
Terms for subject Rail transport containing 支座 | all forms | in specified order only
卧铺支座berth support bracket
可调高支座height-adjustment bearing
固定支点座fixed fulcrum bracket
天线支柱座antenna support base
定位支座drop bracket
定位索支座cross span drop bracket
弧形支座curved bearing
弹簧支承座spring retainer
抗震支座earthquake-resistant bearing
支座中心线centre line of bearing
支座十字线cross curve of bearing
支座围板coaming of bearing
支座型号type of bearing
支座橡胶板rubber plate of bearing
支撑座组对装置supporting seat assembling device
柴油机支座engine support
滑动支座slide bearing
滚轴摇轴支座roll-shaft bearing
缓冲杆前支座buffer rod front seat
缓冲杆后支座buffer rod back seat
聚四氟乙烯支座poly-tetrafluoroethylene bearing
聚四氟乙烯支座PTFE bearing
聚四氟乙烯支座polytetrafluoroethylene bearing
聚四氟乙烯滑动支座polytetrafluoroethylene slide plate bearing
铸钢支座steel bearing
钢轨支座刚度stiffness of rail bearing
铰式支座hinge bearing
锁紧杆支座locking bar bracket
锻造支撑座forged bracket