
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
业务供者中心service provider centre
业务供者站service provider station
云风取系统cloud wind extraction system
位置location cues
信息information extraction
因特网信息内容供商information content provider
修正前置adjust for lead
助熔剂拉法flux pulling technique
半自动semi-automatic extraction
供数据的图形informative pattern
可靠性高系数reliability improvement factor
吸收抽萃取absorptive extraction
售主供的材料vendor supplied material
地球重力供速度增量delta-V Earth gravity assist (空间探测器利用地球引力助推的一种方式)
多普勒取器Doppler extractor
多纳Donati comet
多纳彗星Donati comet
导弹missile lifting
导弹升机missile erector
导弹升机missile lifter
导弹升机missile elevator
导弹升机构missile lifting mechanism
导弹升起吊工具missile lifting and hoisting tool
导弹升高度限位器missile lifting height limiter
塞尔Conticell (一种专利的轻质夹芯结构)
引信前时间fuze prediction time
to be supplied
to be provided
战略警报前时间strategic warning lead-time
式测试装置portable test equipment
式热成像器hand-held thermal imager
式电台hand-held radio
风速表hand anemometer
手动manual extraction
承包商供的设备con tractor furnished equipment
承包商供的设备contractor-furnished equipment
抽象服务供者abstract service provider
指标extraction of index
交日期submission date
出索赔要求accusing call
前交会early-bird encounter (未命中,口语)
前位置方位角azimuth at future position
前发射leading launching
前拆卸周期premature-removal period
前拆卸率premature-removal rate
前控制advanced control
前方位角azimuth at future position
前点火advanced ignition
前点火advanced timing
前点火advance ignition
前点火控制spark advance control
前燃烧advanced burning
前爆炸premature explosion
前瞄准线future line of sight
前角advanced angle
前角angle of allowance
前角angle of lead
前角angle of advance
前角angular aiming allowance
前角lead-ahead angle
前角angular lead
前角advance angle
前角表angle of lead table
前调度法forward scheduling
前距离future range
前量aiming parameter
前量aiming for lead
前量aiming leeway
前量测定lead prediction
前量计算机lead computer
前量误差predictor error
前量调节predictor control
升降构件lifting arm
动力poppet valve
升降高度lifting height
升传输emphasis transmission
升导弹lift missile
取钚/铀Purex plutonium/uranium extraction
契诺卫星Ticino satellite (瑞士学生设计的立方体卫星)
lifting handle
拉式导弹弹射装置pull up ejection device
导弹拉式弹射装置pull-up jettison device
速能力speed capability
高性能的发动机improved-performance engine
高性能的发动机increased-performance engine
高质量计划quality enhancement program
插入取复用器add/drop multiplexer
政府供的材料government-furnished material
政府供的航天设备government furnished aerospace equipment
政府运货government bill of lading
数据data extraction
方位前量azimuth to future position
方位前量azimuth at future position
前角跟踪自导引zero-lead homing
时钟clock recovery
前角的自导引lead-homing control
模型参数extraction of model parameters
not provided
测距音range tone extraction
点火ignition advance
stilb (表面亮度单位,等于1新烛光/平方厘米)
物理量extraction of physical quantities
特定特征extraction of specific features
特征信号signature extraction
电路circuit extraction
瞄准前补偿point-ahead compensation
空间链路扩展服务供者service provider
级间前分离premature stage separation
结构特征structural feature extraction
网络服务供者network service provider
胶带取法tape lift method (测量污染的一种方法)
自动化图像数据取系统automated image data extraction system
自动数据取及制表程序automatic data extractor and plotting table
自适应地域供的相控阵雷达adaptive ground implementing phased array (美国海军卫星通信用的)
要求供资料request for information
前量angular lead
前量angular aiming allowance
距离取器电路range extractor
图像轮廓contour extraction
载波carrier extract
边缘edge extraction
遥控telecommand delivery
部件可靠性高程序parts reliability improvement routine
acid extraction
随机黎卡方程stochastic Riccati equation
黎卡方程Riccati equation