-number (imaginary number)
imaginary number
单位imaginary unit
虚变dummy variables
行为决策函behavioural decision function
行变column variable
调整的指rectified index number
谐波次harmonic number
谐波次harmonic order
谱函spectral function
谱函power spectrum
谱分布函spectral distribution function
谱平均spectral average
谱权函spectral window
谱权函spectral weight function
贝塔 β beta coefficients
贝赛尔无偏估计校正系Bessel's correction
贝赛尔函分布Bessel function distribution
负指分布negative exponential distribution
负指分布exponential distribution
质量据,品质数据qualitative data
费用函,成本函数cost function
逆正态分检验inverse normal scores test
逆阶乘级分布inverse factorial series distribution
逐渐近似模/转换器successive approximation A/D converter
递减常attenuation constant
通信据处理装置communication data processor
通用字计算机versatile digital computer
键到可换磁盘据输入装置key-to-floppy disc data input device
键到磁带据输入系统key-to-tape data input system
键到磁带据输入装置key-to-tape data input device
键到磁带匣据输入装置key-to-casette data input device
键到磁盘据输入系统key-to-disc data input system
阵的范norm of a matrix
阶乘函factorial function
阶乘矩母函factorial moment generating function
阶乘累积母函factorial cumulant generating function
阶梯函step function
阶梯指ladder index
阻尼系damping coefficient
阿拉伯Arabic numerals
阿拉伯Arabic figures
附贴级adherent series
降级descending series
除不尽的indivisible number
非中心性参non-centrality parameter
非减非下降nondecreasing function
非参容许限non-parametric tolerance limits
非参置信区间non-parametric confidence intervals
非正交性non-orthogonal data
非正态指index of abnormality
非线性电阻式函发生器nonlinear resistance function generator
非结合代nonassociative algebra
齐一函uniform function
齐次函homogeneous function
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