
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一一对应函one-to-one function
一个钻头进尺hole-per bit
一位one-digit number
一位number with one digit
一位延迟one-digit delay
一位的位置digit position
一位的位置digit place
一元unary array
一元函one-variable function
一元操作monadic operand
一元样条函univariate spline
一元现值系present worth of one factor
一型计模型counter model type 1
一定量的种子a quantity of seeds
一定次designated number of times
一小时平均编解车average number of cars sorted per hour
一整的分解partition of an integer
一次印张paper capacity
一次导first-order derivative
一次导调节电路rate of change circuit
一次支付现值系single-payment present worth factor
一次矢函linear vector function
一次计start-stop counter
一氧化碳指carbon monoxide index
一笔整a lump sum
一级导光谱first derivative spectrum
一级电离常first ionization constant
一维学模型one-dimensional mathematical model
一维one-dimensional array
一维传递函one-dimensional transfer function
一致分检验uniform scores test
一致原始递归函uniformly primitive recursive function
一致性参parameter of consistency
一致性指index of conformity
一致性系consistency coefficient
一致校验parity check digit
一致殆周期函uniformly almost periodic function
一致等价函uniformly equivalent function
一致范uniform norm
一般prevailing value
一般general data
一般上导general upper derivate
一般下导general lower derivate
一般代general algebraic variety
一般价值函general cost function
一般化据操作程序generalized data manipulation programme
一般化据操作程序generalized data manipulation program
一般半单代general semisimple algebraic group
一般对general logarithm
一般导general derivative
一般常generic constant
一般性能general performance number
一般指修匀general exponential smoothing
一般显色指general colour rendering index
一般显色指general color rendering index
一般最优值函general optimal value function
一般有理分general rational fraction
一般消费物价指general index of retail price
一般现色指general colour rendering index
一般现色指general color rendering index
一般细菌general bacterial population
一般细菌总total general bacteria
一阶函first-order functional value
一阶导first-order derivative
一阶导分光光度法first-order derivative spectrophotometry
一阶差分first difference series
一阶线性函first-order linear function
一阶自相关系first-order autocorrelation coefficient
七位对seven place logarithms
七进septenary number
刀具孔number of holes for holding cutting tool
刀具模cutter module
刀架最大回转度maximum swivel of tool slide
刃边扩散函edge-spread function
分布不匀biased data
分布指profile exponent
匀度系uniformity factor
匀度系uniform coefficient
匀质因uniformity factor
匀质系uniformity factor
匀质系uniformity coefficient
包交换据传输服务packet switched data transmission service
包交换据网络packet-switched data network
包件计bale counter
包气带水分运移参parameter of moisture transportation in aeration zone
包络函envelope function
包络线延迟envelope delay data
包装模packing module
包装模尺寸packing module dimensions
包装计wrapping counter
包装计package counter
包裹体参inclusion of parameters
包裹责任事故件number of liability accident for parcel
包迹因envelope factor
吃水吨/厘米tons per centimeter
吃水系water depth-ship draft ratio
各向同性温度系isotropic temperature factor
各向异性因anisotropy factor
各向异性指anisotropical index
各向异性系anisotropical coefficient
各向异性系anisotropic coefficient
各线路装车car loading by directions
各道平均计counting rate of every channel
处理handling capacity
处理后的日days after treatment
威德曼一弗蓝兹常Wiedemann-Franz constant
封冻日freeze-up days
封离计sealed-off counter
封装package count
封裹代enveloping algebra
射影代曲线projective algebraic curve
射影代projective algebraic
射影代projective algebraic variety
射影函mapping function
射影参projective parameter
射影维projective dimension
射束扩展函beam spread function
射气底base number of emanation
射气系emanation coefficient
射气系emanation coefficient value
射流参校准jet calibration
