
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一次买卖的return from a sale
一经通知即可还的债务debit at call
一致敛假定uniform convergence assumption
一致性敛检验test for uniform convergence
一般入水平general income level
一般入水平及生活水平general income level and living standard
下属单位上缴净net income turned-in by subsidiaries
小费no gratuities accepted
小费no gratuity accepted
不动产益抵押pledging of income from real property
不劳unearned revenue
不可流通的non-negotiable receipt
不可能回的贷款bad loan
不可靠益检验blue sky earning test
不合格品验方法费用cost of accepting defective process
不同税管辖权之间的收入和费用分配jurisdictional allocation of income and expenses
不固定益的证券securities with variable yield
不定期nonperiodic earning
不洁货单dirty matter receipt
不清洁货单dirty mate's receipt
不清洁大副即收据上有大副的批注foul mate's receipt
不确定或有额外入的公司债bond with uncertain or contingent income
不等价交换profit from unequivalent exchange
不等价交换profit from unequal exchange
不能回的成本irrecoverable cost
不能回的投资nonrecoverable investment
不能回的投资non-recoverable investment
不能回的投资irrecoverable investment
不能回的投资non-recoverable outlay
不能回的资本irrecoverable capital
不能回的资金non-recoverable funds
不能提前回的公司债券uncallable bond
不记名即未经签字的收据blank receipt
不记名信托bearer depositary receipt
不靠工资为生的如靠地租或证券收益为生independent means
专利权income from royalty
业务有关各方之间的入分配allocation of income among related business parties
企业income of enterprise
企业入分配income distribution within enterprise
企业支差额balance of the income and expenditure of enterprise
企业支项目分类classification of receipts and payments of enterprise
企业人均工资average wage earnings per person in the enterprise
企业利润留成portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use
企业家entrepreneurial income
企业家entrepreneurial earnings
企业家益或纯利undertaker's rent
企业经营用留存earnings retained for use in the business
企业资金支状况fund position of business
优先税管辖权primary jurisdiction
会计规费fees earned
会费征collection of contribution
传真电报接facsimile receiver
传统益表格式conventional income statement form
传统式益表traditional format of income statement
倒接递价reverse take-over bid
借贷付平衡表balance of payments credits and debits
分享shared revenue
分享机会、资源和sharing of opportunities, resources and rewards
分得income gain
分散decentralized collections
分期款销售conditional sale
分期款销售的递延利润deferred profit on installment sales
分期付款installment scrip
分期付款installment receipt
分期付款下应款的付现方法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for instalment receivable
分期付款销售proceeds of installment sales
分期付款销货installment revenue
分期应账款installment receivable account
分期股票installment scrip
分期连续series of receipts
分析应款欠账的时间aging the receivable
分步益表multiple-s tep income statement
分段费制block meter rate
水陆联运的分段运费separate payment of freight
分级purchase by grade
分部益表divisional income statement
分部益表departmental income statement
分配后的国民national income distributed
分配给外联单位净net income distribution to affiliated unit
分配部分的国民national income by distributive shares
划分权益和益的观念concept of distinguishing equity from revenue
活动revenue-producing activities
创汇revenue in foreign exchange created
初次first fruits
包工合同预contract deposit received
包括一切的all-in rate
包括税在内inclusive of tax
报人名址全录communicate all addresses
各种基金应税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by fund
合同contract revenue
合同规定的约定收益contractual income
合同预款项advance received on contract
合并益与盈余表combined income and surplus statement
合并益和留存收益consolidated income and retained earning
合并益表consolidated income sheet
合法legitimate income
合法lawfully earned income
合营企业income from joint venture
合资企业joint venture income
入相抵balance the receipts
同一笔账编制的复式现金入单据multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing
同一项目连续continuing nature relating of the same item of income
名义nominal income
名义notional income
名义nominal income
向最佳化政策converge toward the optimal policy
土地如农产品、 矿山、森林等收入land revenue
土地land reclamation
土地fruit of the land
处理固定资产income on disposal of fixed asset
处理库存profit on treasury stock
处理资产proceeds from disposal
