
Terms containing 排出 量 | all forms | in specified order only
sport., med.二氧化碳排出量carbon dioxide output
gen.五日内排出废水的生物化学需氧量five day BOD
railw.制动缸排出量brake cylinder displacement
oil单位排出量specific discharge
auto.发动机单位排量输出功率volumetric power output
space叶轮排出量impeller output
auto.后沸排出量afterboil volume
tech.地下水人工排出量artificial discharge of groundwater
sport., physiol.基础酸排出量basal acid output
expl.岩石排出量rock mass displacement
auto.己烷排出量hexane emission
tech.平均排出量average discharge
tech.排出量annual output
el.废热排出量waste heat discharge
el.恒定能量排出模型【核】constant energy removal model
construct.排出 discharge
tech.排出流量数throughput number
tech.排出流量数pumping capacity number
avia.排出能量exit energy
refrig.排出量rate of discharge
desert.排出量amount of discharge
tech.排出量discharge capacity
tech.排出量quantity discharged
el.排出量displacement capacity
tech.排出量displacement discharge rate
agric.排出量discharge rate
tech.排出风量draft capacity
tech.排出量daily output
tech.最大排出量maximum throughput
sport., physiol.最大酸排出量maximal acid output
tech.污水排出量discharge of sewage
tech.排出量pump displacement
refrig.泵的排出量pump displacement
dril.流体排出量fluid discharge
tech.混凝土排出量discharge of concrete
eng.geol.渗漏水排出量vadose water discharge
met.炉尘排出量flue dust output
met.炉灰尘排出量flue dust make
met.烟尘排出量smoke and dust output
met.烟道灰尘排出量flue dust make
steel.热量排出heat removal
auto.热量排出heat extraction
auto.热量的排出egress of heat
archit.猝然排出量abrupt discharge
met.矿石排出量ore blowout
anim.husb.精子每日排出量daily sperm output
repr.biol.精子每日排出量daily sperm output (DSO,公畜每日所排出的精子数量,可用采精法实际测定)
anim.husb.精子每日排出量公畜每日所排出的精子数量。可用采精法实际测定daily sperm output
nurs.肺动脉血分流量占心排出量比值ratio of blood flow through the shunts to cardiac output
space质量排出式控制mass expulsion control (喷气装置排出质量产生反作用力的一种航天器姿态控制方式)
avia.质量排出式控制mass expulsion control
space质量排出式控制系统mass expulsion control system (航天器姿态控制系统的)
space质量排出系数mass discharge coefficient
avia.质量排出系统mass expulsion system
space质量排出装置mass expulsive device (航天器姿态控制系统的一种执行机构)
avia.质量排出装置mass expulsive device
el.过剩排出的流量excess letdown flow
expl.这些考虑的事项也突出表明、爆破界通过改进爆破结果来降低温室气体排放量是其主要目标Such consideration also highlights the major targets for the blasting community to reduce GHG emissions through improved blast outcomes
tech.连续排出量continuously flow
expl.针对不同催化剂系统的减量新技术已经开发出来,以大规模减少炸药厂家温室气体的总体排放New abatement technologies based on various catalyst systems have been developed to drastically reduce overall GHG emissions of explosive manufacturers
surg.静息心排出量resting cardiac output
sport., med.排出量心力衰竭high output heart failure
sport., med.排出量心力衰竭hight output heart failure
sport., physiol.高峰酸排出量peak acid output