
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一个变的取消deletion of a variable
一定时期内上市牛cattle run
一次减分裂one step meiosis
一窝brood size
一窝卵clutch size
七基heptamerous (heptamerus)
tridymous (tridymus)
trimerous flower (flos trimerus)
三价染色体频trivalent frequency
三倍染色体 triploid number
三基tribasic (tribasicus)
三基trimerous (trimerus)
三次函cubic quantic
序计数器up counter
不可靠unreliable data
不可靠参unreliable parameter
不可靠参bad parameter
不可靠性函unreliability function
不同anisomeric (anisomerus)
不同anisomerous (anisomerus)
不均匀系coefficient of irregularity
不完全参检査incomplete parameter checking
不定indefinite number
不成比例次级组disproportionate subclass numbers
不成比例组disproportionate class numbers
不相容incompatible data
不等减分裂后分离unequal post-meiotic segregation
不等次级组unequal subclass numbers
不规则减分裂irregular meiotic division (divisio meiotica irregularis)
不足insufficient quantity
不连续变discrete variable
专业据库professional database
专业化自动据处理specialized automatic data processing
专家据库设计器expert database designer
专有proprietary data
专用字计算机special digital computer
世代指育种世代number of generations
两向计backward-forward counter
个体number of individuals
个体常individual constant
个体近交系inbreeding coefficient of an individual
中期配对指metaphase pairing index
中等小穗moderate number of spikelet
中耕深度及次depth and frequency of cultivation
中间总intermediate total
串联重复可变variable number of tandem repeat (VN TR)
modal number
次数mode frequency
频数mode frequency
优势对记分法lod-score method
传感sense data
估计标准误差standard error of estimate
估计参statistic (statisticus)
t -估计参t-statistic
估计参statistical (statisticus)
伸展性系指细胞壁extensibility modulus
伸长节间number of elongated internodes
世代交替antithetic alternation (alternatio antithetica)
差分reciprocal difference
第三位的antepenulfimate (antepenulfimatus)
倒伏指lodging index
fraction number
幂定律fractional power law
分区据库partitioned database
分布据库distributed database
分支减分裂表型branched meiotic configuration
分散常constant of dispersion
分枝number of branching
分歧指divergency index
分歧指divergence index
分段参segmentation parameter
分类categorical data (data categoricae)
分类参sort parameter
分级系园艺grading factor
分缫number of tillers
分蘖tiller number
刈割指cutting index
刈割次cutting time (复)
column number
列氏度温度Reaumur degree
判别式函discriminant function
利用系utilized coefficient
出苗到抽第一穗的日days to heading
制图函指制图图距与交换频率关系的函数mapping function
匀整度指index of uniformity
区组number of blocks
各个系respective coefficient
合作指co-operation index
合子染色体zygotic number
合子减zygotic reduction (reductio zygotica)
合子减分裂zygotic meiosis (meiosis zygoticus)
合理指rational index
同义基因homomeric genes
同义的homomeric (homomerus)
isomeric (isomerus)
isomerous (isomerus)
isomerous flower (flos isomerus)
homomerous flower (flos homomerus)
雄蕊式isostemony (isostemonia)
雄蕊的isostemonous (isostemonus)
同体异aneusomaty (aneusomatia)
同减分裂后分离equal post-meiotic segregation
同化assimilation number
同基homomery (homomerius)
同基homomerous (homomerus)
同基homomeric (homomerus)
同基轮列的isocyclic (isocyclicus)
同基轮列的eucyclic (eucyclicus)
同心皮isocarpic (isocarpus)
同步据链路控制协议synchronous data link control protocol (SDLC protocol)
同源减分裂配对homologous meiotic pairing
同源四倍染色体autotetraploid chromosome number
后代平均progeny mean
后减postreduction (postreductio)
后减不同型减数分裂postreductional apohomotypic meiosis
后减分离postreductional separation
后减分离postreduction separation
后减分裂postreduction meiosis
后减分裂postreductional division (divisio postreductionalis)
后减分裂post-meiotic division (divisio postmeiotica)
后减副减数分裂postreductional parameiosis
后减离开postreductional disjunction
后减离开postreduction disjunction
向下值计数器down counter
含量百分percentage content
启动据通信指示器start data-traffic indicator (SDT indicator)
附系coefficient of adhesion
吸收指absorptive index (index absorptiva)
吸收系absorbancy (absorbantia)
吸收系absorptivity (absorptivitas)
吸收系absorbance (absorbantia)
唯象系phenomenological coefficient
土地利用land use data
