
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
不另not otherwise provided
release Bill of Lading
倒签antedated Bill of Lading
偷窃货不着险Theft Pilferage and Non-Delivery
凭保函delivery against letter of guarantee
卸货、仓储和货费landing, storage and delivery
可转让的negotiable Bill of Lading
备运收妥待运received for shipment Bill of Lading
定值valued Bill of Lading
客户到仓库自的货物customer pick up
履约前期fulfillment lead time
已装船on shipped Bill of Lading
市内货费downtown picking up charge
omnibus Bill of Lading
combined Bill of Lading
待运received for shipment bill of lading
旅客行李unchecked baggage
承运人有装载选择权的optional stowage Bill of Lading
拼箱groupage bills of lading
出索赔file lodge, raise a claim
美国前发送舱单安全费Advance Manifest Security Charge
单份数copies of Bill of Lading
单的背书和转让endorsement and transfer of Bill of Lading
箱日期pick up date
箱费pick up pick-up charge
花布fancy cloth
货单小提单Delivery Order
货和送货pick up and delivery
货并包装pick and pack
货指南delivery instruction
货收据Delivery Receipt
货日期pick up date
货费用delivery charge
货通知cargo delivery notice
货通知书notice of delivery
海关保税货物货单出库证书dandy note
海运货物marine bill of lading
清洁已装船clean on board Bill of Lading
物流服务供商Logistics Service Provider
FIATA 的联运FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading
目的港货费Destination Delivery Charge
直接direct delivery
直航direct Bill of Lading
租船合约下签发的charterparty B/L
租船合约下签发的Bill of Lading issued under charter party
空箱交单equipment despatch order
简易short form bill of lading
红字red bill of lading
联合运输combined bill of lading
舱面交货on deck bill of lading
舱面货甲板货on deck Bill of Lading
计数count Bill of Lading
货运代理forwarder's bill of lading
货运代理人的forwarding agent's bill of lading
运费在卸货港支付的货单freight release
运输代理行货代house Bill of Lading
附有批注的claused Bill of Lading
集装承运公司consolidator's bill of lading
集运拼箱groupage Bill of Lading
顺签deferred Bill of Lading