
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
三边the tripartite reform
下列承诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不因企业合并受到损害或有所更All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses
变预计线no deviation
不会变的买主firm buyer
不可更final and binding on both parties
不可更的决定final decision
不当修improper amendment
不断continuous improvement
不能变的承诺firm commitment
不能变的责任范围the unbreakable limitation
世界工业生产结构the restructuring of world industrial production
业务进项目business improvement project
临时更步骤temporary change procedure
临时的善措施interim improvement
临时的或权宜的善措施stop-gap improvement
临时的或权宜的善措施interim improvement
进提供资金financing of improvements
产业结构industrial restructuring
他们不同意变以信用证付款的惯例They didn't agree to deviate from their usual practice of L/C payment
他们对合同条款作了几处更They made several changes in the specifications of the contract
他可以同其他人共同作出技术良和创造发明He may make some improvements and inventions jointly with others
他对进管理层和工人间的关系提出了一些建设性的建议He made some constructive suggestions for improving management-worker relations
他方必须立即修信用证,否则,你方的汇票将难以议付It is high-time that they amended the L/C, otherwise it is difficult for you to negotiate your draft
仲裁裁决的不可变性finality of the award
任务更建议task change proposal
优先筹措工业结构造资金preferential financing for reshaping industrial structure
会计上的accounting reorganization
会计师正账单上的错误The accountant rectified the mistakes in his bill
会计方法的accounting changes
会计管理体制reform of accounting management system
伪造式窜财务报表cook the books
体制the organizational reshuffling
体制structural transformation
体制the structural transformation
体制reform of the organizational system
你方9月15日函中所提之条款应作修The clause referred to in your letter of Sept. 15 shall be amended
你方的义务和职责范围未经你方书面同意不得加以The extent of your obligations and responsibilities shall not be modified without your written consent
使straighten up
使经济适应币制adjustment of economy to monetary change
使经济适应币制adjustment of economy to monetary changes
变规则更改资料内容的指令transform statement
保留更错漏的权errors and omissions excepted
信用credit reform
信用条件credit enhancement
信用证不予修,325吨大米凭保证书装船The shipment of 325 tons of rice will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment
信用证做以下几方面的修后方能接受The L/C will be accepted on revision in the following respects
信用证、印鉴amend to (a letter of credit, an authorized signature)
信用证revision of a credit
信用证amendment to a letter of credit
信用证条款amend the term of L/C
动作corrective actions
发票an amended invoice
合同amend a contract
合同条款modify the contract clauses
后的新协议有助于我们成交The new modified agreement helps us to strike a bargain
后的海运规章the amended shipping instruction
手续费amendment fee
手续费the amendment commission
措施申请corrective action request
条款an amending clause
清单list of modification
的养老金合同modified endowment contracts
章程articles of amendment
规则使其合理化streamline the rules
设计批准design change authorization
设计通知design change notice
通知书an amendment advice
房屋修缮与improvement and betterments
全面革经济体制all-round reformation of economic system
公司组整理过程中的抵押adjustment mortgage
1968年2月23日布鲁塞尔《关于修有关提单若干规则的国际公约议定书》Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading (Brussels, 23 February 1968)
农业agricultural improvement
农业信贷良计划schemes for improving agricultural credit
农具farm tool reform
农场良中期贷款medium-term farm improvement loan
农场良贷款farm improvement loan
农奴制serfdom reform
净收益正数net income correction
出租人修缮improvement by leaser
出租人修缮improvement by leasor
创始initiate a reform
为税replacement of profits by taxes
利润善计划profit improvement plan
利润善计划与执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
办事员准备好一份书面报告,待经理The clerk prepared a written report for the manager's correction
加快革步伐accelerate the speed of reform
农场work farm
offender under labour
卖方有责任修信用证The seller has the responsibility to amend the letter of credit
参与性的变周期participative change cycle
双方同意任何口头抗议都不应修装运条款It is agreed by both parties that no verbal representations shall modify the shipment terms
发动initiate a reform
只有事先得到工程师对你的修图纸的同意,你才可以不遵照已批准的原图纸You can depart from the approved drawing only if you have first obtained the approval from the engineer for your amended drawing
可随时更subject to change without notice
合同修change of contract
合同更分析contract change analysis