射流参校正jet parameter calibration
射流间歇计fluidic batching counter
射电谱指radio spectral index
射线参方法ray-parameter method
射线照相系radiograph factor
X 射线粉晶X-ray powder crystal data
射阻系jet blocking coefficient
布夏尔指Bouchard's index
布尔据类型Boolean data type
布尔据项Boolean data item
布尔Boolean array
布尔函的定义definition of Boolean function
布尔函的最小化minimization of Boolean function
布尔常Boolean constant
布尔系Boolean coefficient
布尔递归函Boolean recurrence function
布拉维指Bravais indices
布拉菲指Bravais indices
布朗水质指Brown water quality index
布林克曼Brinkmann number
布氏常用Brigg's logarithm
布氏对Brigg's logarithm
布氏球印硬度Brinell's number
布氏球印硬度Brinell's figure
布氏硬度Brinell's number
布氏硬度Brinell's figure
布氏硬度指indentation hardness number
布莱克Blake number
布辛奈斯克Boussinesq's mathematics
布辛奈斯克系Boussinesq's coefficient
布里格常用对Brigg's logarithm
布里格扩散系Brigg's dispersion coefficient
开关函switch function
开关常switching constant
开关时间常switching time constant
开关时间常switching constant
开动水井number of well operation
开动钻机台amount of operating rigs
开口面积系hollow area coefficient
开型会计open account
开孔百分percentage of open area
开工因service factor
开工率指index number of capacity utilization
开工舱口number of hatches in operation
开态电阻温度系on resistance temperature coefficient
开放据库链接性open database connectivity
开放性据库接口open database control
开环描述函open loop describing function
开裂指cracking index
开裂系crack factor
开裂荷载安全系safety factor for cracking load
开路参open circuit parameter
开路阻抗参open circuit impedance parameter
开采模比拟法analogy method of mining modulus
开采模mining modulus analogy
开采量所居位number of output to arrange in order
开闭函switching function
异养菌平板计heterotrophic bacterial plate count
异养菌总total number of heterotrophic bacteria
异常函abnormal function
异常本征函improper eigenfunction
异常系anomalous coefficient
异步asynchronous data
异步据传输通道non-synchronous data transmission channel
异步据收集asynchronous data collection
异步据流asynchronous flow
异步据输出asynchronous output
异步串行asynchronous serial data
异步计asynchronous counting
态函state function
持着指retention index
持续过载系service factor
搅拌周mixing cycle
搅拌器每分转rotor revolution per minute
搅松系bulking factor
最上公倍smallest common multiple
最优松弛参optimum relaxation parameter
最低有效least significant digit
最低位low-order digit
最低位least significant digit
最低公倍lowest common multiple
最低函minimum function
最低平均lowest average
最低有效least significant digit
最低有效least significant digit
最低米百分admissible minimum of average meter percent
最低限额缴款least payment
最佳optimum number
最佳optimum data
最佳分离系optimum separation factor
最佳参选择optimal parameter selection
最佳常控制optimal constant control
最佳开关函optimum switching function
最佳性能参optimum performance parameter
最佳抽气次air exhaustion optimal number
最佳燃烧参optimum gas parameter
最佳阻尼参optimum damping parameter
最初参initial parameter
最可能most probable number value
最可能指数most probable number index
最可能most probable number method
最合适人口optimum population
最合适的订购best order quantity
最后字码final digit code
最后一笔付款额大的分期贷款balloon-payment load
最后号last numbers
最后号last number
最后实际赔偿ultimate net loss
最后移位final carry digit
最后读final reading
最多居住人maximum occupancy
最多滚子maximum number of rollers
最多球maximum number of balls
最大传热系maximum coefficient of heat transfer
最大似然从属度函maximum likelihood membership function
最大公因greatest common factor
最大公约greatest common factor
最大公约highest common divisor
最大公约greatest common divisor
最大切削模maximum module to be cut
最大利用系maximum utilization factor
最大剩余消毒剂浓度指maximum excess disinfectant concentration index value
最大加温转maximum warm-up speed
最大叠加次maximum stacking fold
最大可能most probable number
