
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 接头 | all forms | in specified order only
丁字接头填角焊缝T-fillet weld
丁字接头焊缝tee butt weld
丁字接头焊缝T butt weld
万向接头universal joint
万向接轴扁头spindle tongue
万向接轴的扁头coupling half
三通接头three-way piece
接头lower contact
下部电接头lower contact
接头cluster joint
互搭接头butt and lap joint
交聚接头cluster joint
全自动焊接头full automatic weld
接头连接nipple joint
冷却水管连接头cooling water connection
凯里方钻杆安全配合接头Kelly saver sub
凯里方钻杆锁接头Kelly sub
分支接头branch joint
十字接头cross joint
十字头式万向接轴cross joint type universal spindle
十字形接头cruciform joint
半V 形坡口丁字对接头焊缝single-bevel tee-butt weld
单排点焊接头single-row weld
单边卷边角焊接头corner-flange weld
单面填角焊缝焊接头single-fillet weld
压力表接头manometer connector
压焊接头pressure welded junction
压肩接头joggled lap joint
叉形接头fork joint
叉形接头forked joint
叉形接头fish mouth joint
双面双头同时焊接焊缝double-head weld
双边卷边对焊接头double-flanged butt weld
双面J形坡口接头double-J joint
可焊接头weldable fittings
咬口接头saddle joint
圆筒套箍接头girth joint
坚固接头robust joint
坡口焊接头bevel groove joint
多排接头multiple-row weld
多探头式焊接缺陷探测仪multiprobe type weld flow monitor
多耳凸焊接头multiple-projection weld
套接接头bell and plain end joint (扩口端与平口端套接)
套管接头telescope joint
套管接头junction of sleeves
J字接头焊接jump welding
密封接头hermetic seal
对头〔缝〕焊接butt weld
对头焊接法butt weld process (管材的)
对接接头butt jointing
对接接头butt joint
对接接头abutting joint
对接接头abutment joint
对焊工具接头weld-on tool joint
导电接头current connection tab
小直径圆盖板点焊接头button spot weld
工具接头tool joint
接头belt joint
带卷端头焊接作业线coil end welding line
接头flat junction
平头对plain butt joint
平头接合flush joint
平头搭接plain lap joint
平头连接square joint
平焊对接接头downhand butt joint
开口接头open joint
开口对接焊接头open butt weld
异型接头compromise joint
引锭杆接头dummy bar head
张力接头tension joint
弯头接合toggle joint
弯头接合elbow joint
弯头搭接set lap joint
T形接头tee connector
T 形接头T-junction
I形接头square joint
T 形管接头tee
急弯接头sharp bend
抽头换接调压器tap-changing regulator
接头coupling screw-up
挠性接头flexible joint
挠性软管接头flexible hose connection
接头joint connection
接头不良irregular joining of wire (钢丝绳缺陷)
接头准备joint preparation
接头托架die block
接头拧接机coupling screw-on machine (钢管等的)
接头splicer (钢丝绳的)
接头泄漏joint leakage
接头焊接joint welding
接头焊接joint weld
接头螺母tube union
接头轨枕joint lie
【连】 接浇处切头量cast boundary croppage (Steel grade separator plates are inserted in the mold to minimize the amount of steel mixing and reduce the cast boundary croppage. 将钢种隔离板插人结晶器,以便将混钢量减少到最低,同时减少接浇处切头量。)
接线头connector lug
接触头contact head
接触端头contact end
接轴扁头spade half coupling
接轴的铰接叉头spindle jaw half coupling
接轴铰接叉头jaw of coupling head
插头连接fork connection
接头润滑脂joint grease
直线搭接接头straight lap joint
搭接接头shear joint
搭接滚焊接头lap seam weld
搭接焊接头overlapped joint weld
搭焊接头overlapping weld
摇动接头rocker joint
收口接头spigot and faucet joint (接管时将一管端收口)
斜削接头chamfered joint
斜口接头skew joint
斜头平焊接butt welded with chamfered ends
斜接接头scarf joint
无载分接头切换装置off-load tap-changer
无间隙接头closed joint
无间隙接头焊接法closed joint method
接头exposed joint
接头传动带sewn belt
枢轴活接头pivot joint
正电接头positive contact
氧气接头oxygen connection
水冷接头water-cooled joint
水冷电接头water-cooled contact
水冷黄铜接头water cooled brass connection
水源接头water connection
法兰接头flanged fittings
法兰接头flange connection
活球接头ball and socket hinge
滑动接头sliding joint
滑动电接头sliding contact
炉子管接头stove connections
点焊接头roller spot weld
烟气阀管接头fume outlet
热电偶接头thermocouple junction
热电偶接头thermocouple j unction
热电偶接头thermoelectric j unction
热电偶接头thermal junction
热锻压接头hot stamped fittings
热风管膨胀接头hot blast expansion joint
焊接接头welded junction
焊接接头弯曲试验welding bend test
焊接接头晶间腐蚀weld decay
焊接压力头welding pressure head
焊枪连接插头torch head
焊颈接头weld neck connection
燕尾榫接头dovetail joint
环形接头circular joint
环形风管接头bustle main junction
环风管接头bustle main junction
接头ball joint
球窝接头ball and socket joint
电弧焊接头arc-welded joint
电极接头electrode contact
电极接线头electrode connection
电源接头power connection
电源接头electrical connection
电线接头power lug
电缆接头cable head
电缆接头cable lug
电缆接头cable splice
电缆接头cable connector
电缆接头connecting box
电缆连接卡头cable clamp collar
电阻对接焊接头resistance butt weld
电阻闪光对焊接头resistance flash weld
真空接头vacuum connection
真空设备接头vacuum connection
接头head tube nipple
端接焊接头edge joint weld
接头tube union
接头union coupling
接头union joint
接头socket (① Sockets shall have parallel threads unless otherwise specified. 除非另有规定,管接头应具有直螺纹。② The sockets shall be manufactured either from steel similar to that of the tubes or from wrought iron. 管接头应使用与钢管相似的钢或熟铁制造。)
接头tube union
接头pipe connection
接头connecting pipe
接头fitting pipe
接头pipe branch
接头毛坯pipe connection blank
管子接头pipe joint
箱形桩接头box pile joint
缩口接头constricted-end joint
耐酸接头acid-resisting fittings
胶合接头cemented joint
致密接头tight joint
螺纹管接头thread coupling
螺纹软管接头threaded hose connection
补偿接头compensation joint
袖砖接头junction of sleeves
袖砖接头junction of sleeves
接头corner joint
角焊接头corner weld
负电接头negative contact
贴角接头fillet joint
软管接头hose union
软管联接头hose coupling nipple
过渡配合接头crossover sub
过渡锁接头crossover sub
连接接头connector lug
重型无接头纤维编织heavy duty endless fabric type belt
钟口接头spigot and socket joint
钢丝绳接头joining of rope
钢轨接头焊接bond weld
钢轨铸焊接头cast-welded rail joint
钻头锁接头bit sub
钻柱锁接头drill-stem sub
钻铤锁接头drill collar sub
铆焊接头riveted weld
铆焊接头rivet weld
铆焊并用接头composite joint
铸铁管接头cast iron pipe joint
接头cotter joint
锐转接头sharp bend
错列接头broken joint
错列接头alternate joints
锥形接头taper nipple
锥形端头套接tapered-end joint
锥形端头套接tapered joint
锥窝接头cone-and socket joint
锻焊接头forge weld
锻焊接头blacksmith's weld
接头long splice (钢丝绳的)
阳极接头positive contact
阳极接线头anode connection
阳极电源接头positive power connection
阳极电源接头anode power connection
阴极接头negative contact
阴极电源接头negative power connection
阴极电源接头cathode power connection
阿博特钢轨接头Abbott rail joint
堆边焊接头buttered joint
预拧接头coupling starter