土壤水分常soil moisture constant
土壤紧实度指soil compaction index
土壤结持soil consistence constant
地上部频shoot frequency
地物planimetric data
地质据库geological database
地质学据库geology database
地震据库earthquake database
地面据管理ground data management
地面据获取系统ground data handling system
处理treatment number
plural (pluralis)
复制型据库系统replicated database system
复制子目与大小replicon number and size
复印计copy counter
复合系coefficient of reunion
复回归系multiple regression coefficient
复常complex constant
复种指multiple cropping index
复种次multiple cropping times
外推相关extrapolated correlates
外生变exogenous variable (variabilis exogenus)
外部据存储相对于数据库external data storage
外部据表示external data representation (XDR)
numerous (numerosus)
多价polyvalent number (numbrus polyvalens)
多兆位据交换服务switched multimegabit data service
多变控制系统multivariable control system
多变环境控制multivariable environmental control
多同步字体系结构pleiochronous digital hierarchy
多基多倍体polybasic polyploid
多基pleiomery (pleiomerium)
多基polymerous (polymerus)
多基pleiomerous (pleiomerus)
多层据库multilayered database
多维据库dimension database
多边形据库polygon-oriented database
大型据库large database
大肠 菌指Colibacillus index
大肠 菌指coli-index
失效stale data
X 射线衍射X-ray diffraction data
γ-射线计gamma-ray counter
fractional digit
数字fractional digit
小区plot number
小整small integer
果蝇小眼面facet number
meiomery (meiomeria)
民族minority (minoritas)
民族地区minority nationality region
少基oligomery (oligomerium)
少基oligomerous (oligomerus)
尺蠖类及少夜蛾科幼虫looper caterpillars
尺蠖类及少夜蛾科幼虫canker worms
布里斯氏转百分为角度Bliss angular transformation
希尔系Hill coefficient
希望种子desired number of seeds
带有代逻辑的计算器calculator with algebraic logic
带根频rooted frequency (frequentia radicata)
invariable (invariabilis)
constant quantity
亲本回归法constant parent regression
增殖率期constant growth-rate phase
平衡constant equilibrium (keq)
配合法constants method of fitting
开放型据通路open data path
开放式据库open database
同义基因heteromeric gene
同义的heteromeric (heteromericus)
孢子生殖aneuspory (aneusporium)
染色体杂种numerical hybrid
heteromerous flower (flos heteromerus)
异型多侵染mixed multiple infection
异基heteromerous (heteromerus)
异质性指heterogeneity index
异质性指gene diversity
异质性系heterogeneity coefficient
弹性系土壤elastic modulus
性周期的减分裂meiosis in sexual cycle
性能performance figure
性腺指gonad index
感染指susceptibility index
感觉sense data
成对值正态分布bivariate normal distribution
成对值正态群体bivariate normal population
成就系achivement quotient
成比例次级组proportional subclass numbers
成比例频proportional frequencies
成活鸡产卵survivor's egg production
成熟分裂减meiotic reduction
成熟日days for maturation
截止expiration data
指物价,工资,细菌特征等index number
exponent (exponens)
吻合exponential fitting
响应indicial response
增长exponent growth
复杂度exponential complexity
exponential type
式扩增exponential amplification
式生长按指数律增长exponential growth
式生长曲线exponential growth curve
式生长期exponential growth phase
式生长模型exponential growth model
式衰减曲线exponential decay curve
性状index character
成活曲线exponential survival curve
效应indicial response
exponent phase
指薯类作物育种方法index method
exponential (exponentialis)
稳定性exponential stability
表示法exponential notation
衰退模型exponential decay model
说明exponent specification
指名参designated parameter
指定designation number
指定参designated parameter
指标值指index of indicator value
指示字pointer data
指针pointer data
挤压参squeezing parameter
振动级oscillation series
搔苗次times of draw
收割次cutting frequency
收获指harvest index
收集字资料collection data
最佳估计参optimum statistic
最佳决策函best decision function
最后计final counts
最大概率量法土壤most probable number method
最少分蘖lowest tiller number
最适叶面积指optimum leaf area index
最适叶面积指optimal leaf area index
最高分蘖maximum tiller number stage
最高茎指禾谷类maximum shoot numbers
有丝分裂减mitotic reduction
有效significand (significans)
有效参performance parameter
有效因子effective number
有效捕捞死亡系effective fishing mortality coefficient
有效育种effective breeding size
有效茎指甘蔗number of millablecaneN. M.