最大可能most possible number
最大可能most probable quantity
最大存储maximum storage factor
最大存储maximum storage coefficient
最大安全系maximum safety factor
最大安全系定理maximum safety factor theorem
最大容许摩擦系maximum allowable coefficient of friction
最大扇出maximum fan-out
最大模maximum modulus
最大横剖面系maximum transverse section coefficient
最大横剖面系maximum cross-section coefficient
最大稳定参peak stability number
最大系greatest coefficient
最大读full-scale reading
最大负荷利用小时maximum loading hours
最大转旋转的发动机engine turning at peak revolution
最大集中函maximal concentration function
最大齿轮切削模maximum module of gear cut
最小代smallest algebraic group
最小代价函估计minimum-cost estimate
最小公倍lowest common multiple
最小公倍smallest common multiple
最小公倍least common multiple
最小安全系minimum factor of safety
最小安全系定理minimum safety factor theorem
最小平均询问次minimal mean number of inquiry
最小指minimal index
最小整smallest positive integral
最小有效least significant digit
最小正整minimal positive integral solution
最小理论级minimum number of theoretical stage
最小等时间程序设计minimum latency programming
最小等时间编码minimum latency coding
最小策动点函minimum-driving-point function
最小精密因least precise factor
最小计least count
最小转minimum revolution
最快取minimum access
最快取程序minimum access routine
最快取程序minimal-latency routine
最快取程序设计minimal access programming
最快取编码minimal-latency coding
最或然修正函most probable correction function
最或然改正函most probable correction function
最终使用能力指final serviceability index
最终耐用性指terminal serviceability index
最终读final reading
最近分closest rational approximation
最适人口optimum population
最高most significant position
最高位high order digit
最高功率因highest power factor
最高开动钻机maximum amount of operating rigs
最高有效most significant digit
最高聚集人maximum number of passengers in peak hours
最高转maximum number of revolutions
最高转调速器maximum speed regulator
最高闪点指max flash temperature index
栅控系grid control ratio
栅极检波系grid detection coefficient
栅极电路时间常grid time constant
清晰度指index of articulation
清晰度指resolving index
清晰度百分articulation score
清晰度系sharpness factor
清晰度降低系reduction of articulation
清晰指articulation index
清机据输出clean data output
漂浮常floatation constant
漂浮常flotation constant
漂砾指erratic index
漂移学模型drift mathematical model
漂移倍multiple of drift
漂移常drift constant
球体函spheroidal harmonic
球体波函spheroidal wave function
球体的综合参synthetical parameter of sphere
球体的综合参synthetic parameter of sphere
球体调和函spherical harmonic function
球体调和函spheroidal harmonic function
球体调和函spheric harmonic function
球体谐函solid spherical harmonics
球体谐函solid spheric harmonics
球函spheric harmonics
球函spherical harmonics
球函spherical function
球半径系spherical radius factor
球半径系spheric radius factor
球差系spherical aberration coefficient
球差系spheric aberration coefficient
球带函zonal spherical function
球带函zonal spheric function
室内照明计算的球带系zonal factor method
球带调和zonal harmonic
球形地面因spherical earth factor
球形地面因spheric earth factor
球形栅壁计spherical grid-wall counter
球形栅壁计spheric grid-wall counter
球形盒式计pill-box counter
球形系sphericity factor
球波函spherical wave function
球波函spheric wave function
球磨的填充系percentage loading of mill
球谐位扰动函spherical harmonic potential disturbing function
球谐位扰动函spheric harmonic potential disturbing function
球谐函spheric harmonics
球谐函spherical harmonic function
球谐函展开spherical harmonic expansion
球谐函展开spheric harmonic expansion
球谐函spherical harmonic method
球谐函spheric harmonic method
球谐函系数spherical harmonic coefficient
球谐函系数spheric harmonic coefficient
球谐函级数spherical harmonics series
球谐函级数spheric harmonics series
球贝塞尔函spherical Bessel function
球贝塞尔函spheric Bessel function
