
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
乳酸脱氢酶lactic acid dehydrogenase level
产热系heat production coefficient
优势对计分lod score
分裂期reduction division phase
出血指bleeding index
加氏计Gaffky scale
化疗指chemotherapeutic index
卫生行为指index of health behaviour
反流分regurgitant fraction
发育百分位评价development appraisal by percentage
串联重复variable number of tandem repeat
吞噬指phagocytosis index
吞噬指phagocytic index
嗜酸性粒细胞直接计eosinophil direct count
声音效率指vocal efficiency index
性单神经炎mononeuritis multiplex
骨折multiple fracture
导热系thermal conduction coefficient
射血时间指ejection time index
ridge count
左心室质量指left ventricular mass index
年龄中位median age
心排血指cardiac index
心搏指stroke index
心脏作功指cardiac work index
抗原扩散常antigen diffusion constant
finger counting
counting fingers
性屈光不正index ametropia
性散光index astigmatism
性远视index hypermetropia
收缩期末容积指end-systolic volume index
counting fingers
CT 控扫描CT digital scan
目畸变numerical aberration
rapid pulse
量性状quantitative trait
标准对视力表standard logarithmic visual acuity chart
每搏作功指stroke work index
气体浓度分fraction concentration of gas
气流速度指gas flow rate index
注视抑制指ocular fixation index
游离甲状腺素指free thyroxin index
游离甲状腺素指的测定free thyroxine index radioactive test
滤过钠排泄分fractional excretion of filtrated sodium
牙周指periodontal index
牙周病指periodontal disease index
牙石指calculus index
白细胞分类计white blood cell differential count
白细胞分类计differential leukocyte count
盖氏计Gaffky scale
眼壁硬度系coefficient of ocular rigidity
短增量敏感指short increment sensitivity index
红细胞平均指erythrocyte mean index
网织红细胞计reticulocyte count
老龄化指index of aging
肾衰指renal failure index
臂指arm index
舒张期末容积指end-diastolic volume index
菌斑指plaque index
血小板计platelet count
语声商phonation quotient
足妊娠周appropriate for gestational age
身体指评价appraisal by body indexes
软垢指debris index
近亲系coefficient of consanguinity
钠排泄分fractional excretion of sodium
龈流血指index of gingival bleeding
龈炎指index of gingivitis