
Terms for subject Economy containing 支 付费用 | all forms | in specified order only
不足支付购买费用的租赁a non-payout lease
为了付还费用,你方可开汇票向我方支取In reimbursement of this cost you may draw on us
你方应在事前支付部分费用You should pay the costs in part before hand
国际金融公司偿付的劳务和支助费用International Finance Corporation service and support fee
复制一切图纸或技术规格说明书,无论是初稿还是最后定稿,都应由你方支付费用Reproducing all drawings and specifications, both preliminary and final, are at your cost
寄去XX美元支票一张,承付所有费用We send you a check for $ ... in payment of all charges
已汇去 2500 美元支付各项费用The remittance for $2500 has been sent to cover the expenses
总经理答应支付展览的费用The general manager agreed to defray the costs of the exhibition
我们答应向他们支付专利权使用费,作为使用创造发明的特权的报酬We promise to pay the royalty to them as the reward for the privilege of using their inventions
我方支付了一笔不可回收的预付款作为专利使用费We made a non-refundable advance payment for royalties
房屋的租金是按政府公布的费用标准支付的The rent of the house was paid at the published rate by the government
承包商应支付各种可收回的费用The reimbursable costs shall be paid by the contractor
承包商应支付因仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus
担保支付的使用费guaranteed royalty payment
按实值支付的矿区使用费royalty in value
支付生产要素费用factor payment
支付生产要素费用factor payments
支付费用meet expense
根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
现场费用支付authorized field expenditure
经常费用和支付书expenses standing order
货物转运,费用由我方支付The goods are to be transshipped at our expense
贵方应如数支付一切不可收回的费用You shall pay all the expenses not reimbursable at acturials
通常是败诉的一方应付给由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit
零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself