
Terms containing 描述 的 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.不是恰当〔令人满意〕的描述be not the word for it
org.name.关于带骨鸡中的弯曲菌和海味中的弧菌的风险特性描述联席专家磋商会Expert Consultation on Risk Characterization of Campylobacter spp. in Broiler Chickens and Vibrio spp. in Seafood
expl.合成应力爆破模型在长时间内具有具体描述爆破过程的潜力、但目前只应用在研究中In the long term, a hybrid stress blasting model has the potential to provide a practical description of the blasting process but is currently limited to research applications
construct.土 的描述soil description
AI.基于区域的形状描述符region-based shape descriptor
AI.基于区域的描述descriptions based on region
AI.<-> 基于多边形表达的形状描述符shape descriptors based on polygonal representation
AI.<-> 基于曲率的形状描述符shape descriptors based on curvature
AI.<-> 基于曲率统计值的形状描述符shape descriptors based on the statistics of curvature
AI.基于轮廓的形状描述符contour-based shape descriptor
AI.基于轮廓的描述descriptions based on contour
AI.基于边界的描述descriptions based on boundary
tech.存储数据的描述语言stored data description language
el.宏处理程序实现的描述语descriptive language implemented by macroprocessor
jewl.宝石是否经处理及何种处理的描述enhancement description
AI.对目标关系的描述descriptions of object relationship
avia.对计划行动及其备份计划的描述description of proposed actions and alternatives
avia.对计划行动及其备分计划的描述description of proposed actions and alternatives
el.封装的页面描述语言文件encapsulated postscript file
AI.平坦结构的数据描述flat data description
gen.您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered
dentist.您能描述一下您的疼痛吗?Can you describe the pain?
work.fl.截断的描述符truncated descriptor
el.扩充的错误描述符extended error descriptor
el.扩展的扫描线描述extended scan line description
ichtyol.描述性的分类学descriptive taxonomy
market.描述性的研究descriptive research
cryptogr.描述性的顶级规格descriptive top-level specification
proj.manag.描述您是如何获得该 AP 及其组件的状态信息的Describe how you obtained status information about the AP and its components
proj.manag.描述有版权的软件或其他出版物的合法使用范围的法律规则fair use
sport., med.描述的descriptive
tech.描述系统工作的综合方程mathematical model
tech.描述系统工作的综合方程mathematic model
psychol.描述、表达、详述、结果的公式DESC formula
met.描述高炉操作的模型model to describe blast furnace operation
piez.晶片取向与声表面波传播方向的描述description of orientation and SAW propagation
IT最大的特征描述maximal characteristic description
proj.manag.本页描述 WLAN 的认证和关联This page describes WLAN authentication and association
forestr.林分的描述stand description
tech.框架的描述frame description
econ.森林火灾造成的破坏无法描述The damage of a forest fire is beyond description
tech.段的描述符descriptor for a segment
mil., air.def.面的描述description of sea surface
gen.生动的文字描述word picture
avia.相对运动的描述description of relative motion
AI.知识描述的完整性completeness of a knowledge representation
proj.manag.确认你的行为在程序范围内、 从而强制实行串行访问制度访问共享文件描述符号和其他的外部资源Make sure you take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources
expl.科学模型、或者说基本模型、试图立足于现实、描述爆破的物理效果和岩石的力学回应Scientific or fundamental models attempt to realistically describe the physical effects of blasting and the mechanical response of the rock
IT程序描述的数据program-described data
IT程序描述的文件program-described file
ceram.绘师的创作从传统主题转变为对他们自己从未见过的人物和地点的描述,例如圣经《圣经》场景、早期油画大师的作品Artists switched from traditional motifs to depictions of people and places they'd never seen—biblical scenes, images from Old Master paintings
geophys.综合的油藏特征描述系统system for integrated reservoir characterization
work.fl.编索引者指定的描述符 简写为IADindexer-assigned descriptor
dentist.能描述一下您的症状吗?Tell me what symptoms you have?
dentist.能描述一下您的症状吗?Can you tell me more about it?
dentist.能描述一下您的症状吗?Would you describe your symptoms?
busin.虚假的商品描述false trade description
econ.计算机工作的程序描述computer job of description program
work.fl.计算机赋值的描述符简写为CADcomputer-assigned descriptor
gen.请描述你所丢失的行李的外表特征Can you tell me the features of your baggage?
econ.调査结果的描述与解释findings described and explained
IT赋值的描述名assigned descriptive name
bridg.constr.较好的描述better description
tech.野外数据的描述和分析presentation and analysis of field data
tech.随机过程的概率描述probability description of random processes
agric.难以描述的indescribable (indescribabilis)
el.面向结构的描述与模拟structure-oriented description and simulation
space面向结构的描述和模拟structure-oriented description and simulation
proj.manag.页面描述语言的规则定义的一种字体PostScript font
telecom.项的描述item description