
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing | all forms
一次妊娠配种次service per conception
一次妊娠配种次services per conception
一窝产仔指多胎动物(如猪、兔)一次分娩产出的仔畜数litter size
一窝产仔litter size at birth
一窝孵化brood size
丝鞘捻number of croisures
两平均间的差数difference between means
主要指cardinal index
乳凝指cream index
乳清氮溶解指whey nitrogen solubility index
乳清蛋白氮指whey protein nitrogen index
乳脂线指cream line index
互变量函covariance function
交换系coefficient of crossing over
母猪产仔number of pigs farrowed
母猪产仔number of pig farrowed
产仔猪包括成活仔猪、死胎、木乃伊等的总数number of pigs born
产仔猪包括成活仔猪、死胎、木乃伊等的总数number of pig born
产奶日days in milk
产毛系coefficient of wool clip
产犊指指两次产犊间隔的天数。正常的产犊指数是360d 左右calving index
亲交系coefficient of inbreeding (Fx)
亲和affinity constant
人舍母鸡产蛋平均hen-housed average
体内蠕虫worm burden
体型的母牛指cow index for type
体尺指index of body size
体细胞乳房炎乳的检验somatic cell count
体重身长指baric index
供牛cattle run
侵染指infection index
侵染限infection threshold
2 倍染色体2n
世代交替antithetic alternation
假定平均是在计算过程中任意指定的平均数,可简化大样本平均数真值的计算assuming mean
假定平均是在计算过程中任意指定的平均数,可简化大样本平均数真值的计算working mean
假设频hypothetical frequency
停奶日乳用母牛一般要求每年产奶305d,年产犊一次days dry
停奶日乳用母牛一般要求每年产奶305d,年产犊一次day dry
全部血细胞complete blood count
公牛指在选择种公牛时,公牛所不能表现的一些生产性状(如产奶量等),可以用公牛指数进行估计。公牛指数的计算公式很多,一般是根据后代与母畜或群伴(群体)的比较制定的bull index
公畜指即公畜的选择指数,能代表公畜育种值的数值sire index
共亲系coefficient of coparentage
共祖系kinship coefficient
共祖系coefficient of coancestry
关系系coefficient of relationship
养畜密度指stocking density index
一年中养蚕次number of times of rearing
生丝再缫时切断breaks in winding operation
净相关系当三个变数X、Y、Z 之间有相关关系时,某一因素保持不变,其余两个变数之间的相关称为偏相关partial correlation coefficient
准确度指accuracy index
有丝分裂meiotic mitosis
有丝分裂reduction mitosis
C 减分裂C-meiosis
分裂前有丝分裂premeiotic mitosis
分裂后期postmeiotic phase
分裂后融合post meiotic fusion
分裂突变型meiotic mutant
前期prereduction phase
前期premeiotic phase
reduction phase
meiotic phase
haploid nucleus
reductional grouping
减少系reduction ratio
分化变异coefficient of differentiation
刍草面积因刍草面积所占全部草地面积的百分率forage coverage
刍草面积因刍草面积所占全部草地面积的百分率forage acre factor
初期生长指initial growth index
初生时每窝头litter size at birth
剂量减小系dose reduction facter
乳房前后指前乳房与后乳房之比,或前乳房产奶量占总产奶量的百分率front to rear index IFR
剩余叶面积指草地在被采食或割草后所余的叶面积指数residual leaf area index
加权平均weighted mean
加权算术平均weighted arithmetic average (mean)
动物size of animal
动物计装置animal counter
勃拉福羊毛细度支Bradford wool quality number
中毒剂量median toxic dose
失能剂量medium incapacitating dose
感染剂量50% infective dose
感染量median infective dose
有效量mean effective dose
组织培养感染量tissue culture infective dose
组织培养感染量50% tissue culture infective dose
组织培养细胞病变量tissue culture cytopathologic dose
组织培养细胞病变量50% tissue culture cytopathologic dose
组织感染量median tissue infection dose
细胞感染量50% tissue culture infective dose
细胞病变量50% tissue culture cytopathologic dose
致死量lethal dose median
鸡胚感染量50% egg infective dose (EID₅₀)
单位皮肤面积毛囊skin follicle population
单倍haploid number
单相关系simple correlation coefficient
卵泡follicle number
卵泡常指多胎动物发情时成熟卵泡数相对稳定的现象。 摘除一卵巢后的开始一段时间内,所剩一个卵巢仍保持原来两卵巢产生的正常卵泡数follicular constancy
卵计egg counter
卵黄系蛋黄高度对直径之比yolk index
历史资料historical data
双亲中值指mid-parent index
发情次sexual age
受胎指index of pregnancy
后代progeny size
后减分裂post-reductional division
吞噬指一群吞噬细胞中所含颗粒数的平均值avidity index
含氮量换算成蛋白质含量的系conversion factor of N to protein
呼吸指respiratory index
反刍咀嚼次frequency of chewing
品种计breed count
品质因energy factor
均匀度指homogeneity index
均匀性系coefficient of evenness
均匀系homogeneity coefficient
增加产羔次accelerated lambing
外型指condition factor
外貌的母牛指cow index for type
大肠杆菌coliform count
大肠杆菌指coliform index
大肠杆菌最近似coli titre
大肠杆菌计coli count
失败mortality amount
奶油酸度指butter acidity index
存活指survival index
empirical data
家畜量普查livestock census
家畜单位换算因各种家畜与家畜单位换算时所乘的因数,可以了解各种家畜对饲料消耗的相对关系,但因各种家畜对草地牧草的嗜食性不同,不能据此简单推断草原载畜量animal unit conversion factor
家畜头animal population
家畜存栏livestock inventory
家禽的总头poultry population
干乳天days dry
干乳天day dry
算术平均mean (arithmetic)
平均的机误standard error of mean
平均的标准误差standard error of mean
平均产仔头average number of delivered young livestock
平板计plating procedure
杂菌数的平板计plate count
并发指index of coincidence
广义吸收系generalized absorption coefficient
度量measurement data
杂种两种染色体数不同的动植物杂交所产生的杂种numerical hybrid
必需氨基酸指以鸡蛋蛋白质为标准衡量蛋白质营养价值的一种方法,即供试蛋白质的10种必需氨基酸与鸡蛋蛋白质相应的必需氨基酸之比的几何平均数essential amino acid index
性指sex index
性能参performance data
grand mean
微生物total count
总平均mean of population
总活菌total viable count
总生产性能指total performance index
总生产指general production index
总菌total bacteria count
恒齿permanent teeth number
成年母牛头cow population
成年母牛存栏cow population
成熟指maturity index
成熟系maturing factor
成熟系maturation coefficient
指产品或原料batch number
δ-指delta index
生长曲线生物的生长特征是在一定时间 (t)内的增加量 (W)与原有大小或重量 (A)成正比。这种生长按照一定指数规律进行exponential growth curve
生长期exponential phase (of growth)
选择法; 根据由不同性状的表型值制定的指数进行选择index selection
选育index breeding
按所制得的商品奶油量给稀奶油定价的办法commercial butter system
每日挤奶次time of milking
每日挤奶次times of milking
挤奶次milking frequency
number of twists
twist multiplier
捻度系twist coefficient
count of yarn
不匀率percentage of variation of counts
偏差率percentage of deviation of counts
牧草收割次frequency of cutting
单位面积放牧头水平stocking level
放牧次grazing frequency
放牧采食口grazing bites
字资料quantitative data
学遗传学mathematical genetics
据库data bank
染色体突变染色体数的畸变,包括多体与多倍体的突变numerical mutation
量主要基因quantitative major gene
量变异quantitative variability
量性状由多基因决定的能够度量的性状,如产乳量、产蛋量、剪毛量等quantitative character
量性状由多基因决定的能够度量的性状,如产乳量、产蛋量、剪毛量等quantitative trait
量性状matrical traits
量抗性quantitative resistance
批量full lot
断奶仔猪number of pigs weaned
断奶仔猪number of pig weaned
断奶成活仔畜number weaned
断奶时每窝头litter size at weaning
显微镜菌块计microscopic clump count
最小显著差即差异显著所要求的最小值,以有显著性的5%水平的差数作为标准least significant difference
细菌检验的最确most probable number
最近似most probable number
最适鉴定optimum group size
最适鉴定optimum group size
最高显著差highly significant difference
有效significance figures
有效乳头系number of functioning teats
有效乳头系number of functioning teat
有效女儿effective number of daughter
有效女儿effective daughter size
有效系efficiency index
有效系efficiency coefficient
林肯指动物种群研究中的标记和回捕指数Lincoln index
果糖分解指fructolysis index
染色体diploid chromosome number (2N)
染色体减reduction of chromosomes
染色体基X (basic number of chromosome)
染色体组number of genome
染色体臂基本nombre fundamental
标定calibration data
遥感校准calibration data
校正平均adjusted means
正态随机normal random digit
死亡mortality amount
死亡速度常death rate constant
母牛总生产性能指total performance index for cow
母牛指是计算母牛育种值 (BV)的指数cow index
母鸡只日平均hen-day average