合同更核准contract change authorization
合同更通知书contact change noice
合同的措词需要修The wording of the contract calls for amendment
商业better business
商业进协会Better Business Bureau
固定资产良税betterment tax
固定资产良费用the betterment costs
土地良信贷计划credit schemes for land improvement
土地良工程land improvement works
土地良投资land improvement
土地良物improvement of the soil
土地良税land improvement tax
土地良计划的可租性rentability of land improvement schemes
土地良贷款land improvement loan
土地革法land reform law
土地的the amelioration of land
土壤improvement of land
在以后的交易中我们不会变这批货物的价格We shall not change the prices on the goods in subsequent transactions
在总经理亲自管理之下,工作有了很大的The work has been greatly improved under the personal superintendence of the executive
在本协议有效期内,可进行修Amendments can be made to the agreement during its life
85型是56型的进产品Type 85 is an improvement upon Type 56
基本fundamental reforms
增加及addition and betterments
外贸体制reform of foreign trade structure
外贸体制the reform of foreign trade system
如你有所有有关人员的签名,你有权变或取消合同的密级You are entitled to change or entirely cancel the classification of the contract if you have the signature of all the people involved
如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修信用证If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable
如属我方责任,请放心,我们将正错误If we are at fault, you may rely on our correcting the error
如果这类记录不准确或不充分,就作出修Amendments shall be made if such minutes are inaccurate or insufficient
如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修这一项目的施工过程If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project
宪法修草案draft of revised constitution
对现有企业的整顿、组和联合streamline vt., reorganize and merge the existing enterprises
对规定价格须作些适当变以补偿供应商由于成本增加而造成的损失The fixed prices shall be changed appropriately to compensate the supplier for any increased cost
对账目的篡manipulation of accounts
对预算外修结构的资助费a support to extra-budgetary administrative structure
条款、数量为…amend the term, the quality as ...
minor reform
工业industrial adjustment
工业分布图的更the reshaping of industrial map
工业结构an industrial restructuring
工程修建议书工作说明engineering change proposal work statement
工程修指令engineering change order
工程修请求engineering change request
工程修通知engineering change notice
工程设计图纸修engineering design drawing change
工程设计更engineering design change
工程设计的修engineering design modification
工艺improvement of process engineering
已任命我们对协议的措词作必要的修We have been appointed to make the necessary adjustment of the wording of the agreement
已按要求修了信用证The L/D has been adjusted as requested
1968年关于修统一提单若干规则的国际公约Brussels Protocol of 1968
美国1986 年税收革法案Tax Reform Act of 1986
废弃述是abandon Vs. modernize
当设备有新的进时,公司可以要求有关人员参加培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
微观经济micro-economic reform
哈里伯顿公司性能进倡仪Halliburton Performance Improvement Initiative
感谢贵方给予正的机会We appreciates your giving us the opportunity to set things right
我们保留修此合同的权利We reserve the right to revise the contract
我们允许你方5月1 日前修建议的部分内容We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1
我们对这份合同中的一些条款作了些更We made some alterations to the terms of the contract
我们将采用富有特色的设计图样来进床单的质量We shall adopt distinctive designs to improve the quality of our sheets
我们已变了诉讼地点We have changed the venue of the proceedings
我们应尽快地正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
我们根据销售公司所作的修而接受了它We accepted it upon such amendments which had been made by the sales company
我对他讲话的内容作了一些修I made some corrections to the text of his speech
我方要求你方修信用证,以便议付汇票We request you to amend your L/C to enable the negotiation of draft
扩建和addition and betterment
承租人修缮improvement by leasee
承租人修缮improvement by lessee
技术瑋规划technological transformation planning
技术造曲线technical transformation curve
技术造项目的经济效益economic benefits of projects of technological transformation
技术造项目组织实施implementation of projects of technological transformation
技术革的体现the embodiment of technological change
技术更建议technical change proposal
技术设施更手续technical facility change procedure
衣服等make over
投保人不同意不能变费率及条款的保险单closed contract
按产量提取的更新造基金a renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按产量提取的更新的造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
挖潜造资金funds to tap the potential of existing enterprises and finance their technical transformation