有效选择差effective selection differential
有效量子effective quantum number
有符号signed number
有符号signed magnitude
有符号十进制signed decimal number
期望选择差expected selection differential
木材弹性系modulus of elasticity of wood
未减孢子unreduced spore
未减生殖细胞unreduced germ cell
未减unreduced (inreductus)
未减配子unreduced gamete
未减少染色体unreduced chromosome number
末次读final reading
机械化据库mechanized database
标准减分裂standard meiosis
标准化选择差standardized selection differential
标准记standard notation
标志designation number
标志记blip counting
标记后减分裂post-labeling meiosis
树冠面积指crown area index
树干形bole form-factor
树高系tree height ratio
校正calibration data
样品个size of sample
样品系coefficient of sample
样本copy number
样本内所含个individuals in a sample
样本平均average mean of samples
root number
radical number
植株stem number
植株生长个体观察调查stand observation
植物面积指plant area index
植被指vegetation index (index vegetationis)
模型type number
模拟字元件analogue-digital element
电子计算机模拟- 字转换器analog-digital converter
模糊学方法method of fuzzy mathematics
分布图frequency distribution diagram
分布归组grouping of frequency distribution
分布表frequency distribution table
frequency class
次级组subclass numbers
气体溶解度系gas-solubility coefficient
气候指climatic index
气候生产力指climatic productivity index
气孔指stomatai index (index stomatalis)
气密系air-tight coefficient
气流式计gas flow counter
气象 现象据库meteorological phenomena database
氢离子指hydrogen-ion index
氢离子浓度指hydrogen ion exponent
氢离子浓度的负对power of hydrogen
氧转移系oxygen transfer coefficient
氨化系ammonification coefficient
氮吸收系nitrogen absorption coefficient
水分指土壤moisture index
水文常hydrological constants
水的平衡常Keq of water
洪水次flood frequency
清选种子times of cleaning
渔获尾catch in number
渗滤系coefficient of filtration
渗透系 土壤permeability coefficient
温室greenhouse data
温差商temperature-difference quotient
温度上升度amount of temperature rise
温度常aliquote (aliquotus)
温度系temperature coefficient (Q40)
温度系Q 10
温度表读thermometer reading
温热指thermal index
温量指index of warmth
演绎据库机deductive database machine (deductive DBM)
父母均等指equal parent index
猪头pig stock
猪头pig crop
猪头hog crop
猪总头pig stock
理论期望calculated expectation
理论次calculated frequency
甘蔗吨cane tonnage
甘薯拔苗sweet potato times of shoot pulling
甘薯翻蔓次sweet potato times of vine turning
生产据库manufacturing database
生产力系coefficient of productivity
生产力系capacity coefficient
生活用费指cost of living index
生物biomathematics (biomathematica)
生物量年变化annuation (annuatio)
生物气候参bioclimatic parameter
生育日growing period
生长系coefficient of growth
田间field data
田间水分指field moisture index
电子据处理automatic data processing
电子据处理系统electronic data-processing system
电子设计据互换格式electronic design interchange format
电导常conductivity-cell constant
电视摄像机字化器video camera digitizer
真实差异true difference
真正平均true mean
示值读read out
稀释平板计dilution plate count
程序program data
笔画stroke data
符合系coincidence coefficient
符合系coefficient of agreement
第一减分裂后期first anaphase (Al)
第一减分裂染色体first meiotic chromosome
紫外线透射系ultraviolet ray transmissivity
累加计totalizing counter
累积产卵cumulative egg production
累积选择差cumulative selection differential
缠绕指 DNA 超螺旋缠绕程度writhing numberW
缩微胶卷计microfilm counter
缩结系Ehanging ratio E
缫丝绪number of reeling threads
缺区missing data
缺测missing data
耐久年durable years
耐用年working life time
耐用年durable years
耕地英亩agricultural acreage
耖田次puddling frequency
耦联常coupling constant
脂肪酸度指fat acidity index
脂解系lipolytic coefficient
脱盐系coefficient of desalinization
脱粒滚筒转调节器threshing speed control
船舶吨shipping weight
茎叶频shoot frequency
萌发系coefficient of germination
营养指index of nutrition
过多空间不足的crowded (of colony)
调人call number
调整价格的加权平均weighted average of price adjustments
调整效能adjust effect data
调查cruising data
调步参pacing parameter
调理系opsonic index
调频frequency modulation data (FM data)
谐波级harmonic series
谱系均间协方差covariance between family means
谱系指pedigree index
谷粒计grain counter
质核指nucleoplasmic index (index nucleoplasmica)
质粒拷贝plasmid copy number
原子质量mass number
质量转移系mass-transfer coefficient
贮藏计stored count
费氏级Fibonacci series
退化小穗number of degenerated spikelets
适当放牧头proper stocking
选择selection number
选择差selection differential
选择次times of selection
选择系selectance (selectantia)
选择计optional counter
选种次times of selection
透射系 显技coefficient of transmission
逐日变化系daily variation coefficient
通信业务系统通信量系traffic coefficient
通径系path coefficient
通道字信号channel digital signal
速乘积对logarithms of factorials
造卵 number of mature eggs in oviduct
销售sales data
键号key number
键盘据就绪keyboard data ready
键盘输人key in data
阀值函threshold function
threshold data
阔叶树亮度系broad-leaf tree brightness coefficient
阳离子当量常cation equivalent constant
阳离子总sum of cations
阴离子总sum of anions
植物生长的需热常thermal constant
鼠标移动计mouse motion counter
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