
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
出权利要求或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defences
示方式by-pass mode
不准转让not negotiable bill of lading
不可转让non negotiable bill of lading
不得转让的straight bill of lading
不洁dirt bill of lading
不洁bill of lading with reservation
不清洁unclean bill of lading
不清洁附批注的提单foul bill of lading
不清洁即提单上批注有货物包装破损或件数不足等字样的提单dirty bill of lading
不能前收回的公司债券uncallable bond
不记名即未填收货人的提单blank bill of lading
不需单的担保送货indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L
专题信息selective dissemination of information
个人供的担保personal surety
中性neutral party bill of lading
中性指以信用证受益人以外的第三者为托运人的提单neutral party bill of lading
为信用好的顾客供贷款loan to good customers
为商店供资金finance a store
为赊购业务供资金的机构institute for hire-purchase financing
为赊购业务供资金的机构institute for hire-purchase, financing
master way bill
买主自货折扣hauling allowance
买主自货折扣haul back allowance
交出凭以提货surrender of bill of lading
交换指经转运的货物,其启运港提单为交换提单Switch bill of lading
交换中交入与出的票据incoming and outgoing clearing exchange
交货前期delivery lead times
产品价格产生连锁价影响spillover effect onto prices of goods
产品价格产生连锁价的影响spillover effect onto prices of goods
产量improvement of products
从保税仓库中take out of bond
从前推出结论deduce a conclusion from premises
从外汇储备中drawing on reserve of foreign exchange
从贷款项下drawing on a loan
低音double bass
作为抵销出的债权claim made by way of set-off
两份提单中未用的一份作废spent B/C
供料升机feeder elevator
倒填antedated bills of lading
倒填日期foredated bill of lading
倒签ante dated bill of lading
倒签日期anti-dated bill
债券前偿还advance payment of bond
债券前赎回call provision on bonds
假定前下的试验hypothesis under test
停埠货单berth bill of lading
停止供订货kill order
偷盗和货不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery
偷窃及货不着险pilferage, theft and nondelivery risks
偿债基金sinking fund
货物单undelivered cargo list
充分供资金的限制条件full funding limitation
免费be issued free
全套即轮船公司签发的二至三份的正式提货单full set of bill of lading
全程through document
全面高经济效益all-round development of economic performance
以新债券换旧债券公债前转期advance refunding
关于统一单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading
内在前internal premise
内河inland-water bill of lading
内河航运barge bill of lading
内陆指装货地与目的地均在内陆的提货单inland bill of lading
内陆inland bill of lading
再贴现率increase in the rediscount rate
国际货市基金组织net drawing (IMF)
减去取的存款数额minus amount withdrawn
即将提单分成两套或两套以上提单separate bill of lading
分期累积预付货款货法layaway plan
利率increase of interest rate
别处未not elsewhere indicated
别处未及者not elsewhere included
到期due presentment
到期汇票due presentment
到港port bill of lading
副署countersignature bill of lading
劳动生产率increase of labour productivity
包括偷窃及货不着在内的保险coverage including theft, pilferage and nondelivery
半自动quasi automatic drawing
协会即国际转运行协会联合会提单FIATA bill of lading
协会盗窃及货不着条款Institute Theft, Pilferage and NonDelivery Clause
协会联合运输FIATA combined transport bill of lading
协议heads of agreement
卡车trucking bill of lading
即期Sight Draft Bill of Lading
即期current bill of lading
卸货和landing and delivery
原油炼厂refinery of crude oil
双联汇票先示并付款的一联principal bill
counter proposal
合伙人款账户partner's drawing account
向N申诉,起诉 Mlodge M with (N)
向 M 出Napproach M with (N)
向银行make a draft on bank
器具存基金furniture and fixture sinking fund
拉丁语在下面及之处ubi infra
在存款账内drawing down on the deposit account
包装标志在此处heave here
在油田有效期内摊amortize over life of field
备运received for shipment bills of lading
备运货单指未装船前签发的提单received for shipment bill of lading
外在示物extrinsic cues
master way bill
大修理基金存率overhaul amortization rate
大幅度increase by a large margin
存折储蓄pass book saving withdrawals
