
Terms for subject Economy containing 推 出 | all forms | in specified order only
从他们的话中,我们推断出他们对工资和津贴不满意We gather from what they have said that they are not satisfied with their wages and allowances
从合同中可以合理地推断出这些解释Such interpretations can be reasonably inferable from the contract
他们以佣金报酬方式雇推销员出售地产They hired salesmen to sell estates on commission basis
我们由你方的信中推断出你方不介意转船运输We infer from your letter that you do not mind transshipment
推出新项目roll out
推测有战争的可能性,商人们纷纷退出那一地区Traders are withdrawing from that area speculating about the possibility of a war
派出一组推销员dispatch a group of salesmen
这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign