
Terms for subject Economy containing 收汇 | all forms | in specified order only
一个从国外收到股利或贷款利息的国家可说是赚到外汇A country receiving dividends or interest on loans from abroad is said to have earned foreign exchange
互相收受汇票keep open account
他们已收到我方3月1日的票据和发票,愿意接受我方见票20天付款的汇票They have received our bills and invoice dated 1st March and are willing to accept our draft at 20 day's sight
代收国内汇票collection of domestic drafts and bills
代收跟单汇票collection of documentary bills
以自己为收款人的汇票出票人drawer payee
但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
你将收到汇款作为对你方损失的补偿You will receive the remittance in compensation for your loss
关于外汇资金的收支安排arrangement for income and expenditure of foreign currency
净收益一万美元将用电汇的方式汇付The net proceeds $10.000 will be paid by way of T.T. remittance
出口收汇方法the manner of collecting export proceeds
协助解决外汇收支平衡assistance in balancing foreign currency revenue and expenditure
84 междун.торг. 84号信用证的收汇claim on L/C No.
84号信用证的收汇claim on L/C No. 84
吸收外汇foreign exchange inducement
增加外汇收入increase foreign currency income
外币收款的汇票bill receivable in foreign currency
外汇收人exchange earnings
外汇收人和支出foreign exchange receipt and disbursement
外汇收入foreign exchange receipt
外汇收入earning in foreign exchange
外汇收入earnings of foreign exchange
外汇收入foreign earnings
外汇收入和支出foreign exchange receipts and disbursements
外汇收支顺差favourable balance of foreign exchange earnings and outlays
外汇收益exchange gain
收汇a receipted bill (票据)
应收出口汇票账户export bill receivable account
应收外国汇票foreign bills receivable
应收外币汇票foreign currency bill receivable
应收票据与应收承兑汇票的贴现discounted notes and acceptances receivable
开盘汇率与收盘汇率the opening rate and closing rate
我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
收汇collection demand draft
收汇bills for collection
托收出口汇票账户export bill for collection account
未汇出收益unremitted earnings
汇兑收益exchange earnings
汇总收支摘要簿abstract book
汇票已送交银行按光票托收The draft was sent to the Bank on clean collection
汇票托收collection of draft and bills
现金收支汇总表combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement
银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价bank's rates for customers
非贸易外汇收人nontrade foreign exchange earnings