每克粪便中寄生虫eggs per gram
每克粪便内寄生虫虫卵eggs per gram of faeces
每克粪便内寄生虫虫卵eggs per gram of feces
每升茧粒number of cocoons per liter
每头公羊配种母羊ewe per ram
每小时宰畜头beasts per hour
每小时斩牛头cattle per hour
每小时空气变换air changes per hour
每小时英里如:10~12mph,10〜12小时英里,即每小时 10〜12英里miles per hour
每批上蛋hatching eggs per setting
每批上蛋hatching egg per setting
每日给桑次feeding times in a day
每秒钟衰变disintegration per second
每窝断乳仔猪头number of pigs weaned per litter
每连续开工日桶barrels per stream day
气体流动计gaseous flow counter
气温指temperature index
氮一蛋白换算系一般用;25×含氮量求得,即以蛋白质中含氮量占16%计,实际含氮量为15.5%〜18.0%不等nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor
氮增长系N-growth index
氮平衡指计算蛋白质生物价值的一种指标,表示和氮吸收相关的氮平衡变化比率,此比值越高蛋白质的生物价值越大nitrogen-balance index
氮平衡指nitrogen balance index
氮转换系即总氮×;25=粗蛋白质nitrogen conversion factor
水溶指water soluble index
泌乳乳头number of functioning teats
泌乳乳头number of functioning teat
洪水赶羊平均stream rating
活菌计viable cell counting
浓度常concentrating constant
消化率系coefficient of digestibility
消化系coefficient of digestibility
淀粉酶指diastatic index
淋巴细胞计检验牛乳的乳房炎lymphocyte count
清蛋白指albumin index
效指thermal efficiency index
湿温指湿度与温度的比值hydrothermal index
溶解氮指nitrogen solubility index
牛头cattle numbers
牛头cattle population
牛头cattle stock
牛头cattle population
牛奶弗氏细菌计Frost count
牛存栏cattle stock
牛存栏cattle numbers
牛存栏live cattle
牛存栏cattle on hoof
牛存栏cattle population
牲畜存栏amount of livestock on hand
牲畜总头livestock capita
牲畜总头cattle stock
特克斯支tex (g/km)
猪总pig stock
理论频按照所假定的理论分布计算而得的频数theoretical frequency
生产性能指productivity index
生殖力系fecundity coefficient
生殖力系coefficient of fecundity
生殖腺系gonad condition factor
生殖腺-身体指gonadal-somatic index
生长指表示植物生长的指标数,GI =光照指数×温度指数×湿度指数growth index
畜群总极限population limitation
登簇头number of mounted silkworms
白细胞white blood cell count
白血球W. B. C.
白血球检验乳牛乳房炎leucocyte count
白血细胞W. B. C.
盖格-缪勒计G-M counter
盖格-缪勒计Geiger-Müller counter
真实actual value
种群population number
种群量变动population dynamics
种群大小最大平均maximum average population size
种群大小的单函single function of population size
种群指indices of population
科里氏系大鼠肠对单糖吸收速率的一种量度Cori coefficient
稀奶油线指cream line index
稀释倍extension rate
稀释计dilution method of counting
空怀天open days
空怀天open day
空气交换系air change coefficient
符合指不同染色体不同部分在互换中的干涉强度常用并发指数表示index of coincidence
第一减分裂first meiotic division
第一次减分裂initial meiosis
第一次减分裂后期anaphase I
第二减分裂second meiotic division
等亲指equal parent index (此指数法是母一女对比法的补充,以校正配偶间质量的偏差)
等加权指equally weighted index
米歇利斯常Michaelis constant (Km)
类型categorical data
粉碎系牧草粉碎时颗粒大小的指标modulus of fineness
粗饲料价值指roughage value index
粪便指根据粪便中指示剂的多少来间接计算干物质消化率的指数fecal index
粪便虫卵定量计quantitative fecal techniques
粪便虫卵计fecal worm egg counts
粪便虫卵计fecal egg count
粪堆计pellet count
精子计sperm counting
精确度指accuracy index
繁殖reproductive output
繁殖个体breeding size
繁殖参reproduction parameter
繁育体系布里德牛奶细菌计Breed method
红血球red blood cell count
红血细胞red blood cell count
红血细胞计red blood cell count
羊毛纺纱支spinning count
线性系coefficient of linear
组内相关系组间方差与总方差之比,表示同类变量组内变数间相似程度的数值intraclass correlation coefficient
细度支spinning count
细胞cell count
细胞减分裂reductional cell division
细胞常cell constant
细胞总检验乳房炎牛乳total cell count
细胞计cell counting
细胞计cell count service
细胞计cell counter
细胞计装置cell count service
细菌bacterial content