存栈即美国特有的"棉花提单":棉花待装提单custody bill of lading
季节性前购货advance buying for the season's needs
完工前期completion lead time
定期储蓄fixed savings withdrawals
定期储金fixed saving with draws
展期renewal bill
常规regular long form bill of lading
并装业空运指航空于承运货物时签发给并装业或承运商的运输单据。简写: MAWBmaster air waybill
分期收取分担额required installment contribution
存坏账准备的贷款credit qualifying for bad debts reserve
款项转让assignment of proceeds
应付预税款的人persons subject to withholding
应对有关人员供的方便facilities to be accorded to the relevant personnel
应收票据的现值摊present value amortization on note receivable
开出issuance of bill of lading
开办费摊organization expenses amortized
B 式model B bill of lading
必需资金supply of necessary funds
总括omnibus bill of lading
总收益成折旧depreciation-gross earning
总空运master air waybill
成套set of bills of lading
成本cost up
房地产存金land and build sinking fund
hand carried
hand carry
商标名步话机Handie Talkie
电报机Handie Talkie
行李hand baggage
批注claused bill of lading
承保对被保险人出的责任索赔cover liability claim against the assured
承兑present a bill for acceptance
承兑指汇票或本票持有人向付款人提示票据,要求承兑或付款presentment for acceptance
承兑示汇票bill presented for acceptance
承兑示汇票accept a draft on presentation
承兑示的汇票bill presented for acceptance
承包人供的器材设备contractor furnished equipment
承认有要求供契据的权利acknowledgement of right to production of documents
技术转让成费百分率percentage payment on technological transfer charge
折旧amortization of charge
持单人指示bearer order bill of lading
指定收货人to order bill of lading
指示式open order bill of lading
单重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
按不同期限摊written off on different time schedule
按产量取的更新改造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按商业条件供资金financing on commercial terms
按年取的预算资金permanent annual charge
按级price raising by grade
为担保品的资产assets pledged as collateral
交单据delivery of document
交纳税申报表submit a tax return
交计划delivery of program
交证券交易委员会的季度报告quarterly reporting to SEC
保险保障provide cover
供保证provide cover
供信息offering information
供信息资料furnish information
供信贷者grantor of credit
供制造工艺信息offering information on manufacture
供劳务合同contract for the supply of labour
供发展资金financing the development
供商业信息give trade reference
供国际投资delivery of international inputs
供外汇的既定配额fixed quota for allotment of exchange
供就业机会job offer
供工作程序或作业单supply routing or operating list
供市场信息offering information on market
供必要信息submit necessary information
供技术technical supply
供担保furnish security
供援助render aid
供援助机构aid giving agency
供有缺陷设备的责任liability for defective equipment
供服务费用cost of providing
供社会劳动日contribute the social working day
供蓝图零件单providing blueprints and parts lists
供证件tender documents
供证件tender document
供证据induction of evidences
供证据afford proof
供证据的事实evidentiary fact
供证据的单据supporting voucher
供账单furnish statement of account
供货款serve a loan
供资本furnish capital
供资金来源fund provided
供资金的组织funding organization
供银行咨询give bank reference
倡国货promote home product
in anticipation
前一期预测one-period-ahead forecast
前中止early termination
前交付的票据bill for premature delivery
准备前付款beforehand with one's payment
对远期票据的前付款anticipated payment
前付款折扣率anticipation rate
前使用工资anticipate one's wage
前偿付条款指分期付款销售及债券发行条款中的规定acceleration clause
前偿付权right of anticipation
前偿债advance refunding
前偿还债务loan calling
前偿还的价格redemption rate
债券前兑回价格call price
前兑换anticipated redemption
前全部还清外债pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule
前分配advance distribution
前发放工程器材engineering advance material release
前回收赎回债券条款指债券发行协议中的回收条款,发行人可视债券市场利率形势,趁利率下跌提前兑回,以避免损失call provision bonds
前回收现金early recovery of cash
前天数days in advance
前完成时间early finish time