球锥函sphero-conical harmonics
球锥函sphero-conic harmonics
球面sphere data
球面函spherical function
球面函spheric function
球面参spherical parameter
球面参spheric parameter
球面带谐函zonal spherical harmonics
球面带谐函zonal spheric harmonics
球面带谐函surface zonal harmonics
球面折算因spherical reduction factor
球面折算因spheric reduction factor
球面换算系spherical reduction factor
球面换算系spheric reduction factor
球面方差函spheric variance function
球面波函spherical function
球面波函spheric function
球面谐函surface spherical harmonics
球面谐函surface spheric harmonics
省略因omission factor
fiber count
code number
yardage recorder
码基code base
码盘字电子秤encoder digital electronic balance
码速调整justification digit
码速调整服务justification service digit
砂的均匀系uniformity coefficient of sand
砂的细度模fineness modulus of sand
稀释倍dilution factor
稀释污泥体积指diluted sludge volume index
老化前性能unaged property value
老化因aged factor
老化指aging index
老化系ageing coefficient
茂比乌斯函Mobius function
萃取常extraction constant
调入call number
调入据保存call data save
调制传递系modulation transfer factor
调制函modulation function
调制函modulating function
调制参modulation parameter
调制声因modulation-tone factor
调制指ratio deviation
调制效率系modulation efficiency factor
调制系index of modulation
调制系测试计modulation factor meter
调制转换函modulation transfer function
调变系modulating coefficient
调和harmonic average
调和harmonic series
调和harmonic progression
调和函ellipsoidal harmonics
调和均harmonic mean
调和常harmonic constant
调和平均指harmonic average index
调和强函harmonic majorant
调和指harmonic index number
调和振幅函harmonic amplitude function
调和系harmonic coefficient
调和维harmonic dimension
调度工作区据组scheduler work area data set
调度程序工作区据集scheduler work area data set
调整函adjustment function
调整变adjusting variables
调整后adjusted figures
调整后的加权平均weighted average of post adjustments
调整因adjustment factor
调整季节变动后的seasonally adjusted figure
调整季节变动后的seasonally adjusted data
调整指adjusted indexes
调整控制justification control digits
调整的复相系adjusted multiple correlation coefficient
调整的测定系adjusted coefficient of determination
调整系adjustment coefficient
调查个number of investigation
调查点number of investigated points
调査条strip number of investigation
调理指opsonic index
调用call number
调相常phase modulation constant
调绘相片number of annotated photographs
调节函adjustment function
调节因pondage factor (水库)
调节对象响应系response curve of controlled plant
调节对象放大系amplification factor of controlled plant
调节对象时间常time constant of controlled plant
调节常regulation constant
调节常regulating constant
调节系storage ratio (水库)
调节系pondage factor (水库)
调车场办理车能力yard wagon-handling capacity
调车机车工作系coefficient of work per shunting locomotive
调频系coefficient of frequency modulation
退化函degenerate function
退化分布函degenerate distribution function
退化次order of degeneracy
平衡矩阵的退化次column nullity
退化次degree of degeneracy
退化系degree of degeneration
退化系degeneration factor
退磁因de-magnetizing factor
退磁系de-magnetizing factor
送入据计数器load data counter
适合度系coefficient of conformity
材料的适应系aptitude factor
适应系aptitude factor
适当right quantity
适当平均fair average
适用性系suitability number
适用性系applicability parameter
适用系proper-use factor
逃生安全系escape margin
逃逸率系escape rate coefficient
销售决策变marketing decision variables
销售物价指consumer price index
销售量所居位code of marketing in order
锅垢系fouling factor
锅垢系scale factor
阀的操作次frequency of valve operation
需氧指oxygen index
需氧量指oxygen demand index
需求收入弹性系coefficient of income elasticity of demand
需求系service demand factor
需求系demand factor
需用台number required
需用资料的次access frequency
需要因requirement factor
需量系demand factor
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