
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing 效率 | all forms
主要功效:粉底液营养丰富,具有出色的保湿水润以及隔离效应,能令肌肤持续水嫩自然,富有弹力!六、香水Efficiency: Rich in nutrition, the liquid foundation has excellent moisturizing and makeup effects to constantly keep skin tender, natural, and elastic! (Perfume)
主要功效:能加强保湿,平衡酸碱度并滋养涂抹保湿乳液的肌肤Main effect: It can enhance moisture, keep pH balance and nourish the skin of moisturizing lotion
我给你推荐个牌子吧,这个品牌有一款面霜对淡化雀斑很有效I recommend a brand to you. This brand has a face cream which is effective on fading freckles
有效期expiration date
荼薇香味的香水对神经有舒缓功效The bitter sweet perfume has a calming effect on nerves
该产品适用于油性肌肤,能有效卸妆,深层洁净毛孔及平衡油脂分泌It's a perfect cleansing solution for impure skin ; it effectively removes makeup, deeply cleanses pores and helps balance excess oil