
Terms for subject Environment containing 排 水 | all forms | in specified order only
分离的排水系统separate sewer system Sewer system having distinct pipes for collecting superficial water and sewage water (排水系统,有不同的管道搜集地表水和污水。)
合流制排水系统combined sewer system A sewer intended to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, or as an industrial sewer and a storm sewer (一种作为排放清洁污水和雨水,或排放工业污水和雨水的下水道。)
地下排水subsoil drainage The removal of surplus water from within the soil by natural or artificial means, such as by drains placed below the surface to lower the water table below the root zone (自然或人工的手段,如通过放置在地表以下的水渠,以降低根区以下的水位,从土壤内去除多余的水。)
废水排放waste water discharge The flow of treated effluent from any wastewater treatment process (来自任何废水处理过程中的已处理过的流出物。)
排放水drainage water Incidental surface waters from diverse sources such as rainfall, snow melt or permafrost melt (来自不同源头,如雨水径流,溶雪或冻土层融解的非常态性地表水。)
排水drainage 1. Removal of groundwater or surface water, or of water from structures, by gravity or pumping. 2. The discharge of water from a soil by percolation (the process by which surface water moves downwards through cracks, joints and pores in soil and rocks) (1. 通过重力或抽水方式将地下水或地表水,或建筑物中的水移除。 2.通过渗透作用 (地表水向下流入土壤和岩石接缝和孔隙的过程)、移除土壤中的水。)
排水draining The removal of water from a marshy area by artificial means, e.g. the introduction of drains (以人工的方法从沼泽地区排泄水,如导水。)
排水系统drainage system A surface stream, or a body of impounded surface water, together with all other such streams and water bodies that are tributary to it and by which a region is drained. An artificial drainage system includes also surface and subsurface conduits (指地表河流、或集水处,以及其所有的支流和排水区域。人工排水系统同样包括地表和地下的管道。)
排水系统built drainage system Collection of open and/or closed drains, together with structures and pumps used to collect and dispose of excess surface or subsurface water (开放和/或关闭的排水管道,和用来收集和消除地表多余的水或地下水的结构和管道一起,组成的集合。)
水下排水underwater outlet Point of water disposal located below the sea surface (位于海平面以下的排水口。)
水坝排水dam draining The drawing of water from a reservoir by means of draining pipes located at the bottom of the basin and controlled by a system of sluices which ensure, if necessary, the emptying of the basin in a given period of time in respect of downstream conditions (利用水库底部的排水管进行排水,同时以水闸进行控制,以保证可根据下游情况需要在一定时间内将水库清空。)
水排放emission to water The discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants into a body of water (将固态、液态或气态污染物排放至水体中。)
排水sea outfall The point, location or structure where effluent discharges into a body of marine waters such as a sea, ocean, etc. (一个地点或结构,在这里的排出物被排放到海水中,例如海、大洋等。)
自然排水系统natural drainage system