前开支anticipated expenditure
前或推迟结汇指进出口商预见到外汇变动,根据情况提前出口结汇,或推迟进口结汇, 以避免损失leads and lags
前日期的支票ante-date cheque
前编制的收购计划advanced procurement planning
前裁决advance ruling
前装运advanced shipment
前购买antedated buying
因季节原因前购进advance buying for the season's needs
前赎回押品权利prime redemption privilege
前还款的权利anticipation right
借款人有前还款的权利anticipation right
前退职应得权利vested right
升加薪promotion increase
升培训for promotion training
升晋级记录promotion or advancement records
bill of lading
单上加批注superimposed clause in bill of lading
单上批注免责事项exceptions noted on the bill of lading
单上的潜在缺陷条款latent defect clause in bill of lading
单上的记载事项statement of the bill of lading
单副本bill of lading copy
单副本duplicate of bill of lading
单副联sub-bill of lading
单抵押pledge of bill of lading
单持有holder of a bill of lading
单日期date of bill of lading
单最低费用minimum charge per B/L
单最低运费minimum charge per B/L
单潜在缺点条款latent defect clause in bill of lading
单的背面reverse side of a bill of lading
单草本draft bill of lading
单转让assignment of bill of lading
单附注remarks of bill of lading
取债券drawing of bond
取现款cash withdrawal
取积累accumulation fund drawn by
取资金draw on one's funds
取资金draw on one's fund
取钱款draw out money
名委员会nominations committee
私营企业业主账户drawings account
存公积appropriated surplus
存准备的负债reserve-carrying liability
存准备金place a reserve
存地点place of drawing
存基金准备covered reserve
岀专利权申请书file a patent application
岀异议take exception to
岀索赔assert a claim
岀追索filing a claim recovery
岀预算案open the budget
draw a percentage
deduct a percentage
draw down
check out
款日期date of draft
国际货币基金组织成员国款权Drawing Rights
款程序withdrawal procedures
款通知书advice drawing
炼技术extractive technology
炼过程extracting process
留额amount retained
示后即付汇票bill on presentation
示支票present a check
示效单document against presentation
示日期date of presentation
示相反证据的责任burden of rebuttal
make an offer
买方向卖方提取所购货物take delivery of the goods
货不着no delivery
货不着险failure to deliver risks
货与报关代理人delivery and customs agent
货交单documents contre acceptation
货允准单delivering permit
货制pickup by purchaser method
货单order for withdrawal
货单bills of lading
货单documents against acceptance
货单waybill of lading
货单deliver order
货单carrier note
货单即由货主发给仓库或码头的要求提货单delivery order
货单delivery order
货单副本bill of lading copy
货单批注remarks of B/L
货单条款bill of lading clause
货单正本bill of lading original
货折簿pass book for goods
货担保书指货物已达目的港但提货单尚未寄到, 进口商为能及时提货,请求开证银行签具担保提货书,凭此向船公司换发小提单提货letter of guarantee for production of bill of lading
货证书delivery verification
货费delivery fee
起无效诉讼institute proceeding for annulment
起诉讼file a suit
起诉讼file an action
起诉讼bring a suit
amortization method
支付外币债券本息摊的基金fund for amortization of principal and interest of foreign currency bond
支票drawn by cheque
支票示部walks department
收到货单received bill of lading
收运费后付collect bill of lading
放行货单released bill of lading
政府供的设备Government-Furnished Equipment
数据data mining
整包货物未non-delivery of the entire package
整套complete sets of bills of lading
智力intellectual growth
最低运费即未达到运价表所定最低额minimum bill of lading
出权利要求的人person entitled to make a claim
有权货者person entitled to deliver
取拨款undrawn allocation
取汇款汇票remittance and draft outstanding
取的存款余额unclaimed balance
折旧原价余额undepreciated balance of the cost
折旧成本undepreciated cost
failure to present
示支票unpresented cheque
failure to delivery
未另not elsewhere mentioned
标准格式standard bill of lading
根据票外关系起诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
梅运ocean way-bill
检索问式retrieval prescription
检索问标志search specification
正常格式regular long form bill of lading
正本一式三份,凭一份可提货,其它两份即失效original bill of lading