change one's position
amend a judgement
变为…change over
变局势alter the situation
变所有权change hands
变所有权change of ownership
变能力ability to change
变航线change of route
变航线the change of route
变航线the alteration of course
变贸易流动状态the reshaping of trade in its flows
变顺序change in sequence
upgrade (设备、工作等)
日本推行的Kaizen continuous improvement
善业务的情况mend one's market
善人际关系训练组a family group
善关系improvement of relations
善各行业工资机制improve wage parity among different trades
善外资环境improve the environment for foreign investment
善市政状况的征税betterment levy
善粮食不安全状况mitigation of food insecurity
善费improvement account
善费用the betterment expenses
a model change
revised version
new model
alternation to a building
改组费用reconstruction expenses
建工程成本cost of reconstruction works
成市价change in market value
扩建项目rehabilitation/expansion project
期会议an adjourned meeting
期宣布强制执行判决令adjourn the granting of leave to issue execution
正分录correct entry
正错误compensatory errors
new model
组债券a reorganization bond
组工作the organizational reshuffling
abandon a closed economy for (an open one, 实行开放经济)
良保全creative maintenance
良信用the amelioration credit
良信用amelioration credit
良信贷improved credit
良债券improvement bonds
良及扩充improvements and extensions
良和扩展improvement and expansion
良土地enrich the land
良土壤improve the soil
良工程improvement works
良税betterment tax
良自由主义20世纪的自由主义reform liberalism twentieth-century liberalism
良费beneficial expense
良费betterment expense
良费beneficial expenses
skill conversion
go out of business
change one's position
装杂货船converted break-bulk vessels
装费the reconditioning fee
装费用repacking charges (expenses)
recast (计划)
进业务贷款improvement operations loan
进技艺的本能instinct of workmanship
进措施corrective actions
进曲线learning curve
进的产品follow on
进的阿特拉斯•布拉德福德法Atlas Bradford modified
进计划perfect one's plan
进费账户improvement account
途运到目的地rerouted to destination
造与提高innovation and enhancement
造世界经济shaping the world economy
造前后法before/after modernization
造建筑物alteration to building
造建筑物alteration to a building
造现有企业upgrade existing enterprises
造费用reconstruction expenses
upgrade (工厂)
革世界工业生产结构restructuring of world industrial production
革、开放、搞活reforming, opening and enlivening
革开放政策reform & open policy
革的实质the essence of reforming
国际货币制度革的第一纲要First Outline of Reform
革经济体制restructure the economy
革经济管理体制reform of the structure of economic management
革蓝图a blueprint for reform
政府已批准善运输情况的建议The government has ratified the proposal to improve transportation
政府机构restructuring of government administration
教育the reformatory education
整顿或组资金reorganization fund
文字change in wording
国际连续出版物数据系统新修的题录索引new and amended titles index
新民主主义new democratic reform
新民主主义new-democratic reform
方案修决策program change decision
方案修建议program change proposal
了的支票altered check
了的符号altered symbol
卸货港的货物diversion cargo
卸货港的费用diversion charge
合同alter a contract
合同建议contract change proposal
信件等上的地址redirect (或姓名)
change order
汇率exchange alternations
目的地alteration of destination
目的港卸货条款change of destined port of discharge clause
设计建议design change proposal
通知the advice to correction
通知subcontract change notice
通知notice of change
通知change notice
预通知advanced change notice
更新make replacements and technical innovations
更新造基金the renewal and reconstruction fund
更新造基金renovation and transformation fund
更新造基金renewal and reconstruction fund
进的不动产the unimproved real estate
未预定更unscheduled changes
本协议的任何更将失去对任一方的约束力Any alternation of the agreement shall not be binding on either party
本协议目的在于转让有关进措施的特许权The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements
条约修revision of a contract
标准修通知standard change notice
根本radical reform (革)
根本radical reform (变)
此项决定不致影响或变双方的义务Such decision will not affect or alter the obligation of the both parties
法令的修amendment of law
hike (支票)
姓名an obliteration of name
支票横线an obliteration of a crossing
票证falsify documents
账目obliteration of accounts
过金额的支票raised cheque
添加或修申请addition or modification request
温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
潜在的帕霄托potential Pareto improvement
物价price reform
生产能力善因数productivity improvement factor
生活better living
由买主引起的更customer originated change