备抵回成本allowance for collection cost
复写式duplicate receipt
外侨遗产没droit c'aubaine
外侨遗产没droit d'aubaine
外勤款员outside collector
外国投资income on foreign investment
外国来源foreign source income
外国税扣除额结转carry-over of foreign tax
外国税抵免全面限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
外国税抵免分国限额per country limitation
外国税抵免分项限额per item limitation
外国税抵免特别限额special limitations on the foreign tax credit
外国税间接抵免indirect foreign tax credit
外国遗产税税抵免credit for foreign death taxes
外埠代款项incoming collection
外汇exchange earning
外汇foreign exchange receipts
外汇earnings in foreign exchange
外汇入留成余额retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
外汇foreign exchange receipts and disbursement
外汇支差额balance one's foreign exchange budget
外汇支差额balance one's foreign currency budget
外汇支平衡表balance of payments in foreign currencies
外汇支预算表budget for foreign exchange receipts and disbursements
外汇gain on foreign exchange
外汇gain from exchange
外汇佣金commission received on foreign exchange
外贸支状况foreign trade position
外贸年度annual return of foreign trade
外销export revenues
费用单overcharge sheet
多栏式现金入日记账columnar cash receipt journal
多段式益表multiple step form of income statement
多种税multiple taxation
多级阶段cascade tax
多级式益表multistep income statement
多阶段征的交易税cascading transaction tax
够本分析中的边际contribution margin in break-even analysis
尊函your letter to hand
slight gain
小额入所得税减免额small income relief
金额amount undercollected
市价和入政策market prices and incomes policy
市场吸market absorption
市场吸market absorption
市政税municipal taxation
帕累托入分配定律Pareto law of income distribution
开出与进信用证letters of credit: opened and received
开发者益或预算developer's return or budget
开盘价与盘价opening rate and closing rate
异地托intercity collection via bank
异地托inter-city collection
异地托country collections
引进技术的消化、吸与创新assimilate advanced technologies from abroad and improve upon them
弥补成本后的边际益率marginal rate of return over cost
意外contingent gain
成品销售income from sale of finished products
成本-益分析cost-benefit analysis
成本-益对比研究cost-benefit study
成本-益比率cost-benefit ratio
成本—益率Cost Benefit Ratio
成本一益估价cost-benefit evaluation
成本与入的全期配合period matching of cost and revenue
成本与营业入相配合matching cost with revenue
成本与入配合matching cost with revenue
成本与益一致原则cost matching income principle
成本与益对应cost matching income
成本与益对应概念cost matching income concept
成本与益相配原则cost matching income principle
成本吸活动cost-absorbing activities
成本和入的增减率cost and income gradient
成本和入的梯形增减率cost and income gradient
成本回cost recovering
成本回cost-recovery basis
成本回cost recovering basis
成本回period of the cost recovery
成本回条款cost recovery terms
成本回cost-recovery method
成本按益分配allocation of costs to revenue
成本纯益率cost-net income ratio
我方已到贵方2013年9月1日开出的金额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals
我方需在交货日期前30天到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
或有应contingent receivable
持续性sustainable income
指定受人designated recipient
指定货人to order
指定货人named consignee
指定货人提单to order bill of lading
指定负责回外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
指数化indexed income
入形式分的类classified by forms of income
入组别分配distribution by income group
款银行决定交单document against discretion of collecting bank
按一定比例征国有企业所得税income tax on state-owned enterprise in proportion to their profits
按一般物价水准调整的益额income measurement improved by general-price level adjustment
按亏损结算与转回规定的税抵免待遇loss carry back-carry forward credits
按交易量分配入和费用transactional allocation of income and expenses
按人口平均的国民per capita income
按付款交单方式取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
按区统一zone haulage
按合同完成确认入法completed contract method of revenue recognition
按增长净益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on net income increment
按年基数净益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on base year net income
按承兑交单方式取某人购货款draw D/A against someone's purchase
按投资益率定价return-on-investment pricing
按时间调整益率time-adjusted rate of return