细菌bacterial number
细菌bacterial count
细菌bacteria count
细菌多的乳high-count milk
细菌少的奶low-count milk
细菌的测定bacteria count
细菌个bacterial number
细菌平板菌落bacterial plate count
细菌平板计bacteria plate count
细菌总total bacterial count
细菌灭死速度系death rate coefficient of bacteria
细菌菌落计bacterial colony counter
细菌计bacteria counting
细菌计bacteria count
细菌计bacteria counting apparatus
细菌计技术bacterial counting technique
经济产量系coefficient of economic yield
经过日duration of feeding period
编码coded data
缫丝绪number of reeling ends
罗勒氏指用以表示营养状况的指数Rohrer's index
羊毛细度支分级法美国羊毛原按血统分级,后亦采用按细度支数分级方法,自 36〜80支共分为14级numerical system of wool grading
羊毛细度支分级法numerical count system
耐热抱子thermophilic spore counts
联合系coefficient of association
肥满度指index of condition
肥满度指fat factor
肥满度系coefficient of fineness
育种指breeding index
胎儿半致死量litter LD₅₀
脂肪固液比指solid fat index
膘情系指家畜体长与体重的关系coefficient of condition
臂围-胸厚-臂厚指ACH index (arm girth, chest depth, hip width index)
草类指agrostological index
DEFT 荧光显微镜细菌计DEFT fluorescent microscopic counting method
微生物菌落colony count
微生物菌落clump count
微生物菌落测定colony count
微生物菌落测定clump count
菌落计colony count
营养价值指nutritive value index
营养价值指某种牧草或饲料每单位代谢活重之日食人消化量与标准牧草(或饲料)之比值nutritive value index
蛋型指egg shape figure
蛋白指albumen index
Brookhaven 蛋白质据库主要存储蛋白质的空间结构信息Brookhaven Protein Data Bank
蛋白质分散变指protein dispersility index
蛋白质分散指protein dispersibility index
蛋白质指protein index
蛋白质水解系proteolytic coefficient
蛋白质质量指protein quality index
蛋黄指egg yolk index
血细胞blood cell count
血统指pedigree index
血缘指pedigree index
血缘系relationship coefficient
血缘系kinship coefficient
血色指colour index
血色指color index
绵羊剪毛后tally pen
样方count quadrat
调整季节指adjusted seasonal indexes
调节各窝仔猪evening-up litters
调节各窝仔猪evening-up litter
调节大窝小窝仔猪evening-up litters
调节大窝小窝仔猪evening-up litter
质量变qualitative variable
质量评定分scores point
感染噬菌体superinfecting phage
排卵和胚胎移植技术multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET)
/分cycles per minute
转移系coefficient of migration
近交系Wright’s inbreeding coefficient
近交系coefficient of inbreeding (Fx)
近交系inbreeding rate
适当的放牧头proper stocking
选择指selection index method (家畜育种工作的选择方法之一)
选择指selection index
选择系electivity index
选择系coefficient of selectivity
通径系通径系数是标准化的回归系数,是莱特 (S. Wright)用于推导亲交系数和亲缘系数公式的根据path coefficient
通径系分析path coefficient analysis
遗传一经济指genetic-economic indexes
遗传一经济指genetic-economic index
遗传代genetic algebra
遗传参进行数量性状的遗传与育种研究时所需用的参考常数,一般指重复力、遗传力与遗传相关genetic parameter
配子染色体gametic number
酸指acid index
醚指ether index
重复次number of replications
重量-长度系weighting-length coefficient
野生生物生境指wildlife habitat index
镜检总菌direct microscopic clump count
镜检总菌direct microbial clump count
需水系每生产一克牧草干物质所需水的克数water requirement coefficient
非减分裂non-reduction division
饮水次watering frequency
饲喂持续duration of feeding period
饲喂次frequency of feeding
饲料系conversion rate of food
饲料转化指通常以F/G 即饲料/增重表示,单位增重消耗的饲料food conversion index feed conversion efficiency
饲料转化系food conversion efficiency
饲草营养价值指nutritive value index for forages
饲草营养价值指反刍动物具有按饲养价值选择饲草的能力,NVI 即由此计算,NVI = RI × 能量消化率nutritive value index for forages
香肠因瘦肉比率meat factor
香肠因瘦肉比率sausage factor
马力horsepower rating
黄色指指净毛的洁白度的表示方法yellow index
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