
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
人为引起的险情指human-caused risk scaling factor
人口结构和人口量的变化趋势population trend The direction of change in the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, district or area (居住在某个国家、城市、区或者区域的人的总数的变化趋势。)
人类基本服务指essential human services index
低体积弹性模low bulk elastic modulus
保水系water retention coefficient
健康联合信息据库combined health information database
关系型据库relational database A collection of digital information items organized as a set of formally described tables from which the information can be accessed or reassembled in different ways without reorganizing the tables (以一组正则表达式描述的表的形式来组织数字信息的集合。通过表,信息可以通过不同的方式被访问和重组,而不用重新组织表。)
致死时间lethal dose-50 time
危险指hazard index
去污指decontamination factor
parameter 1. A quantity in an equation which must be specified beside the independent variables to obtain the solution for the dependent variables. 2. A quantity which is constant under a given set of conditions, but may be different under other conditions (1. 除了独立变量旁的从属变量之外,方程中必须指定其数量。2.数量在一定条件下市一个常量,但在其它条件下有可能发生变化。)
发生频率指简写为OIoccurrence index
品质能量energy factor
美国国家气候据中心National Climate Data Center
国家环境据分配处National Environmental Data Referral Service
国家环境据分配系统National Environmental Data Referral System
国家环境卫星据和信息服务局National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
图像处理字系统image processing digital system A coordinated assemblage of computer devices designed to capture and manipulate pictures stored as data in discrete, quantized units or digits (一个电脑设备的整合系统,该系统被用来获得与处理图片,储存成离散化、量子化或数位化的单元或形式。)
地球资源观测系统据中心earth resources observation system Data Center
地球资源观测系统据中心EROS Data Center
地理信息系统字形式GIS digital format The digital form of data collected by remote sensing (通过遥感收集的数据的数字形式。)
地理信息系统字技术GIS digital technique The transformation to digital form of data collected by remote sensing, traditional field and documentary methods and of existing historical data such as paper maps, charts, and publications (对由遥感,传统领域和文件的方法和现有的历史数据,如纸张地图,图表和出版物等收集的数据以数字形式转变。对由遥感技术收集的数据、传统领域和文件方式(存储)的数据以及现有的历史数据,如纸张地图,图表和出版物等,向数字形式进行转变的技术。)
地理信息系统字系统GIS digital system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information that can be drawn from different sources, both statistical and mapped (一种计算机硬件、软件、地理数据和人事部门的有组织的收集,旨在有效获取、存储、更新、操纵、分析和显示各种形式的地理参照信息,可以从不同的来源,如统计数据和绘制地图来绘画。)
地理参考geo-referenced data
多样性指index of diversity
存活survival count
民族minority A group that is different racially, politically, etc. from a larger group of which it is a part (种族上、政治上等区别于一个大集团的团体,即它是大团体的一个组成部分。)
幸存系survival factor
康拉特逊残碳Conradson index
总参total parameter The sum of parameters that must be taken into account when assessing water quality - organoleptic factors, physico-chemical factors, toxic substances, microbiological parameters (当进行水的质量评估时,必须考虑的总参数(感官因素、物理、化学因素、有毒物质、微生物参数))
排出物参监控parametric emission monitoring
排放emission data Data concerning pollutants released into the environment from a permanent or mobile installation or from products (有关固定污染源、移动装置或产品中释放到环境中的污染物的数据。)
排放系emission factor The relationship between the amount of pollutants produced to the amount of raw materials processed, or fuel consumed, in any polluting process (污染产生的过程中,污染物的数量与原料的使用量或者燃料的消耗量之间的关系。)
放射性安全保健radioactive health data
值天气预报工作网numerical weather prediction operational grid
字化digitizing The process of converting data to a form used in computers, transmitted or stored with digital technology and expressed as a string of 0's and 1's (通过数字技术将数据转换成为计算机可传输和存取的0、1二进制串形式。)
字图像处理技术digital image processing technique Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interest (校正影像资料所使用的技术,例如修正或降低资料在获取或传递过程中,或者各种影像强化处理的错误,便于增加分析者识别兴趣点特征的能力。)
字土地模型digital land model A representation of a surface's topography stored in a numerical format. Each pixel has been assigned coordinates and an altitude (将地表的地形影像以数字格式储存。 每个像素均指定了坐标和高度。)
学分析mathematical analysis The branch of mathematics most explicitly concerned with the limit process or the concept of convergence; includes the theories of differentiation, integration and measure, infinite series, and analytic functions (数学的一个分支,主要涉及有限过程或收敛概念,包括微分、积分和测度、无穷级数以及解析函数理论。)
学法mathematical method No definition needed (无需定义。)
资料收集采集,集合,获取data acquisition
据中心data centre An organization established primarily to acquire, analyze, process, store, retrieve, and disseminate one or more types of data (为搜集、分析、处理、储存、检索和传播一种或多种的数据而设立的组织。)
据交换data exchange A reciprocal transfer of individual facts, statistics or items of information between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participants (以加强参与者的知识为目的,在两个或多个团体间互相传递个体事实、统计数据或信息项。)
据传输设备data carrier A medium on which data can be recorded, and which is usually easily transportable, such as cards, tape, paper, or disks (用于记录数据和易于传送数据的媒体,如磁卡、磁带、纸张和磁盘。)
据保护data protection Policies, procedures or devices designed to maintain the integrity or security of informational elements in storage or in transmission (设计来维护信息储存或传送完整性或安全性的政策、程序或装置。)
据分析data analysis The evaluation of digital data, i.e. data represented by a sequence of code characters (数字数据的评估,即使用一组编码字符序列表述数据。)
据处理data processing Any operation or combination of operations on data, including everything that happens to data from the time they are observed or collected to the time they are destroyed (任何对数据的运算或组合运算,包括从观察或收集数据,直到数据被破坏的所有操作。)
据处理法data processing law
据处理系统data processing system An assembly of computer hardware, firmware and software configured for the purpose of performing various operations on digital information elements with a minimum of human intervention (电脑硬件、固件和软件的集合,以最低的人为干预对数字信息元素进行不同的操作。)
据库data base A computerized compilation of data, facts and records that is organized for convenient access, management and updating (运用电脑化的方式编辑数据、事实和记录,并将其组织成可方便存取、管理和更新的格式。)
据收集data acquisition The act of collecting and gathering individual facts, statistics or other items of information (收集个体事实、统计数据或其他信息项的行为。)
据记录技术data recording technique The body of specialized procedures and methods used for the preservation, collocation or registration of individual elements of information (用来保存、收集或记录个别信息要素的特殊程序或方法的主体。)
量变化change in value
有机污染指saprobic index Indication or measure of the level of organic pollution (有机污染的指数或测量值。)
每小时降水hourly precipitation data
气象参meteorological parameter Variables, such as pressure, temperature, wind strength, humidity, etc. from which conclusions as to the forthcoming weather are drawn (一些变量,如压力、温度、风强度、湿度等,由此可推断即将到来的天气变化情况。)
水污染指water pollution index
水质指water quality index
污染指pollution index
污染控制指pollution control index
污染标准指pollution standards index
污染生物指biologic al index of water pollution
「泥渣体积指污水生化处理时用sludge volume index
海洋大气综合据集comprehensive ocean-atmosphere data set
渗透磁导permeability coefficient
火灾负荷指简写为FLIfire load index
物质危害指substance hazard index
环境environmental data Information concerning the state or condition of the environment (有关环境状态或状况的信息。)
环境资料和信息服务environmental data and information service
环境据服务中心Environmental Data Service (NOAA 'More)
NOAA 环境据服务中心Environmental Data Service
环境影响据指标environmental data index
环境状况data on the state of the environment No definition needed (无需定义。)
环境质量指index of environmental quality
生态参ecological parameter A variable, measurable property whose value is a determinant of the characteristics of an ecosystem (决定生态系统特性的可测量的变量。)
生物富集系bioconcentration factor The quotient of the concentration of a chemical in aquatic organisms at a specific time or during a discrete time period of exposure, divided by the concentration in the surrounding water at the same time or during the same period (在特定时间或在离散的时间段,在水生生物中化学物质的浓度商数;在同时或者在同一个时间段,被周边水剂浓度,除得到的商。)
生物指biotic index Scale for showing the quality of an environment by indicating the types of organisms present in it (e.g. how clean a river is) (是通过指示目前的生物种类来显示环境质量的一种量度。)
电子据交换interchange of electronic data A transference of binary coded information items between two or more computers across any communications channel capable of carrying electromagnetic signals (二进制编码信息在两个或两个以上计算机间通过任何可以传送电磁信号的通信渠道转移的过程。)
监测monitoring data No definition needed (无需定义。)
空气中含水克grams of water in air
经济economic data No definition needed (无需定义。)
统计statistical series An ordered sequence of data samples in numerical form used to predict or demonstrate trends through time and space (样本的数据排列顺序通过时间和空间的趋势使用数字的形式来预测或证明。)
统计资料statistical data
统计statistical data No definition needed (无需定义。)
联合值天气预测joint numerical weather prediction
观光人tourist attendance No definition needed (无需定义。)
运行operating data Data referring to the practical carrying-out of a process (实际执行过程中的数据。)
透光百分percent transmission
预报prognostic data