按最好盘价成交market on closing
按期duly received
按未余额计息interest base on uncollected balance
按比例scale fee
按毛率购买广告法gross rating points buy
按清偿能力计算的国际支差额balance on liquidity
按营业入确定交货法delivery on basis of revenue recognition
按货物体积计运费cubic measurement
按载货负担能力取运费制度charging what the traffic will bear
按量volume charge
易于税的债券bond subject to call
最低入国家lowest-income country
最低入水平minimum earning level
最低入阶层lowest-income class
最低报酬minimum rate of return
最低益率minimum yield
运费、保险费最低minimum charge
最低可费金额minimum charge collectable
最低可接受益率lowest acceptable rate of return
最低税minimum taxable income
最佳持续益率optimum sustainable yield
最后last received
最后回ultimate recovery
最后验final inspection and acceptance
最后验试验final acceptance trail
支计划monthly revenue and expenditure plan
益表monthly income statement
月均average monthly income
月均average monthly earnings
月平均average gain per month
月度支预算monthly revenue and expenditure budget
月度财务支计划monthly financial revenue and expenditure plan
益的企业paying concern
有保证益的债券guaranteed income bond
有关入利益earning-related benefit
有可能稀释冲减每股益的证券potentially dilutive securities
有吸力递价即带有津贴的递价come on bid
有形tangible returns
有把握回的债款good debts
有抵押益债券debenture mortgage bond
有指望获得最大promising the best yield
有效的可用于购买的effective buy income
有期terminable income
有权回金融投资option to withdraw portfolio
有条件期款项bill and accounts receivable with terms
有界缩空间boundary compact space
有限吸能力limited absorptive capacity
服务及汇兑差价service income and difference on exchange
契约forward contract bought
期中益表interim income statement
期望入平均数average of expected incomes
期望益率expected rate of return
期望投资益率expected rate of return on investment
期末yield to maturity
欠缴基建capital construction revenue pending remittance
次日交银行同业交易,成交后的次日交收value spot
次要secondary income
次要收益second income
清洁clean receipt
清洁货单clean mate's receipt
清理liquidation income
漏报omission of income
理论theoretical yield
理论益率theoretical yield rate
生产入成本cost-of-production income
生产income from production
生产因素中的回法则law of returns to factors of production
生产的国民national income produced
生命期间life time income
生存subsistence income
生活费living expenditure income
生活费income available for living expenses
码头wharfinger's receipt
码头指货船方证明货已入仓或交码头的收据dock receipt
tax collection
revenue from taxes
估值tax assessment
公平equitability of taxes
公约tax convention
准备provision for taxation
减免tax credit
分担tax sharing
制度tax dispensation
制度tax system
制度再调整readjustment of taxation system
刺激鼓励如鼓励投资、出口等tax incentive
单据tax voucher
原理principle of taxation
参考价格如原油牌价作为征税依据tax reference price
受益tax benefit
excise man
弹性elasticity of tax
征收清册collector's roll
抵免matching credit
抵免互惠协定bilateral agreement on tax credit
抵免方案tax credit scheme
抵免的纳税人条件persons eligible
抵负avoid fiscal
抵销tax offset
抵销的亏损公司即免激所得税的亏损公司tax-loss corporation
押金duty deposit
指数化indexation of tax
收入revenue receipt
收入revenue receipts
改革tax reform
改革法tax reform act
政策taxation policy
更正reassessment of taxes
ratio of taxes to deposits
的可接受性acceptability of taxes
的合法负担formal incidence of tax
的部门归宿sector incidence of taxes
的集中效应concentration effect of tax
稽征assessment and collection
稽征费用compliance and collection cost of taxes
稽征额amount assessed
稽查员inspector of tax
稽核员audit clerk of the tax
类目表scheduled tax
统计tax statistics
计算基础确认confirmation of the tax computation basis
评定人tax assessor
转移shifting and incidence of tax
项目tax item
预扣制deduction-at-source system of collection
预期票据tax-anticipation note
税前income before tax
税前pretax income
税前earnings before taxes
税前益比率earnings coverage
税前净net income before tax
税后income after tax
税后益率after-tax rate
税后净net income after tax
税后净net income after income tax
税后实际益率after-tax real rate of return
税后留用净net income retained after tax
税外non-tax receipt
税款包tax farmer
税款征collection of tax
编列支明细表scheduling receipts and expenditures
营业business return
营业income from operation
营业opening revenue
营业revenue receipts