正规详式regular long form B/L
每个特别款权单位per special drawing rights
汇回使用成费remittance of royalties
汽车运输货单trucking company L/B
测算高价格的影响calculated effects brought about by price hikes
海运ocean bill of lading
清洁指提单注有"表面状况良好"且无附注予以修改的clean bill of lading
清洁clean bill of lading
港口port bill of lading
港至港port-to-port bill of lading
溢价摊amortization of premium
特别前养老金special early pension
特别款一揽子汇价basket of exchange rates in SDR
特别款权paper gold
国际货币基金组织特别款权Special Drawing Rights
特别款权分配额allocation of special drawing rights
特别款权的逐日汇率daily SDR rate
特别款权累计分配净额net cumulative allocation
特别款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits
国际货币基金组织特别款权账户special drawing account
现金cash withdrawal
银行现金出纳机中现金款卡指有密码的取款卡片cash card
生产率increase of productivity
生产率increase in productivity
生产率rise in productivity
用特别款权计值的影响effect of valuation in terms of the SDR
由保税仓库中take out of bond
由客户originate with one of the clients
由经营供资金fund provided by operations
甲板on deck bill of lading
向海关等申请办公时间外application for extra-work
空白货单blank bill of lading
空运air waybill of lading
空运airway bill
空运货单air transportation waybill
空运主master air waybill
空运代理行house airway bill
空运直达through airway bill
空运直达联运through airway bill
第一年的补折旧additional first-year depreciation
第三者third-party bill of lading
简式即提单背面不印条款的提单short form bill of lading
简式short form bill of lading
紧急摊emergency amortization
累计净款数cumulative net drawing
红字此种提单兼具保单作用,因其中保险字句印成红字red bill of lading
经纪人自供资金financing from broker's own capital
美式American bill of lading
考绩merit increase pay
取的拨款undrawn allocation
耒偿付的outstanding drawing
职位升计划career progression plan
联合运输CT bill of lading (combined transport bill of lading)
联营企业集团内部供的劳务service in a group of associated enterprises
联运consolidated bill of lading
联运inter-modal bill of lading
联运inter-modal transport BL
联运即货物在运途中须从一承运人转给另一承运人的一种提单through bill of lading
联运combined bill of lading
内河驳船航运barge bill of lading
船上吊钩下under-ship's derrick
船边交货与brought to and taken from alongside
折旧additional depreciation
名董事nominee director
装运运货shipment B/L
要求供信息request information
要求供报表call report
要求高工资press wage claims
要求高工资demand for higher wages
要求办公时间外application for extra work
要求退回已供利益的债权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
大修理基金固定资产全年平均总值total average value of fixed assets subject to overhaul amortization for the year
折旧accrual depreciation
记名bill of lading to a named person
调查outlines of investigation
货到即delivery on arrival
货运商forwarder's bill of lading
承运人发给托运人的货运承运商house bill of lading
货运承运行forwarding agent's house bill of lading
购买力increase of purchasing power
贴水、升水及债券发行费摊amortization of discount, premium and bond issuance expense
贴水摊amortization of discount
贴现率increase in the discount rate
费率increase in rate
转船tranship bill of lading
转运tranship bill of lading
转运人forwarder's bill of lading
选择卸货港货单指货主可选择卸货港的提货单optional bill of lading B/L
采购前期procurement lead time
铁路出口货单railway export bill of lading
铁路货运railroad bill of ladings
销售折扣allowance for discount available
销售折扣备抵allowance for discounts available
存权cum drawing
附有利润或升水权的cum drawing
附条件conditional bill of lading
附条款附加条款或批注的提单claused bill of lading
集体accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective
集合groupage bill of lading
集装箱货单container bill of lading
雇主不供住宿living out
非流通的non-negotiable bill of lading
所得税with holding income tax
税额amount withheld
运费、折让及其他provision for freight allowance, discounts, etc.
预借advance bill of lading
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