由于一些措词不确切,我们应该修合同We should revise the contract because of inaccuracy of some words
由小到中改from minor reform to moderate reform
甲方无权变、扩大或削减订货The first party shall have no authority to alter vt., enlarge, or reduce order
申请装他船application for reshipment
目标goals changing
目标goal changing
着手一项革计划inaugurate a scheme of renovation
瞬息变率instantaneous rate of change
社会social reform
社会主义socialist transformation
社会主义经济体制的自我进与自我完善the self-improvement and self-perfection of socialistic economic system
租赁资产的良工程leasehold improvement
美国税收革法案Tax Reform Act
manipulate (账目)
cook (账目)
账目the manipulation of accounts
账目cook accounts
管理进计划management improvement program
管理层和职员之间的关系善了The relations between management and employees have improved
falsify (单据)
interpolation (合同)
记录falsify a record
账目falsify accounts
账目falsification of account
经更的提单an altered bill of lading
经更的票据an altered bill
经济economic conversion
经济economic reformation
经济the economic reconstruction
经济economic reconstruction
经济the economic reform
经济economic reforms
经济革方面的投资the transformation investment
经济革方面的投资transformational investment
经济体制restructure the economy
经济体制reform of economic system
经济和社会部门的the restructuring of economic and social sector
经济和社会部门的restructuring of economic and social sector
经济管理体制reforming to economic management system
经济管理体制的全面overall restructuring of the economic management system
经理可以安排额外工作或对工作加以修,增加或减少The manager may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work
经营菁计划the management improvement program
经营的improvement of business operations
结构the structural transformation
结构structural transformation
绕航和变航线条款deviation and changing of route
维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
美国 1986 年移民革和控制法案Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986
职员工作进计划clerical work improvement program
美国联邦陆上油气资源租赁革法案Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act
若要修条款,必须征得合同所有签署人的同意In the event of changing any terms, one should get the permission of all the signatories to the contract
董事们将有权更合同中的某些条款The Directors shall have power to alter the terms of the contract
行政the administrative reform
行政administrative reform
规范修通知specification change notice
计划修申请planning change request
订货单更通知purchase order change notice
设备明细equipment modification list
设备进建议equipment improvement recommendations
设备equipment upgrading
设备修申请equipment change request
设计更design change
设计更change in design
该产品的市场性需要进的地方还多呢The marketability of the product leaves much to be desired
该公司的上述房屋侵占了人行道,应予The said premises of the corporation encroach-ed the pavement and should be improved on
该合同需要修The contract wants amending
说明买方用其他型号prevail upon buyer to use other type
请注意我方建议对本协议作出修Please note that we suggest modifications to the agreement
调整与readjusting and reforming
财产准备reserve for improvement on property
货币革方案project of monetary reform
质量进过程quality improvement process
资产betterment of assets
资产建与扩建assets betterments and additions
资产betterment of assets
转包人规范更通知subcontractor specification change notice
转包更通知subcontract change notice
边际marginal improvement
过程连续continuous process improvement
这一程序极不规范,应加以This procedure is highly irregular, and should be improved on
这份修过的信用证代替以前所开的那一份The amended L/C took the place of the one established previously
这家公司打算独家从另一家公司购买技术进措施The company purposes purchasing technological improvements exclusively from another company
这家堆满了廉价书的书店,将被组和调整The book store full of piles of remainder books will be reorganized and readjusted
这种洗衣机在投产前做了相当大的The washing machine was modified considerably before it went into production
这艘新船有些进之处Some improvements are embodied in the new ship
通过优化成本的质量quality improvement through cost optimization
金额被涂成大额的支票raised cheque
销售部经理已经放弃了变产品颜色的想法The sales manager has given up the idea of changing the product color
防涂的支票a protected check
除非你们修条件,否则我们只得放弃与你们合作的机会We have to give up the chance of cooperation with you unless you revise your conditions
雇主识别码、号employer identification change
零件可靠性进计划parts reliability improvement program
革的蓝图a blue-print for reform
面向市场的market-oriented reforms
预算革问题problem of budget reform
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