营业operating gains
营业收益business income
营业入与支出revenue expenditures and receipts
营业入减除数operating revenue deduction
营业入按约完成确定法completed contract method of revenue recognition
营业入明细表statement of operating revenue
营业入款托收automatic revenue collection
营业入的收付实现确定法cash basis of revenue recognition
营业入的确定recognition of the revenue
营业入确定revenue recognition
营业入表statement of operation revenue
营业入表statement of operation income
营业入账户科目revenue accounts
营业入销售确定法sale basis of revenue recognition
营业business income and expenditure
营业支汇总表summary of operation revenues and expenses
营业operating revenue
营业business earnings
营业收入operating income
营业益减免额earned income exemption
营业净net return
营业净即减去营业费用后的收入net operating income
营业净net operating income
营业净net operating earning
营业前preoperating revenue
营业外nonoperating income
营业外nonoperating revenue
营业外nonoperating earning
营业外支明细表non-operating expense supporting schedule
营业外支账nonoperating income and expenditure account
营业外支账户non-operating income-expenditure account
营业外nonoperating gain
营业外non-operating earning
营业外益账nonoperating income account
营业总gross receipt
营业总gross operating profit
营业支出与revenue expenditure and receipts
营业权入确定权现法cash collection basis on revenue recognition
营运revenue from operations
营销现金cash provided by operation
调整后毛adjusted gross income
调整后留存adjusted retained earnings
调整已获adjusted earned income
调整性税corrective taxes
调整营业adjustment of business income
入影响negative income effect
负税negative tax
财产income from property
财产funded income
财产没confiscation of property
财产没forfeiture of property
财产的没confiscation of wealth
财产租赁income from leasing property
财产转让income from transferred property
财产转让income from transfer of property
财务入概算estimate of financial returns
财务入概算estimates of financial income
财务入概算estimates of financial returns
财务入概算estimate of financial income
财务支分析financial revenue and expenditure analysis
财务支分配制revenue and expenditure-sharing system
财务支平衡revenue and expenditure in balance
财务支平衡balance of financial revenue and expenditure
财务支状况financial revenue and expenditure condition
财务支规划financial revenue and expenditure program
财务支计划plan for financial income and expenditure
财务支计划financial revenue and expenditure plan
财务financial gain
财务financial benefit
财务益及费用表statement of financial income and expense
财务税fiscal charge
财政financial income
财政入最高限额limit of maximum financial revenue
财政支平衡balancing budgetary revenue and expenditure
财政支平衡balance of financial revenue and expenditure
财政支相抵点用以观察损益financial break-even point
财政益率financial rate of return
财政税政策fiscal and tax policy
财政虚nominal revenue
账外invisible receipts
账款可回性collectibility of accounts
账面报酬book rate of return
退休后入养老金retirement income endowment
退料入库return-to-stock form
送交核对验move to quantity check
送货款服务cash on delivery service
逐批验lot by lot acceptance
递增益流incremental income flow
递延deferred revenue
递延入欠账deferred revenue obligations
递延所得如扣存退休金等deferred income
递延利息deferred interest income
递延利息入账户deferred interest income account
通信income from communication
通常验accept as is
通用运输费率collection through rate
通知赎券益率yield in call
通融验accommodation acceptance
通行税卡toll bar
通货contraction of money in circulation
通过邮局:托post office: collections
速遣费dispatch earning
销售avails of the sale
销售款比率receivable to sales ratio
销售益率ratio of income as a percentage of sales
销售净net proceeds from sales
销售净额与应款项比率ratio of net sales to receivables
销售总gross income from sales
销售总gross proceeds
销售总gross proceeds of sales
销货income from sale of products
销货revenue from goods sold
销货sales revenues
销货income from sale of goods
销货sale proceeds
销货入净额百分率percentage of the net sales
销货净net proceeds from sale
销货净额与应款的比率ratio of net sales to the receivable
错误拒false rejection rate
错误验false acceptance rate
餐饮应款分类账tray ledger
鼓励性税incentive tax
鼓励性税incentive taxation
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